now that we know we gonna get a second game of this i just want to ask, what did Sup Forums think of this game?
i thought it was really good even if they were pandering with nostalgia.
now that we know we gonna get a second game of this i just want to ask, what did Sup Forums think of this game?
i thought it was really good even if they were pandering with nostalgia.
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The 2017 game isn't a sequel. It's not going to be another nostalgia romp.
Sonic Mania, however, will be.
Also, hello newfag.
this is one of those games were they should have released dlc stages. people could have voted for what they wanted to see the most and get dlc of it.
thank god for mods.
It was ok but felt to short and unfinished actually. I remember the cutscenes on the 360 version being pixelated. I also thought classic sonic was a lame attempt at the OG class sonic, but a decent sidescroller platformer anyway. I enjoyed most modern sonic stages. Sonic colors level was terrible, in design and choice. And egg dragoon and time eater were lame too. So the entire ending sequence sucked pretty much.
I think I prefer unleashed over it when all is said and done. I hope 2017 just ties up the loose ends and weak ending that generations had, because almost everything before rooftop run was solid.
egg dragoon was cool as fuck. the fight was pretty hard even.
i dont know what they were thinking with time eater. worst fucking boss in the series (or atleast on the top 10)
Eh it was ok. Good enough. I knew it would be almost impossible to top the original egg dragoon
The mods are upsetting to use though. Fucking around with the mod manager is great and all, and some of the level packs are genuinely satisfying (albeit a tad buggy), but really what the fuck were they thinking? This game had so much potential for more DLC than a shitty pinball game.
this. Mario kart 8 did it and it was a successes.
DLC sells terribly and they aren't in a position to spend frivolously. Some hard mode dlc like 06 and unleashed got would've been nice though
Bump for good games
Ehh... I feel like Sonic Team could redeem themselves for all of their horrible design decisions over the past decade or so by releasing a Sonic Generations -esque game and just gradually releasing "Genified" classic and modern stages. Fuck, I'd throw my money at them to get Marble Garden, Final Rush, Emerald Coast, Hidden Palace, Labyrinth, Pyramid Cave...
i found it to be mediocre.
Thats nice and all, but their business > apologizing to you
I think maybe you didn't read between the lines enough, but I guess I should have elaborated.
They could redeem themselves AND bank on an approach as I described. Seriously, who wouldn't pay for affordable level packs from old beloved installments?
Creating 9 stages took them 2-3 years
You want them to make 6 new ones, brand new assets, and give it away for $5 to i bet
The problem with boost games is all the time and resources they take. DLC would be bought by 1/10 players. Rip off to them
As great as the majority says? No.
The best Sonic game in years? Yes.
Speed Highway was a SHIT choice for SA1, everyone knows Sky Deck would've been the top shelf choice
I was happy with speed highway, but disappointed they didnt use the at dawn section
If they made 6 new stages, fully fleshed like the 9 that were included in Generations, I'd expect them to sell it for 1/2 (if it's just the levels and doesn't include other content that came with the base game like challenges, mid-bosses, and era bosses) to 2/3 (else) the cost of the original game.
That said I'm not asking for an entire 2/3 of the game, I'm asking for a single level at a time. Bearing in mind that a single level means one Classic and one Modern.
I'll keep operating off of your points, to try to reinforce my vision here. Let's say it took them 3 years to make the whole game for the sake of argument (that's the entire designing, developing, and playtesting of the game, not just individual levels; this time includes the voice work, cutscenes, challenge modes, bosses, etc). Giving you the benefit of the doubt here.
9 levels = 3 years
3 levels = 1 year
1 level = 4 months
Again, giving you the benefit of the doubt. I think it would be more realistic to think every couple months they could pop out another level. The budget of Sonic Gen was also important, so we can try to figure out about how much money would be required to develop an, keep this in mind, add-on to an existing, working platform. Let's say they sell the level for $5. I mean that shitty pinball DLC cost $1.50. I'm ball-parking because, again I don't have the fiscal numbers, but I bet if only 1/3 to 1/2 of Sonic Gen owners bought the level, Sega would easily recoup their cost, if not make a bit of profit.
I dunno, maybe I'm just being idealistic here, but someone back me up or give me some numbers to shoot me down. I'd like to think we could live in such a world.
every time I replay the game I stop at the stages from the sonic games I never played.
>tfw this
I've played twice and have only done the first 6 stages/2 bosses each time and stopped.
