Was it really necessary to have official art of two prepubescent girls naked?

Was it really necessary to have official art of two prepubescent girls naked?

What the fuck japan.

I don't see the problem, they're merely not wearing clothes. My kid run around the house naked all the time too, nothing to overreact about.

Or wait, don't tell me you're getting sexual thoughts about kids?

That's nothing. Neptunia does have some fanservice scenes in it so it kinda makes sense to have fanservice promotional material.

Lyrical Nanoha on the otherhand has basically softcore loli porn as promotional material, even though the series is extremely light on fanservice. Like, I can think of literally one scene from 3 animes and 2 games

Was it necessary to have the american character be fat?

Comeon japan!

Was it really necessary for Nepgear to kill them while they were screaming and saying they didn't want to die?

It saved the world, so yes

>It didn't stop the deity of sin forever

Honestly, since there's like a billion Arfoires from a billion dimensions coming and going it wouldn't of made a difference anyway. Anyway, Nepgear has a big "fuck you" laser sword so it's all fine right?

yeah it was

>sega monopoly
as it should be

>Lyrical Nanoha on the otherhand has basically softcore loli porn as promotional material, even though the series is extremely light on fanservice.

You know how they all bathe together and grab each other's boobs?

I actually cannot think of 1 nep game where they didnt have at least 1 girl naked

It's been literal years since I last had anything to do with this series, so I genuinely don't remember this. Then again the last thing I saw was StrikerS and I hear Vivid is fanservicey or something.

uh shouldn't they each have their own banana? who shares bananas? what was meant by this?

It wasn't necessary but it made my day worth living.

>stay clean
>eat healthy

Nothing wrong here.

there was only one banana left, it can't be helped

You wouldn't have this thread if it didn't exist.

what is the original post artwork from?


It's official.

right but what is the name of the anime or the video game?

Everything happens for a reason

Hyperdimension Neptunia.

The important mainline games are on Steam.

so it isn't hentai? this is straight up that RPG game?


The best part is that the official artist of the series who drew that picture is a woman.

Being naked is completely natural, bible thumper. Especially if you're naked in bath. There is nothing wrong with this wholesome picture depicting two your girls in their daily activities.

I love how Americans think it's acceptable to go on killing sprees in vidya but show them something even slightly sexual and they freak the fuck out.

where do these photos pop up in the game though, im so confused?

I kinda agree with this. A lot of the time I swear moralfags trying to get things censored due to X being sexualised just sexualised it themselves.

Seriously, was the Atelier games worth making R18 Australia? Over one piece swimsuits? If you see a 14 year old in a cute blue one piece with frills and think that's sexy, it's because you're a fucking lolicon pedophile. Don't blame the game for your own degeneracy.

>while they were screaming and saying they didn't want to die?
Do they really do this?

Meanwhile it's the opposite in Europe, why can't we just have both?

Slaughtering people is doing gods work, being lewd is rewd

>If you see a 14 year old in a cute blue one piece with frills and think that's sexy, it's because you're a fucking lolicon pedophile
if that's their line of thought, why would they restrict it to adults as opposed to banning it outright?


then they actually die, and never come back -- it's an alternate non-canon route though

Yes. It's one of the rare times the series actually becomes serious.

To stop the resurrection of a demon god you kill your friends and family to power a cursed sword. One group of people you have to kill are a group of three sisters. The older sister accepts her fate and tries to die with a brave face in order to not scare her younger sisters. But the only reason she went quietly was because she thought her little sisters would be spared.

They were not.

They spend the final moments screaming and crying, holding on to each other because they were scared of dying alone.

And the great joke is that even after sacrificing everyone you fail to ultimately stop the demon god anyway

Yeah I knew Nepgear killed everyone but I didn't realise they made it super edgy with cute neps pleading for their lives.

they all fought back and tried to stop it, except Nep I recall

full with hiyaaaa I don't want to die *stab sound* *screen turns red*

Really makes you start to think

in the original anyway, no idea if they changed anything in re;birth, never played that version

Not really, you should always be thinking.

