PC Building

Anyone watching Forsen try to build a PC? He's made almost no progress in half an hour with a ton of help from chat and donators and this shit discourages me from trying.

If you can do this, you can build a PC.
The hardest thing is connecting the case wires to the motherboard. Just RTFM.

Well if he has absolutely zero experience with hardware, I can't exactly say I blame him. Besides, he's probably playing it up because he's an attention whore for a living.

Hell, you can go down to best buy and find a dork who will put it all together for you for $50 if you really don't think you can handle it. Best Buy dorks are like Home Depot Mexicans, you can always find them hanging around and they'll do anything for a few bucks.

Even if you spend money to have someone put it together for you, you're still saving lots over a pre-built of the same quality.

Is this the same dude that ripped his GPU out last time?

The first time can be really stress inducing. But in the end you only need to follow the manual and make sure not to be a brute.

Hardest is easily the cpu cooler if you decided to get an aftermarket one.

>All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, and video game culture. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board. Don't post off-topic garbage.

A streamer(I guess) who can't build a pc is like a taxi driver who can't drive.

Is PC not a video game console?

Streamer doesn't build PCs for living.


This isn't a thread about PCs. This is a thread about a person. You also have to be 18 to post here so I don't know why you twitch children are here anyhow.

Only if you get a shitty motherboard that require some stupid way to fasten it.

The hyper 212 is a nightmare to mount onto the socket, other than that he's a fucking retard.

wow i wonder if forsen is trying to be retarded on purpose to bait peoples $3 and make hundreds of dollars. Really hard to figure it out.

>Put motherboard in Case
>Put Power Supply in Case
>Put CPU in Motherboard
>Put RAM and Video cards on Motherboard
>Put Hard Disks in Case, attach to motherboard
>Put Motherboard wires to case
>Ensure everything is grounded
>Attach PSU wires to components. Close Case up and turn on

Did I miss anything? Honestly if you are too fucking stupid to attach lego pieces you should stick to consoles.

>uhhh where does the ram go guys????
>5 donations roll in telling him what to do
>oh gee thanks! haha!

>Where does the video card go guys???
>donations roll in

He's pulling a full kaceytron and hamming it up so people with anger donate to him. It's actually a pretty smart way to get retards to part way with their money, people LOVE being right.

>Okay webcam, time to fly!

Just finished my second build last month. The hardest part is putting the thermal paste and cpu heatsink (and cable management to make it look pretty).
Once you do that you're pretty much set. It's just a matter of plugging in connectors to mobo, which is pretty hard to screw up cause they only go to one place.

Being my second build, it was still pretty stressfull, since my first one was like back in 2008. You just have to read the manual. mainly the Mobo Schematics. If its your first build I suggest make a photo copy of it blown up so you dont have to keep opening the manual

Is every streamer retarded or something

>The hardest part is putting the thermal paste and cpu heatsink

this is literally the ONLY "hard" part. The rest is just plugging things in and following directions.

why do you think people watch them

Streamers pretend to be retarded all the time for the audience.

You must be new to twitch

I always thought the gel paste you gotta squirt on would be the hardest and am worried I would fuck it up and get it everwhere or not enough?


maybe I've been the retard all along

Considering he makes a shitton of money anyway I find it more likely that he's just genuinely dumb.

How about when you build one you don't do it on fucking twitch?

Anyone who tells you "It's like legos" is a fucking idiot and has at most handled PC components once in their life. It's actually a fair bit of work and takes some time, but it's not that hard once you get used to it. The biggest time consuming and annoying thing is working with the motherboard/backplate. There are also some small things, like if your mobo comes with wifi capabilities, sometimes you find out AFTER installing the mobo/backplate/heatsink that you have to fucking screw it in before putting in the motherboard.

You just need one person who knows what they're doing to give you advice and you're good.

only the succesfull streamers are..... the non retarded streamers get no views because they aren't retarded

>Can't read/follow instructions.
Welcome to unemployement forever, better kill yourself right quick.

Thermal pastes only job is to fill the imperfections between the cpu heatspreader and the plate of the cooler heatsink.

I think the reason people say it is like legos is because things are a little more streamlined now and most of the shit is brightly color coded

>The hardest part is putting the thermal paste

Just smear it out until you got a nice layer and put the fucking heatsink on, it's not hard.

Oh god yes. I fucking hate my after market cooler. I almost feared I'd have to go ask a professional do it for me, it took me hours to fucking put that thing in.

Noctua NH-U12S here, took ten minutes to open the box and put it on, you're literally retarded.

I just have an autismo friend who I know will help me build my PC.
>give him the budget of around $1600+tax
>he gets me all the parts I need and orders them for me
>he comes over with them all and we build it together in like half an hour
>set everything up, delete all bloatware shit and install everything
>for his trouble buy him a steam game of his choice

>pretend to be dumb as fuck
>act like you can't see advice in chat
>backseaters get so mad they donate you money telling you what to do
Backseaters will literally pay for his entire pc by the end of the stream. And it's absolutely hilarious

>Welcome to unemployement forever
NEET ELITE master race here, that's not a problem for me. Thanks taxpayer

It's not THAT hard, man. Watch a fucking youtube video. AFter installing the backplate, it should take no more than 10 minutes at absolute max. More likely around 4 minutes.

