ITT games only 5 people on Sup Forums have played

ITT games only 5 people on Sup Forums have played


Because DB is shit

Give me 5 (you) and you can call me a faggot

No. Only gt and kinda super

That game is really fun

Everything after Z maybe
But that game was good guys


Really good game.


gba had by far the best DB[Z] games.


>Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure

Greatest Dragon Ball game of all time.

Dexterity is a broken stat; Gives you more range to move, adds on more damage to your attacks, gives you more priority in turn movement and high enough that the same character can move multiple consecutive times if dexterity is high enough (how does that even work if you think about it?) AND lets you dodge more attacks.

Combine that with the Thief stat, which I believe is the one that gives you more critical hit damage if you attack enemies in the backs, and you can take down every enemy on the screen with a character that would get killed by them in one hit.

I thought I was the only one, user.

Pretty good game though.

Who remembers turbulence

I win

I haven't finished it yet but now that I'm older with better reading comprehension it is hilariously easy.

I'm not gonna say it's very good though because it is a pretty messy attempt at getting an rpg onto the N64. I am curious if Quest 64 is any better though because I rented that once when I was a child and didn't know what I was doing and want another crack at it.

Here's one

God that game sucked.

come on man that sold like 600,000 copies

I'm very sure people call Okami the worst selling great game or something.

apparently it has the "least commercially successful winner of a game of the year award" in the guiness book of records.

Sequel never :(

>that sprite of yamcha

I laughed way harder at this than I should have.

pvp was really fun

Yamcha is a fucking beast in that game too


Only plebs and underage havent played okami

>Rage bar fills in one wolf fang fist
>not spectacular
Yamcha is second only to Gohan



One of my favorite games OP. Way too fun and that extra story mode with all characters is fun as shit
It's one of those games I never played. Is in my backlog list when I get completely bored of videogames to bring back up on track.

Arnold OP

One more

Also pic related

No really there's no good reason not to use Goku, Gohan and Yamcha as your final party.

Jill and Otacon's adventure in wonderland

You gotta agree that his moves sucked though
besides WFF

ive finished it
it was dull, repetitive and still the best english dbz game out there

Advanced Adventure is probably amongst the best Dragon Ball games, user.

Neo wolf fang fist is fime for damage, but point is his rage generation is so fast hes the best damage dealer behind a leveled gohan

Time to use my meme games folder


I loved AA, but Origins is even better. Dragon Ball always gets the best games.


Legacy of goku masterrace here

Man, I was really intrigued by the story, but the gameplay is so bland I couldn't finish it.

>Only gt and kinda super
GT is better than Super in every way. Super only has one redeeming arc, out of two unique ones.

People who hate on GT either:
>Ride the hate train
>Genuienly dislike aspects of it and have gone into deep thought as to why.
>Only remember it as a child
>Watched the English dub
>Didn't see the ending.

I've posted this game in 4 similar threads to this and no one has ever acknowledged it

>Origins 3 never ever
Damnit, I wanted to wreck King Piccolo's shit.

I thought this game looked awesome when I was younger and I played the free demo on PC.

It was aight.

played this one

Here's mine

Here's my contribution
I played the Dreamcast demo for it. Was pretty fun. MDK2 was also really good



Despite coming out early on in the system's lifespan this is still one of my favorite PS2 RPGs, up there with Wild Arms 3 and the megaten PS2 games.


I suppose with the recent Humble more people played it.

I think is good.

You know everyone jokes around krillin dying and shit but fuck me I will never get tired of that.

tenkaichi 3 is better but i'd say this is the second best

Ive never fucking seen this game mentioned on Sup Forums

Fuck dude i rented this as a kid and i even thought about it today

First one was better.

My nigga, couch-co-upping with a friend and playing the sneaky fucking dwarf cheesing everything with satchels was the best shit ever



Played that shit nigga.

>yfw discovering super attacks

This along with PS Move Champion Sports

Advanced Adventure was pretty great, especially the 1 on 1 fights because of the aerial combos.
>play 1 on 1 with a friend back in the day
>up - attack triggers parrying
>use it as it is a feature of the game
>he freaks the fuck out and thinks I'm cheating
>tell him out to do it, he refuses, he still thinks it's cheating
>he ends up breaking the controller out of rage

Definitely this. GT wasn't good but to think Super is better is complete idiocy. Super is just abysmal.