Nah, it's similar. The VN style cutscenes really have their limitations after all. The twins cry about having to die but everyone else generally fights until the bitter end until they realise there's nothing left but to accept death.


You're confusing the media with the diverse population of an entire country, because you're fucking retarded.

ITT: pedophiles justify their broken mental state to each other

>tfw Compile Heart said this whole route was a mistake and should never have been added, and thus never happened again in other games


It was added because they they thought the game series would end at 2.

I heard they added it because everyone was complaining the original was too comedic so they decided to make a serious route for the game.

The bad end only exists and is canon if they series didn't continue. It's meta/

yes yes it is

Get out normalfag. They aren't even real. It's a drawing.

>not real
get out normalfag, they're real

You must be new to japanese video games.

i thought about this ending at least a week, that scene was really fucked up , i don't play fucking neptunia for these kind of feels

I haven't got up to it yet, but word on the street is that Nep VII has an even worse ending.

>fanbase and others complain about the lack of a serious story
>devs listen and give a serious route
>feedback is overwhelmingly negative at how dark the route is
>so bad devs say it was a mistake and shouldn't have happened
>fanbase agrees

I swear that irony is hilarious

let me guess, the cpus are mass cloned and sold into slavery with people trading, selling and killing them as they please?

I want to ram rom and ram so hard they cry


There's no way this actually happened.



Fuck yourself sjw cunt

>There's no way this actually happened.

it did happen

they get corrupted, serve the bad guy, you FAIL to un-corrupt them and the world is fucked


I wish it were the opposite but then again what difference does it make?

I wish games were more sexy

If I had a Compa, so help me god, I would visit such unholiness upon her anus that you would never shit again out of sheer sympathy. As I took great handfuls of her peachy white cheeks in my hands, satan himself would begin to weep with joy. He knows that the sin I am about to commit will damn every soul in existence, that the profane, wet noises alone will stain the universe with its echoes, that the sight of my face buried in her will scorch the eyes of god himself.

I enjoy your COMPAny!

I was thinking of importing this

anyone play it?

>Was it really necessary to have official art of two prepubescent girls naked?

Yes, otherwise it wouldn't sell.

Welcome to Japan.


the localization is coming out in november

>Was it really necessary to have official art of two prepubescent girls naked?

Such is the price of freedom and burgers. Also, hard choices.

>he hasn't learnt nip

>wanting to pay for overpriced imports either way

Of course you idiot. How else would we know officially what they look like naked?

They are taking a god damn bath. What, do you think children don't need to bathe or something?

but why the banana?

Because children are stupid and do stupid shit all the time.

because it has a lot of vitamine A, C and K duh

don't forget the potassium

>Was it really necessary to have official art of two prepubescent girls naked?

Yes. Fuck, like you don't know what fanservice is. Also this IS a Japanese game. Lolicon sub-culture has deep roots.

Not all Americans.

Just the SJW crowd. Which is retarded since they accept and support actual Pedophilia.

I want to lick them so hard.

Its pretty much cultural differences.

Don't do it.

Yet Europe still censors the hell out of anything sexual just as often as America, and loli is flat out illegal nearly everywhere.

But they look so delicious. I'd lick them all up. I'd even lick they body fluids.

that wouldn't be very hard

Relevant thread

I think user meant to say France.

France fucking loves sexualizing kids

stop. stop. stop.


It's almost as if America is a different culture ya dumb frog.


Its Ram whose the insatiable cockslut that demands to be drilled in every single orifice all at once while she ruts like an animal in heat, fucking and sucking for hours on end until torrents of cum from dozens of men are cascading out her ravaged mouth, pussy, and anus.
Rom is 100% pure maiden however, dont do anything to her.

>tfw they went ahead and did basically the same thing in Trillion with Perpell and Elma

Was it necessary to have a game where you fuck your low-age little sister countlessly? (And other lolis too.)

I mean, it's pretty good as a healing-type story with very well-built world and mythology, but it's just impossible to ignore the other aspects too.


>Rom is 100% pure maiden however, dont do anything to her.
All the more reason to make her bleed and make her mine forever.
With my tongue.