Ladies and Gentlemen my name is total Biscuit and I'm here to ask and answer one simple question

Ladies and Gentlemen my name is total Biscuit and I'm here to ask and answer one simple question

Will you ask your question?

Ok ask it


Go ahead

And im telling you to leave


Mr Banks, your opening statement.

Go on


Be honest, how much did you pay for all of these stars ;^(


"What are your plans for the future?" - Seanza

When will your ass stop bleeding profusely ?

to be quite honest, I used to watch most of his WTF video, thinking he is practicing honest gaming journalism. Boy how I was naive. He is just an overweight British hacks who never play so much more than 2 hour of a game before forming an opinion on it. Some of his "recommended" games turned out to be a hacks after 4 or 5 hours in, thus making his opinion uniformed.

Why isn't chemo more effective?

Shouldn't be much different than here then.

Uh where's the question?

With my sweat and blood. So around $15,000

Who is your daddy and what does he do?

Who will your wife marry after you die?

WTF is my wife's bull?

Very rude desu

But user, it's shameful that he has Sup Forums-tier taste but he capitalize on it and influence people with it.He is the No.1 Steam Curator(implying anyone care) meaning that he make people buy half assed game for his half-assed commitments.

>I just hope cancer ends him already
>or the obesity will

still angry about 30 fps, huh?



>he pleasures his own wife

What a poorfag. Next you'll tell me you clean your own house and cook your own meals.

>59fps game
>literally unplayable


fuck you

When will you die?


What are all the stars in poster names for?

user, he IS the one who would be mad at 59 fps on any game.

What's his name again?

I like his content

The sad part is that you can actually see how she is waiting for it.
Used to be a landwhale but is trying to shape up now that the cancer is in full effect.
Hoes gonna be hoes in the end.


>liking things
get out

Have you seen his wife? I cant even upload an image of her "size"

and how exactly is that wrong? if the devs make a shoddy port that cant maintain a steady 60fps with my r290, then the game is not worth my time if the devs are going to be that incompetent

me too


kinda impressive tho

don't know why Sup Forums gets so extreme when it comes to this guy. his videos are a tool for finding good games and seeing gameplay footage. that makes him an objectively positive force in the gaming space regardless of any drama you might want to bring up.


Part of me thinks, well she is being practical so i understand. the other part of me is screaming YOU FUCKING WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE

>2 hour of a game before forming an opinion on it
>What is a first impressions vs a full review

That is true. too bad TB never gonna get it cause of the cancer. She is going to move on to some hotter-richer guys or even start a career of her own.

Make you think, though

>was TB a bad influence on his wife? Now that he is dead, maybe she could enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

It's still good to find out if a game is blatantly a shit port nowadays though or any other quirks . I don't really care to hear his personal opinions about the non-technical aspects of a game.


Was für ein Typ!

>mfw I read it in his voice XD

Nah, I think she doesnt want to look stupid next to TB, as he is actually losing a lot of weight too due to chemo

1) he told someone he hopes they get cancer, 8 years ago, and apologized for it

2) he cares about framerates and resolutions, which Sup Forums, mostly a Sony board, can't stand.

>She is going to move on to some hotter-richer guys

>a man so perpetually assblasted he got cancer of the ass

will never stop being hilarious

He liked Brink. He'll always be alright in my book.

no, this

even if he murdered babies and ate kittens his videos are still useful to me

Sup Forums is a PC majority board according to various strawpolls I've seen.

complete cookie

He rarely do full reviews, yet still steam's top curator?

You realize he's pointed out the normal Sup Forums screencaps of his stupid shit are indeed of him being stupid and silly looking.

Go on.

comprehensive cracker


Probably because most people just want to know if it's worth even starting games because of port quality. We can all form our own opinions about the actual gameplay, story, and other aspects that are subjective but technical aspects can be tested objectively.