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It's beautiful. They wasted so much money on that event just to delay it.
PC version also confirmed.
I waited 10 years, I can wait 2 more months.
A delayed game is only delayed until release, a bad game is bad forever or whatever the quote is.
Hey wasn't Persona 5 coming out the same week? And didn't they also have a poll a while back asking if they should try to release it next to Persona 5 or something like that a good while back? HMMMMMMM
>tfw they are delaying it because they're working on a simultaneous pc release
probably not
>The game's done, but its not perfect and it needs to be perfect.
That's fine. That's respectable. After waiting 15 years I'd rather they take their time trying to get it to live up to everyone's expectations rather than throw it out to meet a deadline and gets ripped over a choppy framerate.
OP's a fag.
Shouldn't have done that though.
>mfw there are people right now who preordered the ultimate collector's edition of the game, preordered the Chocobo game, preordered movie tickets for Kingsglaive, and poured their entire life into this one shit game
I really feel bad for these peopl
Can anyone remember good games that got delayed?
GoW3 is one I remember
might actually buy it then
this is a perfect life depicted in this webm. if only we all should be so lucky ;_;
Did you two not even try the fucking link?
they separated and disapeared from the interwebs
yo homie gim dat source
>hold widely-publicized event to announce FFXV's realease date after a decade in development
>delay it again anyway
sauce? more?
>There are people that bought both a PS3 and a PS4 for FF15 and KH3
and there may be a good enough reason to believe that KH3 will be a neo title
they wouldn't pull something like this, nor would they be allowed to as sony confirmed there will be no exclusives to neo
Of course not, they want to make sure the dumb good goys double-dip the PC release.
Spotted the newfriend
If you want silky smooth 60fps!
Actually try the link next time.
>be me
>buying a Ps3 inn like mid july 2007 thinking KH3 was not that far off now
>still waiting
you gonna sauce that or am I just gonna cry
>be me
Fucking kill yourself
There is no sauce. They saw a fake link, didn't check it, and took it as fact.
Guaranteed 5/10 game now. So desperate for that extra point from IGN.
>a decade and an entire console generation later later and I'm still waiting for FFXV
It was guaranteed after the shit demos
don't you mean kill me self?
>shit demos
Duscae was bretty good though. They really went full retard with Platinum though, that only functioned as a physics/lighting demo
>game takes 10 years to come out
>it still gets delayed
You can't make this shit up.
I only played v1.0 of Duscae, but from what I could tell the combat was just holding a button down and occasionally holding another button down, and if that wasn't easy enough, an instant win button in the form of summons.
The game would have been better off if it was closer to KH combat.
They have time now to put back the cut content.
I wish they collaborated with Sega and they handled all the combat.
That makes no sense
this shit confuses the fuck out of me they look cute girls what the fuck. were they born a man and became a girl or were they girls and decided to become a girl?
>or were they girls and decided to become a girl?
i meant decided to become a boy fuck
>were they born a man and became a girl or were they girls and decided to become a girl?
>final faggotry
I'm sure the fans can find something just as interesting to kill time, like watching paint dry.
Which is not likely to happen given the fact that Tabata mentioned that they would be doing what is essentially a quality assurance check over the entire game which means basically 100% bugfixing/performance optimization. It would be cool if they were able to put stuff in but given the way Tabata described the current state of the game, I doubt that will happen which means they will have to use all of this time allocated for the QA check.
Sauce on the webm
This shit make me fucking pissed.
>look really feminine just like them.
>Am straight as fuck
>Completely fucked because girls think I look too feminine to date.
Why can't I just trade my body with a buff trans guy for fucks sake.
Life is unfair.
girls can't grow a penis user
It just means they'll be working on the game some more.
I thought they can get dick attachments though
I'm 100% straight. And I would have 0 trouble with dating any of them.
>2 months
I don't get it. Why is everyone acting like something big was announced. They moved the date by two months. So fucking what. Why are there multiple threads about this?
God of War 3 was delayed?
But it came out in March, right? Every GoW game except Ascension came out in March.
look dude, they're guys
just accept that you're gay now
Gears 3 you dumb sonygger
they just lost their 2nd ps4 game ever
leave them some time to cope
try to understand
It's not even exclusive faggot
They also confirmed that they would do a post-console-release PC port months ago
Maybe you could ask your doctor about hormone supplements
was a ps3 release still planned or did they cut it?
Any plan of a PS3 version ended years ago when they rebranded it as FFXV. Keep in mind it didn't enter full development until 2011 or 2012.
>announcing a game 5-6 years before actually starting development
This is raising my suspicions now. The game has been in development for many years, they've been polishing this game for a while now and they suddenly need 2 more months?
I'm not wrong in thinking this might crash and burn on release right? Considering there's been a pattern of games having delays only to turn out to be shit anyway. Not to mention they're now having the game release after black friday which has fucked their chances of any additional sales
what are the chances of it using denuvo?
it's looked like shit for years and now it's being released after black friday and almost every AAA game this year.
it's definitely going to bomb.
Keep telling yourself that
Just a reminder that FFXIV caused the FFXV delay.
its a fact
Keep telling yourself that.
Just a reminder that FFXIV caused FFXV by being the only profitable game SE has released in the past 5 years.
Except they spent all this time on spirits within 2 instead of the game
But FFXV kun told me the delay was a lie
>only profitable game in last five years
holy shit, really?
It might as well be. We all know it's going to be 95% ps4 sales and 5% xbone, a complete retread of FFXIII
Who is this game for? I saw a couple minutes of gameplay and it looks like a shitty DMC game.
Greatness _waits!
Exploration junkies I guess. I'm not sold in the combat at all.
I honestly couldn't fap to this because her smug face was way too distracting.
Shit doujin.
FFXV Kun is probably dead now, it's just his zombified corpse posting now
Probably means games produced by squeenix rather than just games published by them.
16 year old weeb girls.
There is no such thing as too smug.
you do know about the downside of using summons right?
100% cuz Square Enix releasing it, they had 2 denuvo games this year: Hitman + Deus Ex MD + Just Cause 3 last year.
looks like ps2 game, only model doesn't fit the scenery. It looks like cheap photoshop.
after 15 years I'd rather they just left the franchise alone instead of continuing to beat its mangled corpse
No I didn't.
Spotted the faggot
As someone who's stayed away from news about XV to avoid the shitposting / building expectations for the game, what are they?
Lol damage control
How is it when I said that it was getting delayed BEFORE it was officially confirmed?
>I honestly couldn't fap to this because her smug face was way too distracting.
>Shit doujin.
thre is no set of words to describe how shit your taste must be
in duscae they where used to quickly end the behemoth fight but you got no exp or items except for the actual damage you personally did
I highly doubt they'd actually let you use them in boss fights, and abusing said power would make you weaker when you really need it
it would be amusing if you used summons TOO much that they'd lock you into a bad ending anyway because of how magic works for Noct
What a fucking joke of a company, holding a big event to announce a release date and all that.
ten years