As someone who didn't even like Sonic Unleashed, you are fucking doing yourself an injustice by not playing Modern Rooftop Run. Most fun I've had in a Sonic game in 20 years.
For bonus points, do the "board-riding" challenge for Modern Sonic. Fuck, I could play that stage all day.
It was awesome. It gave me a total Sonic boner.
Yep, easily the best level in the game
Great gameplay but it was way too short and we got way too many city levels. Emerald Coast should have been in the console/PC version rather than on the 3DS.
>was in 12th grade when this game
>I had planned to skip school the following day so i could play it all day
>got it at midnight release at gamestop
>distinctly remember it being 2:58 am
>and thats when the credits rolled
Fun game but was extremely disappointed at that.
>it's another "let's pander to Classicfags again and never give Modern the new Adventure/boost game he deserves" episode
simply epin sega
To the point about DLC levels, the least they could have fucking done was release the DS stages to the PC version as DLC.
>Hard Mode 06 level
>the original physics and coding are back
Fund it
It was short and pretty unfinished-feeling. I would've preferred a few more proper stages rather than those stupid side missions that only seemed to be there to pad out the game. And most of the boss fights were trash.
The actual gameplay in the proper stages was really fun though. Considering my main problem with the game is just that there isn't enough of it, I'm definitely up for a new game with similar mechanics.
the final boss was bullshit
I'll give it credit and say at least they didn't straight up reuse the Colors final boss like in Lost World.
still a terrible fight, though
Overrated trash, only gets praised because it's a nostalgic wankfest.
The only thing that anyone should've cared about, Classic Sonic, controls like ass. Someone at Sonic Team refuses to utilize proper physics engines.
The shitty motion blur from Havok engine is cancerous as well.
>only gets praised because it's a nostalgic wankfest.
>The only thing that anyone should've cared about, Classic Sonic
You sound like a nostalgic wank yourself, user
my favorite meme
modern sonic was the star of the show and had much better levels
The Modern Sonic parts are ironically the best parts of the game, it's really uneven otherwise, most boss battles suck
Rooftop Run is a perfect level
Only Sonic game I've liked since Adventure 2
Fucking loved it
Classic physics were garbage. Modern was the best of the boost games but boost in general is mediocre. It was fun, but Steam-sale tier.
I liked the side missions. Well the time trials at least.
There's never any motivation to actually go fast in sonic when playing it normally, but in the time trials you have to be perfect and find shortcuts and shit. Flawlessly executing a stage is satisfying as fuck.
>shitty motion blur from Havok engine
"Blur" from a physics engine, huh?
Yeah the doppleganger races were the best, but they were to easy. There was never any down to the wire moments like the unleashed time trials had.
>Classic physics were garbage
What's with the hate for classic levels?
As someone who liked the original games, I already noticed how floaty he suddenly was in Generations, but I got used to it pretty quick
You got it mixed up
He was floaty in the original games, but dropped like a rock in generations. That and his jump just wasnt tall enough. It was so close to feeling right. Like, literally if he was 1 inch higher it wouldve fixed everything. But every jump feels like youre sinking and like its life or death
Alright, it's been a long time since I played either. Thanks for correcting me. But still, there weren't any problems with the level design itself, right?
I dont think so, although it started getting weaker all throughout the modern era and that height problem was exemplified in crisis city and rooftop run. Both sonics had a terrible final level (planet wisp-sonic colors)
The first 6 levels for c sonic are pretty damn good though
I am going to assume since no one has shot this down that I have the right idea?
user pls, I want this to be a thing.
user, no one knows what the time or resources used for a typical HD boost level is
Its assumed its a lot though and DLC probably wouldnt cover the cost of making that many. MAYBE one final back with a new level from each era to give it just the extra boost it needs to have enough levels, but they were eager to move on. This is late 2011, early 2012. So i imagine microsoft and sony started giving out kits on what the xbox one and ps4 would be and start conceptualizing on what to make for the new consoles, as well as making lost world and runners on the side. Generations was a one and done type of deal
B-but... I wasn't ready for the ride to be over. :(
Unleashed was fucking unbearable. It would have been a pretty good game if not for all the stupid torturously long WereHog levels
The ride ended
In november 2011
It is time to move on
This game actually cost a lot of money to make, part of the reason why it didn't suck. Unfortunately that meant DLC would not be profitable because DLC hs to be fairly simple to make
Broken as fuck, almost on the same level as 06. All the praise it got and still gets is completely unjustified.
Why do you say that?