>There are thousands of worthwhile video games that you will never be able to play because you can't learn japanese
There are thousands of worthwhile video games that you will never be able to play because you can't learn japanese
>japanese games
pick one
Translations don't count as a real experience btw
>Learning some gook language I'd never use
I sure as hell am trying... right here on Tae Kim atm
also doing core2k/6k and writing down all the kanji. Shit's fun but it can get overwhelming at first.
I learned Japanese for this reason and I literally regret my decision to spend all that time learning it. I could have learned to code in several programming languages instead and make myself more marketable in acquiring a high salary job, but at least I can understand and speak Japanese, right?
And I'm perfectly okay with not spending years learning a language just to play video games or watch cartoons.
>I could have learned to code in several programming languages instead
You can do that now, unless you somehow ran out of time in your life.
are there any online courses for beginners?
He literally said it, Tae Kim. Unless you're thinking of actual class.
You know, when you have to wait years for the English release, you could probably learn the language in the same time.
I'm doing both right now, and life is great.
>Weeaboos trying to get people to learn a language that will be dead Ina few generations
Why don't you get a job as a professional translator then?
Surely, you wouldn't do worse than the "localizers" that are currently working in the industry.
I see. thanks m8
Why not do both?
>tfw picked up programming at 10 and Japanese at 18
The privilege of being a fucking loser since birth
You wont be alive in a few generations anyway
I got a pdf book on kanji. Holy shit kanji is easy now.
It's funny because I still havnt memorized hiragana/katakana, yet kanji is.
>mfw I started to read kanas as well as the alphabet
>mfw Kanji are starting to be the same
It's really rewarding stuff. Only started learning kanji this past week and I'm already seeing things everywhere that suddenly make sense.
I spent the entire last summer (and more) cramming Kanji like a madman. It helped a lot when I started reading, and now that I'm translating (as a hobby) it became so fluid to read. Honestly, with all the delays, I'm glad that Persona 5 is out in a month, because I'm ready.
Following your line of reasoning
>learning any western European language outside of English
So what games you guys getting next?
Just 3 days until Berseria, and a month until Persona 5.
Not interested to, but I can play Monster Hunter just because the icons, colours and order of things are very good indicators of everything. Plus you can see pictures of the armour and weapons before you craft. Essentially, it's all muscle memory. I don't know a lick of moonrunes and I play MHP3rd HD flawlessly.
But programming is fucking boring
>There are thousands of worthwhile video games
We're developing a game and I'm considering not including the english localisation just so that monolingual westerners wouldn't be able to understand it. The game ideally would include russian language (original) and japanese translation (translated by a localisation company).
I, too, remember trying to make "my fellow nihongo learners" jokes when I started
Or you know, you could do something else.
I've recently started self teaching Japanese by myself, and so far learned the kana.
And I must say, Japanese already is a fucking mess of a language.
First of all, kanji are obsolete. Words can be just as well written in kana (or better a proper alphabet), and homonyms can be easily determined from the context, like it's done in normal languages. Not to mention they stole kanji from chinese.
Second, kana had literally zero logic put into creating it. Ok, so は and ほ look similar and sound similar, that's logical. But then, most of the rest of the kana are all over the place. わ and を don't look even close.
Same goes for hiragana/katakana, か and カ look close enough, but at the same time it's full of shit like ろ and ロ.
I mean, the purpose of a language should be to convey information, so the others would understand you. But Japanese is like a fucking cypher. It doesn't do a very good job at being a language.
Or rather it's writing system doesn't.
Enjoy losing money as no single Russian pays for his games and nips don't want you.
Such as complaining about localisations taking too long/being censored, like so many people do here?
How much do tutors cost these days? Not a chance in hell I am learning Japanese on my own.
>Or rather it's writing system doesn't.
>it's instead of its
Don't go around whining about languages when you can't even spell fucking English.
I don't care about money. We still have hundreds of thousands of dollars from our previous Steam release.
have fun having literally zero (0) sales
No, like playing video games.
Mind sharing that pdf, please? I think I've got hiragana and katakana down in the bag and am tackling kanji right now. You guys weren't lying, it's pretty hard to memorise.
>singles out the one common typo from his entire post
Learn the radicals and it's easy as fuck, and you'll be able to write too.
It's a problem for you because youre not used to it. The Chinese are fluid with their 3 billion moon runes and have created inventions and shit by using them.
Just gotta remind yourself that it isn't English.
That was painful user.
the games for which i would learn Japanese are pc-98 games there are a lot of pc-98 games i want to play but a lot of them are untranslated
>Japanese don't use spaces
for what purpose
Search "read Japanese today pdf" and scroll down to pic
Yeah Japan's written language is a mess. Had it only been something like hiragana combined with katakana for more versatility i'd be a very easy language to memorise writing wise.