>>put motherboard in case
It's a fuck of a lot easier to put the CPU and RAM and such in first before putting the mobo into the case.

what good are neetbux if you can't even build a pc with it

Sup Forums here.

Ask me anything, /r/. I mean Sup Forums

That's a real cute little piece of shit you tacked on, fuckboy. I installed a scythe mugen.

When is Sup Forums going to be a better board than Sup Forums? Right now Sup Forums is a better place to come for PC hardware information than Sup Forums is.

t͏b͏h f͏a͏m I just buy my pcs

I've built RIGS with very little light.

I used the Force to guide me.

Or my Demon Hunter vision thing.

Well that's nice and all but you don't need that under any circumstances unless your case fans are fucking awful.


>put it together at a friends place with the help of 3 people who have all built pcs
>tell everyone how easy pc building is even though I'm a clueless moron

>paying extra money for something you'll never need
Lmao nigger
Also that case is hideous

For some cpu's like my amd you don't even have to think about paste

Well yeah...the twitch user base watches people they can relate to

Is that a CM Storm?

When I turned 16 I got a job at McDonalds during the summer so I could save up and buy the parts to build my first RIG.

Just so I could play WarCraft 3.

That was 14 years ago before the internet had easily accessible instructions on how to build RIGs.

I read the fucking manuals and made a RIG that last 5 years until I sold it for a profit to some sucker.

Point being, you have to have down syndrome to not be able to build a fucking computer.

Also, WarCraft 3 was SO fucking cash.

>Watching a literal who being a fucking retard on Twitch while raking in cash from retarded viewers

That's not true. We both know it's not true. If you even for a second think that's true, then you are letting your hatred and bias get to you.

Replaced thermal paste for the first time yesterday, was pretty easy

Except my fan wasnt on properly and my cpu hit 100degrees just from booting
Fixed it tho

Deciding between skylake and haswell. Already have a haswell mobo (though it's shit) and not sure

>not being able to recognise the GOAT R4

You disgust me.

Have you seen the shitposting on Sup Forums when it comes to graphics cards?

Watching his stream has me wondering if he's being an idiot on purpose.

>mfw i know a dude that built my computer for a case of beer and a packet of smokes.
My PC reeked of smoke for an entire week.

Funmaps. They were Fun

My brother of African descent

More like a taxi driver who doesnt know how to assemble an engine.

Have you seen the shitposting on Sup Forums when it comes to graphics cards? There is so much more to computer hardware than graphics cards. Even if they were both on equal terms, Sup Forums still wins in everything else.

Are you a programmer? Skylake has Multi-Precision ADX which can be forced for all integer arithmetic to eliminate the possibility of errors. I don't see how that would be relevant for most people though. I would say if your budget fits it, get Skylake. If your budget fits an unlocked chip, you shouldn't use the trash motherboard anyways. If your budget is tight and you're getting a locked chip, there's no reason to spend extra on Skylake.

Literally just beat the WarCraft 3 Night Elf campaign on hard.

Dat final mission where you need to delay Archimonde for 45 minutes while he throws wave after wave non-stop at the Human then Orc bases.


>not like legos

No it really is, you have instead adult legos that require the ability to think about what your building.

It's easy to tell who has not built a computer ever because of the amount of bitching in this thread. It's so fucking simple and fool proof, the only difficult thing is the i/o shield but that's almost trivial.

>hyper212 is a nightmare

Shit like that, too is also the sign of a faggot. Read the god damned manual. Or just look at it for five seconds and you'll see how it works.

It takes maybe an hour to get everything together, tops. Outside of problems from shit not working right, then you have something to deal with. But that's never a problem when you have multiple power supplies, motherboards, ram, processors, etc.

Sorry poorfags.

>Putting in the CPU and RAM on the motherboard once it's in the case is hard
You must be very special

>Be me, Forsen
>Lets build a computer lol
>Oh fuck I got a genius idea
>Act like a complete retard
>The only way to communicate with me is through donations
>Act like a complete retard for like 5-6 donations until I go "Oh alright I got it now" and move on the next part

It's pretty smart doe

How do you figure out whether a mobo is "good" or not?

Any particular brands to avoid?

I'm getting an i5 6500, case it micro atx most likely. Any recs ?

>find a dork who will put it all together for you for $50
I found some loser who gave me a whole case of beer and a packet of smokes just to build his computer. Joke's on him though, I came inside the case.

>this whole fucking post
It's pretty clear that being retard on purpose is your specialty my man

He probably makes like 500k a year already why would he act like a retard for a few more bucks? Is he Jewish?

Its entirely based upon needs. For most intel plebs (i.e those using a locked cpu) its basically any old shit will do as you won't be using a million hard drives with it. When it comes to overclocking (both AMD and Intel) then you need to do your research.

