Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?

Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?

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No way, you freakin' pinko.

up yours, pinko

Sign my petition, dammit!

okay, i guess that sounds pretty good

why is it that when you're talking, i want to kill myself

>pisses on you

if you piss in someone's mouth there's a percentage chance that they'll throw up

on the day where you have to go to the clinic and your piss is green, the chance is 100%

Nice. I always aimed directly for the mouth.


You probably thought you weren't going to die today.



Also if they threw up, and you cut their heads off while they puke, there is a mixture of blood and vomit coming out in a fountain

>The funny thing is, I don't even like videogames.
Sup Forums summed up in a vidya quote

That should be a banner ad for Sup Forums.

postal 2 was probably the best goddamn FPS ever


How does Running With Scissors stay in buisness?


What holy fuck I've gotta try that out.

it's like 6$

I think the devs have jobs outside of this. They did recently release a remastered version of the first Postal though.

>I think the devs have jobs outside of this
yeah, they have to. they make a bit of money reselling postal 2 but probably not enough to pay the bills

$6 i dont have right now and i dont want to wait

Postal 2 is unironically the best open world FPS. I've seriously had way more fun with it than anything like the Far Cry series.

Finish the game and you get to decide what you wanna piss at the touch of a button. You can piss normally, piss gonorrhea, piss puke, piss gasoline, piss blood, or piss napalm.

What a great game.

>I've seriously had way more fun with it than anything like the Far Cry series.
Really? Far Cry actually has shit to do.

For a joke game, Postal 2 was actually pretty damn good.
Was the perfect game for the edgy 16 year old me back in the day.

Yeah, it has the SAME shit to do 20 billion times, over and over again

Each day of Postal unlocks more of the world and there's tons of hidden secrets.

At least in Far Cry the gunplay is decent and I have toys to play with and animals to hunt.

How many people played the DLC? It was fun, even had the new postal dude as a voice actor in it

It was pretty great.

You also get to piss on Milo Yianopolis as he tries to beat you with a big dildo if that's something you're into

In postal you have people to hunt. Or not. THe good thing about postal is that you are given all these tools for destruction yet your jobs never involve killing anything.
They're obviously there just for you to live out your psychopathic fantasies.

the DLC was fucking great. it was the postal 3 we should have gotten

i guess we did get it tho, didn't we

>They're obviously there just for you to live out your psychopathic fantasies.

And it's done in such a shitty way since the weapons are largely unsatisfying to use.

Why haven't more people gotten mad at Postal 2? Like, it feels like a game largely ignored by the "gaming Press"

Do they see it as a "South Park" esque game and give it a pass?

Huh, sounds like pretty much any Far Cry game after the first one. Except Far Cry has shit tier napalm


>Why haven't more people gotten mad at Postal 2?
Because it's a shitty game and nowhere as popular as you people might think.

I realize Postal 2 got shit when it first released, but that was the VIOLENT VIDYA GAME SHOOTER Soccer mom crowd ,not the Politically correct crowrd

One for mom......
One for daddy.....

>VIOLENT VIDYA GAME SHOOTER Soccer mom crowd ,not the Politically correct crowrd
Same difference, you fetus.

>tfw you smoke catnip

Because the postal games got their controversy, their notoriety and were then forgotten. Media moved on to "more pressing matters" at hand.
Same reason why Doom isn't being lauded as the reason for every shooting happening around the world. They got their attention and people forgot about it after time.


PC culture had not fully taken control over gaming press back then, so violent games mostly got attention when a shooting or some other violent event with an underage happened and they needed a scapegoat.

>far cry
>decent gunplay
That's a far cry from reality. This is the opinion of someone who thinks gunplay means "high fidelity sounds."
P2 and Far Cry both have shitty gunplay but at least P2 actually has a greater point, actually utilizes the medium and is actually full of unique, creative ideas that all work.
>far cry has animals to hunt
I can't believe someone with opinions like this managed to stumble into a Postal thread.

you can hunt cats and dogs in postal 2

Not really the same as hunting a rhino trying to horn you up the ass.

theres elephants too

And tigers and homicidal honey badgers

Having never played Postal 2, is it actually fun or is it a meme?

its fun as fuck

It's a fun game, but it's not very good. Pirate it or buy it when it's on sale for a buck.

It's a fun game, wait for a sale and you can get the game for 99 cents, it goes on sale a lot.


Not the greatest game ever, visually or mechanic wise. But, it's fucking hilarious and fun none the less.

It's a meme. It was panned for being shitty, not for being offensive.

It's family guy, not south park.

The game consists of mindless killing and violence, shallow dialogue, stupid one liners and toilet tier humour. Somehow all this manages to make a surprisingly nice stress toy.
My "no kill" play troughs always fall flat in the first fifteen minutes when I find a can of gasoline and start drawing swastikas and pentagrams on the ground with gasoline and lighting them on fire.
Or pissing on people from a roof top.

the game gives you a rating at the end, and supposedly if you don't kill anyone it says "thank you for playing, jesus"

someday i will manage to get this ending

It's a fun meme.

It used to be almost literally impossible to get originally because it counted *anyone* dying as you killing them, and the AI loves to in-fight and walk into traps. It's actually pretty easy to do and kinda fun, just pissing and tazing everyone.

tfw the marching band gets rekt

Its basically the game all those edgy teenagers on Newgrounds with they could have made back in 2003. Its buggy, small and not very well made but its surprising it exists at all.