What the fuck Sup Forums, I thought this game was supposed to be shit, you all laughed it up, why is it so much fun...

What the fuck Sup Forums, I thought this game was supposed to be shit, you all laughed it up, why is it so much fun? 50 hrs played in 3 days, and still enjoying it. I also didn't like terraria or minecraft

I think it's better than Terraria but it's still boring. You build and craft stuff so you can build and craft stuff so you can blah blah. Combat is boring, building nice houses is discouraged since the game pushes you to constantly jump planets and the planets are pretty small. I don't know.




How is building discouraged when you can put a teleporter down to go to the planet at any time?

so you've played around 16+h per day? don't you ever do anything else than play videogames?

>Needs to be babied instead of just memorizing the direction you need to go.

Oh wait...its current year, forgot that children need to be completely pampered.

>building is discouraged
But you can move people into your homes

Job, 2 of the days were my days off. Actually addicted to the point where I can't sleep, this hasn't happened to me since vanilla WoW.

always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says

post your ship user. also, have you been to the /vg/ thread?

I've got a hoarding problem with this game.


there's only 4 directions.

>random semi attractive blonde bimbo.gif
user its not even worth a response


It's someone from youtube.

are you serious?
>unattractive horse face
>small tits
>boring proportions

>Build cool house
>oh but if you want more upgrades and shit you gotta blast to a new planet
>and if your old planet just sits there at the same difficulty scale
>and you've already mined it so it's just sort of dead
>your house was built on sand

Why not just put a teleporter in your house, you can still use it as a base if you want.

there is still so little to do. exploration is always the same once you figured out the routine (grab some Ores, find shit weapons/useless Upgrades), the quests/story are super boring and useless. but if this game gets supported for like 3 more years it could get somewhat close to terraria. building is pretty comfy


not that user, but I'm so lonely that I pretty much get a boner from boobs attached on any women
my life is sad

Starbound>No Man's Sky

Still like Terraria more.

I bought this game when the hype started(fuck you Sup Forums), put in 20 hours and regretted it ever since. I'm just waiting until it becomes as good as Terraria which I've never played.

5 years and no diagonal blocks, baka.

What are those smooth white blocks called?

iirc it is futuristic or cool

Game is even more barebones, the forced in story is laughable, progression system is horrible boring, planets are just the same after a few, and the second half of the game can be rushed in an hour or two. What the fuck is there to do besides ERP as fish or bird people.

It is shit, you have shit taste

>it's literally the first part of terraria (mine straight down to farm enough resources to craft armor that has +2 armor instead of your current +1 armor) on repeat
>more fun
nice try chucklefuck shill

Its a pretty cool game OP. I got a lot of enjoyment out of it (112 hours). Definitely a lot more worth it then Sean murrays lies.

Also bird people

This game has me in the No Man's Sky loop. It's exciting to explore planets for all of 1 second. All of the dungeons for each race that I've seen so far are just repeated room for room and you can find multiple of them on the same planet. After a while you just start to notice the lego pieces that make up the universe and it becomes meaningless to explore because everything feels the same. I also thought it would be fucking neato to explore the universe with my friends, but I guess Terraria showed me that I'd rather have all of the content condensed into one world. It also doesn't help how much "space" the game actually lacks.

It's just system after system strewn about with nothing really interesting about them, which is sad since I have Frackin' Universe installed and that adds more interesting variations of planets and stars than the base game.

Not a bad game, but it just feels severely lacking.

It is shit. Everything single melee weapon of the same class does the exact same thing, with the only exception being size and damage value.

All range weapons depend on an ambiguous energy bar for ammo.

And with the way they made co-ordinates shareable and set, there is absolutely no need for exploration or colonization of planets. You just hoard shit on your ship.

You can technically do anything "you want". But if there isn't an in-game need or mechanic to back up your actions then most players are just going to ignore it.

It's just lazy.

It's pretty and fairly polished but it has about 1/10th of the depth of the game it tries to emulate.

A friend gifted it to me awhile ago and I felt ripped off, tried it again after the update and it's still boring as hell. Stop shilling it Tiy, it's trash.

Did you make an apache yet?

Well at least you were gifted it for free.

I could tell you how video games are subjective and there are no bad video games. But why would I.

Terraria is better but I like this too