Liking this game is the same as admitting that you stand up to wipe your ass after shitting
you're right. it makes so much more sense to snake my arm into the toilet bowl to get the job done.
What's wrong with standing up to wipe?
It is the same as taking the shit out of the toilet and eating it.
But I do stand up to write, star user.
I bet you faggots wear new balance shoes
Yeah, I bet they also pee after they cum too and wear their seatbelts.
people do this?
How can you ever get your asshole clean?
Absolutely disgusting. I bet you faggots smell like shit for miles around.
Nop, I'm not European
Very specific, anons. You insecure or something?
Hemingway pls go
I think this game is pretty trash and I have the dirtiest asshole ever. I need like a quarter roll of smooth paper, running water and some cleaning product to get it clean after I shit.
I am literally dying at my desk
>Liking this game is the same as admitting that you stand up to wipe your ass after shitting
I have a big dick, I have to stand up to wipe my ass, else the dick would touch the shit. It's easier for you midget dicks, but we big dicks have no other option than to stand up.
got me
I agree.
do americans really all stand up to wipe?
>Actually wiping instead of owning a smart toilet
You'll never feel gentle warm stream gently washing your anus
>willing your ass with paper
>Sticking your fucking hand into the toilet to wipe.
Goddamn animal
It's definitely easier to clean while standing up.
You're sitting too far forward or the toilet is too small for your fat ass. Baby dick.
The pressure of the buttcheeks colliding with each other when you get up usually means whatever turd/shit you had around your anus got splattered all around your buttcheeks, so its harder/messier to wipe
Maybe if you have massive, blubbery buttcheeks. I don't think this happens for non-fat people.
how else would I wipe my arse?
tfw i squat on my toielt
I lift my ass from the bowl to wipe, but don't stand up to wipe.
Then I wash my ass in the shower with cold water.
If you don't wash your ass after shitting it will never be free of shit by the way.
Nice bait m8.
Only subhumans shove their hand into the toilet to wipe their asses.
Are you so fucking fat you can't stand up long enough to clean up your ass?
wiping + washing is the way to go
liking this game is admitting that you only wipe and skip washing.
ew, filthy pleb. stay away from me.
People who don't wash should just be lynched.
It would solve most world problems if we didn't need to put up with unwashed assholes (no pun).
>What is leaning to the side
>not doing what animals do and rub your ass on a tree
Your average colossal Sup Forums whale has issues when it comes to his bags of fat slapping together when he stands up, this includes his rash covered asscheeks. Wiping is a delicate process, if he moves too much the shit will splatter and get lost in a fold somewhere. Eventually this particular splatter will begin to rot within the fold and create a fungal like rash. To save himself from the itchy rash he cannot reach, the Sup Forumsirgin must perform a delicate operation somehow squeezing his arm past his ass and hooking upwards to the asshole. Due to poor diet the shit will likely be viscous and watery meaning the Sup Forumsirgin will have to repeat this process many times until the hot stinging liquid is completely wiped up. Once this operation is complete it's just a matter of ungluing the Sup Forumsirgins monumental sweating thighs from the porcelain and shuffling back to his battlestation. If all went according to plan the Sup Forumsirgin should enjoy a couple hours of a hygienic asshole, until the guttural rumbles of the nuggies within him beckon again and he must perform this operation once more.
what do you do if there is no sink right next to the toilet, like in a public restroom? wash your ass in the sink while the guy next to you washes his hands? fucking europeans, i swear
Wait, so some people don't actually wash? Won't there be remains left?
I don't wash. Just regular toilet paper + wet wipe if needed.
I never shit in public toilets, like ever.
If I do it's an emergency and then idgaf obviously. But I wash it soon as I get home.
>shit knuckler confirmed for sloshing his hand around in shit before wiping
Enjoy your shitty hand and ass :^)
How do you wash, though? Like, from the sink or bathtub?
How do you then dry your ass after washing? Toilet paper is terrible for this; it just breaks apart. Using a towel still feels dirty (for the towel).
I don't know. I just use wet wipes after the dry toilet paper.