Oh look, another fangame shut down after a long development cycle of at least 8 years by Nintendo.
Oh look, another fangame shut down after a long development cycle of at least 8 years by Nintendo
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but why tho
Just asking for it desu
And what the fuck did they spend the time on? Everything about this game is shit
>runs like shit
>UI is shit
>animation is shit
>design is bootleg-tier
>story is shit
Nintendo is protecting their intellectual property just like literally any other company would. How is this a bad thing.
Good. The writing is so bad. It reads like a 12 year old girl's shitty Ugly Betty fanfiction.
>Nintendo is a toy company.
>Nintendo is making toys that aren't fun and charge $70.
>Someone online makes a better toy and make it free.
>Instead of making an effort to make fun toys, Nintendo instead decides to take away other people's toys.
I have no sympathy for Nintendo at all.
>other dev embraced it or even employed the guy made it
>nintendo simply shut it down and dont give a fuck
they are Disney tier copy right faggot
>tfw SSF2 is next
You must be 18 years old or older to be here
I heard it was shit anyways :/
Copyright should only last 20 years. Pokemon is over 20 years old.
>Oh look, another shit fangame shut down after a lazy development cycle of at least 8 years by Nintendo.
It was great IMO.
The writing is shit but who gives a fuck? It's Pokemon. The thing is, you're going into a new Pokemon world completely blind. You don't know what you're going to find and what things evolve into. It's exciting. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
How is it threatened by a free fan made game where they made most of the pokemon up themselves?
Because you can lose your copyright if you don't actively defend it.
The copyright industries have been quite adept at raising a generation that believes that ideas are property (rather than execution). It's a shame, because we will probably never see anything else go into the public domain ever again (unless it's deliberately donated).
Mickey is almost in the public domain again. Make no mistake, there will be another bill rushed through congress unanimously to extend copyright terms yet again.
That's not how it works. Copyright laws shouldn't be used as leverage to bully small fan made projects that have no intent to profit off your brand name, it should be used to make sure other people aren't blatantly making money off of your things without permission or compensation.
>whining about should
>in a world of is
get over it
This is a very common misunderstanding, and it is also completely wrong.
When you register a trademark, you declare what usages you're registering for, so you can say "I'm registering 'ASSFAGGOTS' for the title of my next videogame. I'm also going to make t-shirts."
You can have trademark dilution, which is when you don't defend a brand name sufficiently enough. This can cause you to lose some of the scope of your trademark.
For instance, Kleenex doesn't have the right to stop people from calling a random tissue Kleenex because the brand became so ubiquitous that people started referring to all tissues as Kleenex. But, even though they lost the scope of their trademark to prevent people from using it to refer to tissues in general, that doesn't mean that a person can SELL a tissue and call it Kleenex.
Dilution does not apply to copyright or patents in any way. The worst case scenario for allowing a Pokemon fan game is that Ninendo would lose the ability to shut down future fan games. Letting this fan project live would not affect their ability to police their IP in commercial venues at all.
As soon as you get over the fact that your glorious Japanese company that can do no wrong is shaking and sweating at every fan made project because they can't deliver that kind of quality anymore
I don't even like Pokemon
There are like hundreds of pokemon rom hacks what made this special?
>Nintendo waits until it's basically done to C&D it
>so it has an opportunity to be shared and people can play it AND Nintendo gets to defends themselves in the shittiest possible IP laws imaginable
it's a win-win. They waited until AM2R was done because shutting it down too.
Maybe I'll check it out. I just saw some of the pokemon designs and agreed with the people that thought they were weak, but admittedly I don't know much about the entire game experience. I just took some people at their word that they thought it was worth it to wait for sun and moon instead.
It got some attention from a few news outlets I guess
>the company I was referring to
If you don't like pokemon, nor Nintendo I'm assuming, then why are you in this thread?
What can I say, internet arguments are a strange taste.
It's made in Gamemaker and not a ROM hack so I guess that makes it different under the law and how Nintendo treat it.
This is a good post.
>namefag getting off on being involved in an internet argument
>one he has nothing in
This is textbook namefagism, folks.
>someone presents a valid reason for disliking a company
>better parrot my newfag meme
That's a big (You)
This. Just because it's been in development for 8 years, doesn't mean it's 8 years worth of work. It's more than likely something they gave up on more than once and just occasionally came back to.
Also, what the hell did you expect?
>b-but it's a fan game
It's a game which offers an alternative to paying for Nintendos products. I'm sorry if you're too thick to realize how that hurts Nintendo, but that's how it is.
