How do we fix No Man's Sky?
How do we fix No Man's Sky?
We wipe this meme from the face of the earth
Add multiplayer In which you can invite friends to explore with.
Make Freespace 3 instead.
Make a different game, there's nothing to fucking fix. The game has no fucking foundation whatsoever, except the procedural generation. PG is not the problem, the problem is lack of systems that would use the PG for gameplay purposes.
Easy solution: add multiplayer
Easier solution: add mods support
>Cosmetic shop
>E-Sports push
Put it out of its misery
It's too broken. My first two hours were okay. My next three hours got really repetitive. Thank god for piracy, I'm so done. That would have been $11 an hour.
It gets better after 20 hours ;)
Multiplayer will not fix the game.
Adding co-op to Assassin's Creed so me and a friend could go find the same collectible over and over and climb the same towers over and over would not be fun.
It needs a deeper pool of shit to randomize. The planets are all too samey and there's little to do.
Don't bother.
It's basically Elite dangerous with crappier performance, crappier graphics, and no multiplayer at this point.
Elite dangerous while vastly superior to No Mans Sky is still crap.
That's how far NMS has to go.
we create an inordinate number of threads on Sup Forums about this abortion of a game
add ice caps, oceans/continents, mountains and canyons to procedural generation
overhaul combat because it's currently shit. The sentinel GTA wanted stars is a good idea but they stop chasing you five seconds after you run into a building or launch your ship. Also combat is basically just "stand in place and shoot till they're dead" because there's no way to actively defend yourself
add secondary weapons to space combat like homing missiles and rail guns and shit
Fix the servers so people can play multiplayer and make it drop in drop out, make the game have all content from the trailers, make the base building at least as good as minecraft or 7 days to die, add mod support at least as good as Bethesda games. Do these 3 things and then the hi/v/e will look like even bigger idiots when they complain about the game.
Even Oolite with no mods is better than NMS.
>Elite Dangerous
>Better than no mans sky
This is bait beyond belief. I think No Mans Sky is a shit game but Elite dangerous is somehow even worse.
Literally only space exploration with even blander planets that can only be explored with vehicles and it's somehow even more of a grind than No mans sky?
They're both shit games but at least no mans sky might get updates to make it decent Elite Dangerous will just get a 60 dollar "expansion" that adds nothing.
name me a single game Sup Forums has been hyped for this year that hasn't been twink shit
How is that relevant
Everytime I see Sean's fucking face I want to flush it. He knew it was a mess. The only it reason it has any positive reviews is because they're pseudo-intellectual redditors who believe they are above criticism.
the fact that every game is shit according to Sup Forums and therefore it's opinion is irrelevant
Being able to craft inventory upgrade
Npc missions
Joystick support
Remove retarded collision avoidance
Add strafe thrusters
Hot keys
Being able to force enemy pilots to bail
Base/station building
Being able to collect ships
Collecting animals/plants to being able to drop them to any planet