To wit: its why AMD's 9590 officially is only supported by a handful of motherboards - the power draw is so high most motherboard vrms can't take the load.


>Watching Forsen

Well you're likely clinically retarded anyway so I wouldn't bother trying.

>people having difficulty assembling computers
>with a manual
>and tools
>and google
these people drive, and vote.

First of all, a 6500 is $205 right now. an i5-6600k is $220. Get the 6600k. REALLY, REALLY worth it.

Now, since you are getting a "k" chip which is unlocked and can be overclocked (don't be a fucking pussy, OCing is easier than it's ever been and 99.9% of all the rumors/myths you've heard about it are untrue) you'll need a mobo that can do overclocking. Ideally the mobos with the better chipset means it's a higher quality board. Why? Simple, it's more expensive and therefore they spent more in materials for it too, in order to handle the features that the better chipset brings to the table (the best chipset is "Z" something, in this case Z170).

Why are you getting a micro ATX case? That's just not a good idea. If you want a small build. go mini-ITX. If you want a normal build, go ATX. Honestly, unless you are on an extreme budget it's a bad idea, and you aren't on such a budget because you're getting an i5 over an i3, obviously.

Generally, the 4 all-around good brands include:

People generally consider Asrock to be the lowest, and ASUS/MSI to be on par for the best.


What's better for gaming, 1440p 60hz or 1080p 144hz with gsync?




>6000 viewers
>cancer chat
>donated 4000 dollars

Why do you faggots idolize people like this? They are literally nothing but leeches on society.

>H-he's funny!
No he's not.

good luck nigro, you did it wrong.

>He's made almost no progress in half an hour with a ton of help from chat and donators and this shit discourages me from trying.
he's most likely dragging it on because the longer he streams, the more potential viewers and donations.

i built my first pc when i was like 12 or 13, it's not hard. it might take a while for your first time, but as long as you go slow and follow instructions it's easy.

This user speaks the truth about the k vs non k

Why is that hard drive not securely mounted

I built a PC for 3 pieces of homemade sushi

First fucking step and you blew it. Watch dad closer next time he builds your pc, junior

lol did he seriously forget the motherboard standoffs?

why do newer cases put the psu at the bottom? won't it just make hot air rise towards the gpu?

The lower part of the drive cage only has mounting for 4 drives (and 6 on the top part which i've removed) and I have 5 drives. Since i'm not chimping out throwing my pc about having a 2.5" drive sit on top of another isn't a problem when it frees up space to remove the top part of the cage for airflow.

To be fair though that picture is fairly old and that loose drive is now secured in a 3.5" bay.


So at this point, I'm going to assume you've decided to upgrade to the i5-6600k, decided to change to an ATX motherboard (did I mention it's hard to find a high quality microATX mobo. There are just less options), decided to go with the Z170 chipset because you have a 6600k, and decided on one of those 4 brands.

Now you look at features. 99% of the time, any Z170 board would do, but maybe you want something specific. Do you need onboard wifi because you're too far to use a LAN cable? Do you need a certain amount of USB 3.0 (or 2.0) ports? Do you need a Type-C port?

Next thing to look at is aesthetics. Which board looks best to you and your build. Maybe you want a red/black kind of build, and therefore an MSI Z170 Gaming 5 would be a fair choice. Maybe you want a white/black build inside a Fractal case, so an MSI Z170 SLI Krait might be good. And so on.

Last thing to consider is price. Let's say you find two nearly identical boards, let's say like an ASUS Z170-A and an ASUS Z170-A and a Z170 Deluxe. Let's say one gives you zero advantage over the other one. In most cases the more expensive mobo ACTUALLY DOES HAVE higher quality metals. This is something extremely hard to research, but it's the case more often than not. If it's like $10 more because of a sale, I'd generally go for the better one, but it's pure luxury at this point.

Another small thing of note, however unlikely (and irrelevant), sometimes one has a better sound or LAN chip.

I assembled my first computer when I was 12.

And this was back in 2001, when thermal paste was conductive and you actually had to move jumpers.

If you think assembling a pc is difficult, you are literally stupider than a 12 years old.

>why do newer cases put the psu at the bottom?

A lot of expensive cases let you mount it at the top.

>won't it just make hot air rise towards the gpu?

Even with psus exhausting downwards no psu gets hot enough to affect ambient temperatures in any real way.

with aftermarket heatsinks? yea sure its hard, not comfy and with some damn right impossible.

>you are literally stupider than a 12 years old.
irony is the best

nah, since the PSU fan is facing the bottom, it has it's own air circulation.

My 212 evo was a breeze to install. Literally only took longer than 15 minutes because I took my time and didn't have a proper table to work on.

I've been building PCs for quite a while now but there's something that I never understood, why does everyone gravitate to upright cases, despite how much weight is put on your graphics card and motherboard (with big aftermarket coolers)?

Ez as long as you don't break the plastic pegs

Its more space effecient on a desk.

That's not really irony, as it doesn't change the original argument.

If I'm retarded and I could do it, then...