Being a fan doesn't entitle you to a license. Being a fan doesn't give you the right to release a product under the name of the franchise you're a fan of.
Will I be able to get sun and moon digitally off the eShop when it launches?
they monetized the game on Patreon, that's asking for trouble if you're using someone else's IP
Probably i dont see why not.
OR/AS was awful though
>autistic manchildren in charge of understanding copyright and intellectual property
yeah man, Nintendo should just take every shitty amateurish fangame and sell them as official products. You are a fucking genius!
>The worst case scenario for allowing a Pokemon fan game is that Ninendo would lose the ability to shut down future fan games. Letting this fan project live would not affect their ability to police their IP in commercial venues at all.
It affects Nintendo's ability to present themselves as a successful company with products that consumers are interested in. It's the same reason that Blizzard (supposedly) shut down Nostalrius. They put themselves on the record saying, "Our customers don't want [legacy] servers," and their customers disproved that statement - even if it was only a relatively small sect of them. Imagine if Nost. kept going the way it was going. Imagine if fucking normalfags found out there was somewhere they could play the "GOOD" WoW for FREE.
I'm not arguing a point or anything, I'm just adding that.
a free you for the quality
Uranium is fucking awful and I don't know why it took so long.
A similar game called Pokémon Zeta was released in just 1 year.
Oh, I agree completely. I wasn't trying to say that Nintendo doesn't have justifiable reasons to shutting down fan games. I was just stating that it's a commercial reason, and that it's become very popular for companies to whine and say "Oh I didn't WANT to shut this down, you just don't understand! The law requires us to police our intellectual property, please don't hate us!"
There are a ton of logical business reasons for Nintendo to shut it down, it's just trying to argue they're required to is total bullshit.
>It's a game which offers an alternative to paying for Nintendos products.
Other video games existing gives you an alternative to paying for Nintendo products, better shut those down too and submit to Miyamoto's asian jew cock. You fucking shill faggot.
>poorfag whines that he can't even afford level 2 Sup Forums Gold account
lmao I was able to buy this just from my anti-GamerGate shill money at like 30 cents a post, literally no excuse not to have Sup Forums Gold.
>Make no mistake, there will be another bill rushed through congress unanimously to extend copyright terms yet again.
Already in progress and already fast tracked. TPP extends copyrights.
both presidential candidates openly oppose it now
With how quickly this bill is being pushed it is fully likely the senate will overthrow the veto.
No reason TO have one
>ask for "donations"
>subscribed monthly "donations"
>we're not getting paid for this you can't stop it!
fucking kek'd harder than I should have.
TPP is pretty amazing from a political process standpoint.
They keep insisting it's a free trade bill, when it's mostly about enacting laws to benefit legacy players to exclude start-ups. Politicians these days are quickly learning that the public only responds to buzzwords, which means you can push anything through by calling it the right buzzword.
"It's a FREE TRADE agreement! Free trade is always great"
"But why is a free trade agreement putting in place laws that restrict certain industries from operating effecti-"
>Making a fangame/remake of a popular franchise
>Think, for some dumb fuck reason, that it's okay to do
>Try to drum up publicity because they want to feel special
>Gets shut down
>Everyone will forget about it
>Making a fangame/remake of a popular franchise
>Know it's not okay to do
>Work in secret
>"Yeah, still working on it" is all they ever say
>Out of nowhere full game release
>Get shut down but it's too late. It's already everywhere
>Everyone will remember it
All you have to do is not be attention whores
>Politicians these days are quickly learning that the public only responds to buzzwords
m8 they learned that a long time ago
just started playing pokemon volt white after beating pokemon emerald and platinum after having never touched a pokemon game since crystal. I haven't played vanilla black/white either What am I in for?
>All you have to do is not be attention whores
It's also not a good idea to try and monetize it in some way
Why the fuck wouldn't the idiot just call it another thing?
Nintendo can only copyright the word pokemon. It could be a literal pokemon copy in anything but the name and it would be alright.
Name it "Iwata Deserved It"
>literally every company shuts down fan projects regularly
>Sup Forums cries and pretends to know everything about laws acting like a nigger cellie while never actually trying to defend the fan project in person
>eventually shuts up about it because crying on a cantonese sewing circle forum doesn't bring vampire the masquerade remake
fuck sakes ebaumsworld has more original content than Sup Forums
>Why the fuck wouldn't the idiot just call it another thing?
Because then he couldn't get any popularity or easy publicity. Plus the game itself is pretty subpar so it really would have gone nowhere.
