Stop being neet

>stop being neet
>get job
>spend all day daydreaming about playing games
>come home from job
>completely trashed and no energy for anything
>get on pc
>look at library
>desire to play videogames : gone
>spend rest of day looking at videos or browsing

anyone have this problem?

how do people live the wagecuck life?

it happens to literally everyone
its because videogames were never meant to be the focus of anything, its a distraction thats been given too much space in life
not all to different from alcohol

>Go to work
>Bring bluetooth speakers
>Listen to some awesome vidya OST
>Really feel like playing that game again

>be indie game dev
>Live neet life while making money and making /playing Vidya
Feels good

That was how I was the first few years of working. Always find a way now. Like I get off work at 11:15 pm, stay up playing games until about 7 or 8 in the morning. I get about 6-7 hours of sleep which is fine for me.

>Implying the desire to drink alcohol ever wanes.
>Implying you don't want to drink a cold one right now.

Exercise if you don't.

>Work physically demanding and dirty job at a mine
>12 hour days
>Don't understand the "I'm too tired for video games" mentality

What an empty life

>Have abused my parents love and managed to go without a job my entire life.
>Be 24 now.
>Parents are both dead.
>Just living off inheritance.
>Still no likelihood I'll ever get a job.

I don't even know where I'd start. What does a 24 year old jobless fag do for his first job?

>be neet for years
>get proper job
>horror stories like ops make me worried
>end up having plenty time and energy to play as much vidya as I want
>and I enjoy it more now than I'm doing it to unwind rather than just to kill time

You guys are weak faggots.

You get an exception for working manual labour, but I know the majority of you aren't.

What kind of job involves no labor?

half past 2 here.
no work, welfare and savings.
going to start drinking now.
love my life

any desk job

being a test subject at a sleep laboratory

If your inheritance is enough to live off for the rest of your life, why bother?

You are me OP
Fuck being a wage cuck

McDonald or psychical job

How? I live with my fiance, have my own, apartment with seperate office just for games, and am able to enjoy playing games when i'm not at work with all the bullshit attached. Without any denial, I love my life at this moment user.

Laborer here.

I pray for rainy days so I can spend all day playing games, since I cant sleep in.

Most jobs.

No, cleaning a shelf or taking out the trash doesn't count as manual fucking labor.

What do people do at desk jobs?

desk things

Are you a girl?

when you get home don't waste energy watching videos and shitposting, instead try immediately going to sleep and gaming in the morning

I'm whatever you want me to be

You have to start somewhere. Get any job, work your butt off and be on your best behavior.

>Not playing vidya on the subway
>Falling for the automobile jew