Vocally however it's one of the easiest languages to follow. Every syllable is obvious as ends with a vowel (along with 'n'), which also complements it's more pleasant tone compared to other Asian languages. Pronunciation, especially if you're a westerner is very easy.
This is giving me the biggest trouble. I only know kana right now and reading even simple phrases is the biggest pain in the ass because the phrases just keep on GOING AND GOING AND GOING. I get to the fucking sixth kana in the phrase but I forgot what the last five kana were. it's confusing as fuck.
Same reason why they use 10 different words with the same meaning. So that gaijins can't learn it
You got it all mixed,writing requires kanji to be understandable and vocally its a mess because a huge number of words are all similiar to each other and have a shitton of different meanings.
To be honest the dialect pisses me off
If you speak slow enough it actually sounds respectable but otherwise it's irritating to listen to
Sweet, thanks family.
>Every syllable is obvious as ends with a vowel (along with 'n'), which also complements it's more pleasant tone compared to other Asian languages. Pronunciation, especially if you're a westerner is very easy.
Yeah, exactly. The way it sounds, stands out of the other Asian languages. I really like how defined syllables are, makes it sound pretty close to the western languages.
nigga blame their stupid isolation strategy. That's why these rice eating niggas don't have any "L" sounds. It's 2016, you would have thought that they'd add at least "L" characters to the katakana set for translation.
It's 2016 why the fuck would I learn A dying language??
I should've elaborated more. I meant if they focused on entirely hiragana and katakana and dropped the whole relying on kanji to specify everything. Kinda like how the Korean's did it with hangul and dropping hanja for the most part (I think they have).
Then again doing so would drop a lot of the spirit in the Japanese language. It's a fucking mess, yeah, but it somehow works?
If you live in USA you better learn mexican. If you live in Europe you better learn muslim.
>I meant if they focused on entirely hiragana and katakana and dropped the whole relying on kanji to specify everything.
And thank god for that,Chinese is hell.
What's your problem with rice?
Better drop every non English western language then. Don't forget to start learning Chinese also. :^)
>learn muslim
So, learn Indonesian?
can you program me some eel sushi?
Name a single non weeb pedo shit simulator that isn't translated in english. I'll wait.
Yeah, Chinese is actually starting to be a necessary language in my country.
Spanish seems useful
Popeye vs the Wicked Seahag for SFC.
>I learned Japanese
Congratulations on passing N5.
It's ok, they all suck.
Google is a thing, user
Plenty of missing titles on that list too, such as Moon RPG.
>someone though it would be cool to make 2 sets of characters for the same shit
aside from Hira & Kata, how much more additional characters would one have to memorize before even starting?
Source, Google isn't doing anything
イエローピッグ ゴーホーム
Why does this same shitty thread with the same shitty OP image get posted so many times? Why does it always seem to get 500+ replies too?
Before even starting? Just hiragana and katakana.
If that seems hard to you don't even bother.
Don't know about the second question but it's the answer to the first
I can read Hiragana and Katakana perfectly but don't know a single Kanji, so all my effort was basically useless.
two thousand at the very least.
it's easy bruv just learn the radicals
learning kana doesn't qualify as effort
>so all my effort was basically useless
If you're looking for instant gratification when learning a new language then quit right now. People dedicate years to this.
>Learn japanese
>Everything written in japanese is shit
Because it's true, you are literally subhuman of you play vidya and are so lazy or ignorant that you don't even try to learn japanese. It's like playing a sport and never even trying to improve your techniques.
Damn, I memorized Hiragana and Katakana within 5 hours, that's not enough effort if you're gonna stop there user.
Suuure you did.
You can ask the same question for e-celeb shit, no-man's sky drama, youtube channel threads
Literally this
This. I just can't understand people who are too lazy to learn japanese.
I won't make it to Persona 5 but I'll be ready for P6! 頑張ります!
>People complaining about their struggles with Japanese
>Don't even put in the effort to apply that by:
>Reading kids manga (Doraemon, coro coro comics stuff) that not only help you to read but learn the context of a particular kanji (when to use that kanji in a particular situation)
>Watching the news, analyzing and listening carefully to how they pronounce words
>Write retarded stories with the kanji they accumulated
>Create flash cards for kanji
>Finding or asking around for a certified institution that teaches Japanese (preferably from a Japanese person)
>Reliant on reading
Ayy. Also some of us already picked up a second language, no doubt something far more useful than hikkikomori's tongue.
>buy basic basic c++ book and take courses
>more than a years goes by and I can't even comprehend simple things from the first chapters
>stick around DJT for 3 years while completely immesering myself in Jap media
>still can't remember or understand basic shit
At least you can cure ugliness with make ups, hygeine, healthiness and surgeries
But stupid? No, stupid is eternal.