I mean I understand why those that do hackroms stick to the pokemon name but this one moron that designed his own pokemons and region could have released it as his own game.
imagine if fans could come together to create a fun original game
too bad katawa shoujo was LITERALLY the only time this ever happened
the fakemons designs in this game were awful
It's literally as old as democracy, there's a reason the founding fathers of the US tried to make it so that only property owners could vote.
Because the average peasant is a fucking retard that eats up whatever shit is fed to him.
Look at the video games that are popular. Remember Skyrim? Yeah.
Are there any monster catcher games on Steam or PC as a whole?
That's pretty much how Starfox The Animated Series is getting away with it now. Also, he stopped using his Patreon for specifically the show, and changed it to just his artwork in general, which helped covered his ass further.
what the fuck are you even trying to say you retard
How did the fanmade mother game got coverage then?
Maybe a "Its like POKEMOM but on PC" could make it to the headlines of shitaku.
>it took a decade to make a shit UI and a bunch of terrible fakemon
Why are indie devs so shit at making games? This game should have taken like an hour tops.
The only thing i can think of is 200% OJ but it's pretty meh.
Companies HAVE to protect their IPs. It doesn't matter what it is. If they allow anything it creates a precedent that can be used in court if they try to shutdown a different thing. Literally any company will do this unless they don't give a shit about keeping their IPs
Please imitate the OP in an hour.
If you do that you can probably be hired by anyone.
Orange juice has a monster catcher game? what
Why is the genre so head? Too much work?
Because Mother's creators literally said he would loe to play a game he didn't make. Not to mention that's an IP i doubt nintendo is really going to use much.
Look it's a pokemon with art quality and creativity on par with the ones in Uranium. Took me about 2 seconds.
It's kind of a monster game. Really it's more gacha with some areas where you can weaken and catch more variants of the same characters. If you're really desperate you can play puppet touhou.
Not defending the likes of Project M, Uranium, AM2R, etc. either way, but I feel like the games media is starting to kill off the scene for fangames.
Any time a fan project starts to gain traction Polygon begins to report on it. Then Gamespot. Then IGN. Until every games journalist has advertised the project and brought it to the attention of the copyright holders.
We've reached the point that so much as a Mario stage in Unreal 4 isn't up for even 2 days before the creator gets hit with a DMCA.
Games journos need to go find real stories before people get scared to make so much as a romhack or a texture mod.
>on par
>its not even painted
>it doesn't even have an evolution
Are you even trying?
Also where is the story? 59 minutes left.
oh geez, I wonder why that got shut down.
really makes you think.
90% of fangames creators wants Franchise-sempai to notice them and offer them a job.
9% of fangame creators just want something they can be proud of in life and just like everything they've done before someone tells them to knock it off
1% of fangame creators just love the series and wanted to add to it in a meaningful way
>Also where is the story?
Some bad guys are bad guys and need to be stopped. They use rattatas.
Throw some tall grass and some trees around in random halfassed pattern
How the fuck does this process take nine years?
100% of fangame creators are morons.
what have you created in your life
>Some bad guys are bad guys and need to be stopped. They use rattatas.
You still need to write the dialogue, each line of text.
Also you forgot the back of the fakemon you made.
55 minutes left.
AM2R is the bottom two.
and it went great.
It was awful.
Yeah exactly what happened to AM2R too.
Oh wait
It was more the 1% than anything else. That's why it was barely talked about, released, out of CnD a couple days later, and everyone fucking loves it and you can easily get it anywhere. It's the prime example of how to release a fangame in modern times
See its just a waste of time to C&D now. The copy is floating around the Internet is like a million different copies by now. Wouldn't a smart firm stop development before the actual release to ensure its never played?
yeah its perfect.
Nintendo is out of touch with the internet. Why do you think they haven't stopped the millions of fan games and romhacks out there, and only went for the two ones that IGN wrote articles on?
or maybe they want you to play it but still need to enforce their copyright.
Fucking retards.
Its actually more of a waste of time to flag every fangame as 80% of them never get completed. And besides, its the actual release of the game that steps on their toes.
>Nintendo is out of touch with the internet.
You're out of touch with reality.
The reason nintendo went after it was that the quality was very close to an official game.
Plus there were actual articles about it.
I hope this makes Nintendo see 2d metroids are still in demand but knowing them they'll just think "the public dosen't know what it wants".
Good thing the AM2R guy promised to keep updating it.
You niggas better play any touhoumon hack or puppet dance performance, those are better than Uranium IMO
They aren't in demand you fucking idiot. Federation force is exactly what the fans want. 2d metroid is outdated and completely unplayable by today's standards.