Should I

I've asked before and got nothing. Should I buy this game. Don't let your personal agendas or bandwagon hate get in the way of advice.Don't be tumblr.

I saw your other thread fag, no.
Wait for the fucking game to go down in price.
The general consensus here is that it is a half decent game but they have no right charging full price for what it is.

It'd be an awesome indie game, but Sony inflated the dev's ego way too much and it's been overhyped.

its really boring and repeative

Pirate it and play for a few hours.

I can almost guarantee you'll be bored by the second or third hour. The game really has nothing going for it once you get past the exploration.

pirate it first. This game is really nothing special, it felt like i was playing an early access indie survival game. DO NOT buy before you pirate it. Thats my advice, and probably the only advice youll need.

I like it and my girlfriend who typically only plays Nintendo games loves it. She's been painting it since noon and it's 6 now. She's also been playing it for the past two days. I'd say go for it.

Woah there bud, did your mom forget to make you tator tots. You're edging out here man.

The smart thing to do would be to wait for these updates the devs are talking about and see what they add to the game first.

I personally do not think this game is worth 60 dollars in it's current state, but I don't pirate either so I'm waiting for the November/December steam sales.

Be smart and wait a while for the shit storm to calm down then make a decision.

What can we get an updated version? Someone mentioned they got the recent update(s) for the cracked steam version, not sure where to look since I typically just buy games. This one though, I can't, it looks like 2-3 hours and then complete boredom after that.

There's a famous quote from mountaineer George Mallory, when he was asked why he would want to climb Mount Everest: "Because it's there." If that answer strikes you as profound and beautiful, go buy No Man's Sky. If it seems dumb and unsatisfying, go play something else.

No, its complete shit. Perhaps in a year or two when they add some actual content.

click rocks on one planet, then go to a different color planet and click rocks on that one.

Oh, there's also shuffle shit around your suit/ship inventory.

Such a compelling game.

pirate it for sure.

I played for 3 hours now. Just flying around in muh spaceship going to different outposts and collecting materials. The game is the opposite of driven. Its minecraft without strive to survive. The inventory system is extremely flawed and doesnt explain about stacking/grouping upgrades for a bonus or anything like that. You have to rely on RNG for all of your upgrades as well which just makes the whole game worse for it

why did you delete you post just to repost the exact same thing? Were you afraid of being called reddit?

having more fun with this desu
>dual pebbles

Feign interest in No Man's Sky with your normie friends who bought it and ask about their experience with no man's sky. I bet it'll be similiar to what answers I've been getting.

So far everyone I've asked just kinda says a basic explanation of gameplay instead of being more verbrose about their "unique experiences" which is surprising because they normally vomit everything about their latest gaming exploits even if its the most mundane game.

I prod for details and I don't get them, just a by the numbers this is how you play it.

I deleted it because I spelled something wrong, it was literally the next post with the same one with edge spelled right. You know arguments with spelling errors go.

According to my friend the game is amazing. He hasn't stopped playing it yet. logged in 36 hours so far

I just dont understand why they had to give the game a color pallets of baby shit and wax candles
honestly man, unless its a critical error that nobody but yourself could decipher the meaning of, its best to just leave it be. you'll get more people questioning why you deleted the post, then you have to explain yourself
i dont give a flying fuck about my grammar when i post here and most other people dont either

i like it, i say go for it user.

Im looking forward to when either Hello finally patches the game with their tail between their legs or some modder figures the whole thing out and then when the game's price drops 80%. This would be a great comfy game to play after work and have my brain completely shut off to.

In the mean time I'm okay with waiting