User stop playing video games and go hang out with your friends, user go play a sport...

>user stop playing video games and go hang out with your friends, user go play a sport, anything but sitting in your dark room playing games!

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Nice thread

Why is his fur reflecting the anime loli?

>wanting me to go outside and get raped

He's gonna jam it in


>mfw my mom did this exactly only a few hours ago
>expect i wasnt playing vidya
>i was browsing a mongolian spice trading forum
Where did my life go so wrong?

>mfw no more Funky Kong in future MK

Fuck Nintendo

Ive listened to this before and it isnt that bad desu

i'm surprised how much the chip eating adds to it.

I love Donkey Kong characters.

There's not many fun videogames characters around left.

>gum chewing

Fuck OFF


What about me, user?!

What? Why?

>tfw mk will no longer have any sort of depth to it/have a skill ceiling higher than two inches off the ground ever again
MKWii was the first and last mario kart game to exist.
mkw2 with everything the exact same with updated graphics + new courses and chars + mod support fucking WHEN

Because Koopa Kids, different versions of Mario, and Miis are more important, apparently.

>everybody picking Funky+Flame Rider/Daisy+Mach Bike
>skill ceiling
>in a fucking Mario Kart game

Look, I liked MKWii too, but lets not act like a fucking faggot now

>user! Stop jerking it to gay shit! It's unbecoming!!!

>tfw fat
>only attract dudes

Stop being fat then, you piece of human trash.

Thats where mkw2 comes in and makes it so all characters are the same outside of weight class. And dont even give me that bullshit about "hurr durr mario kart has no skill ceiling"
Go ahead. Try and say theres no skill ceiling. I dare you.
>inb4 bullshit rebuttal about only .1% of people able to do this
Thats what a fucking skill ceiling is

>user, stop jerking it to furries and fuck your loli cousin like the good old days!!

That's just crazy enough to work...

8 is objectively the best Mario Kart game, barring battle mode being basically removed, and you're a faggot

>Mom! user is not fucking his baby sister anymore!! All he wants to do is fuck underage animals!!!

Let me guess, you still play Melee?

Nope. I installed project m a while ago but I never played it much. Smash 4 is the best smash game.

Am I supposed to be impressed by someone's time trial run?

>playing Mario Kart competitively
There is your problem. Play a game where the devs don't expect you to be a toddler and they make the game to be played in a more competitive way.

Well when you grow up a little, hopefully you'll move on to a real fighting game, okay, kiddo?

>user, stop drinking cum like it's a soda pop!!!

>stop inviting your boyfriend to your baby sister's room!


Your opinion, man.

Im sorry you cant recognize actual skill.

>thinking I only play smash and nothing else
I have 200 hours in Xrd.
Also, unrelated to the argument.

Whoa, dude, you're like, totes cool! Stick it to the man, brah!


I know, why can't people say cola like a decent human being?

>Im sorry you cant recognize actual skill.
Yeah, real cool. Utterly pointless outside of playing the game it was meant to played. No amount of skill can save you from taking a big fat RNG dick to the ass, retard.


>user!?! Fucking rabbits is illegal! And yet you don't want to eat out your baby sister and make her feel good anymore?

Maybe you should get more lighting, then. Playing games in the dark is bad for your eyes.

Theres no getting around the fact that theres a heavy amount of RNG in mkwii, and that if you get hit by something at the wrong time It can fuck you over, I will admit that. But to say that there is no way to get around it if you are good enough is false.

what the hell is going on in this thread

My boner is so confused.

Is this shota or just gfur

Mario Kart. Are you alright, user?

I'm pretty sure is both.

*But to say that there is no way to get around it even if you are good is false.
RNG is a part of the game and if you want an RNG free experience then just turn off items.


Good taste.
Bad taste.

>user get off your computer and go do something else!
Fine I'll go to the shooting range
>No user stay home!

Person likes their rimming.

And I'm thankful he does. This shit gets me rock hard.


>fap 10 minutes ago
>want to go again

fuck you
