Will it be good?

Will it be good?



What's his name again?



We wuz war heroz n shiiieeeet

No one gives a shit about Battlefront anymore, it was shit and people moved on after they wasted their money.

The same will happen with Battlefield 1, it will be shit, people will waste money and then forget it even exists in a few months.

It's EA/SwedecuckDICE what do you expect?


Just get verdun, its more realistic anyways

we wuz dank memers n shit

As the only person who actually plays the franchise in this thread, yeah it'll probably be pretty good.

It really isn't.

thanks Dice for adding a black character to the game thus rendering it impossible to discuss on Sup Forums without every underage ebin memer shitposting every thread apart

Besides the SJW bullshit the game is pushing, yes it will be fucking good.

good? yeah. great? i hope but maybe not.

>Over 60% of WW1 casualties were Russian and French
>Neither faction is playable or features in the sp campaign

With that blatant nigger pandering? No ofcourse not.

>or features in the sp campaign
There's actually no source for that. French aren't in the multiplayer (for now), but they haven't even revealed what factions are in the single player. We do have leaked French voice lines though, so the French are involved in some way.
Also, Russia wouldn't make sense for the time frame they're setting it in because it takes place in the last year of the war, and Russia had already capitulated by then.

I'll bet yes.

Just a bet.

It's going to be like BF4 again. Shit on release but it eventually gets good.

We try, we plan on adding more stuff to the game.

bf4 got better? how and when? i quit it the month it came out and never went back.

I wasn't saying it's not inaccurate.

well if it will get good in the end, then I'll throw some money

after all BF4 is quite fun

Battlefield has never been good.


It was months down the line until it didn't run like shit. I was fucking mad about how shit it was because I preordered like a retard. You couldn't start games without crashing, if the game did start you would wait for so long that the game would end before you got in and it was graphics intensive. I think I didn't play for about 8-10 months (maybe even longer) then I came back and played a few hundred hours of the base game to 100% all achievements and then shelled out the $20 bucks for the season pass and got even more time out of it.


well... ok. as long as it isnt as shite a Hardline.

Oh fuck I forgot about that one. Now I'm scared....