This is a fire breathing turtle dragon

This is a fire breathing turtle dragon.

This is Bowser. Everyone knows this is Bowser. He's standing. He's a character.

I always thought it was odepius

No he's a Tortoise Dragon.

post his balls

He's a kaiju

This is how a dragon looks like according to Final Fantasy IX

This. Right here.


I don't see any "dragon" in his design

This, probably based off Gamera

The cartoon dragon face, also claws.

He's kinda hot.

No, that is Bowser.

Are you sure?

That's what I really hate about his design. His face is way too squashed inward, and looks more doglike, than reptilian. The hair is also fucking retarded and always was.

would you have sex with bowser?

I want his sac on my face

That's a single Dad.

He's got a dragon's head.
This isn't a dragon, but it also has a dragon's head.

it's not like i'd have a choice if he wanted to

but yes

How could they go from such an amazing design to some homosexual's sparkledragon fursona in the next game?

Is Bowser Jr. his son or his past self from Yoshi Island?

It's called a coherent aesthetic. Everything else is brightly colored disco shit too.

I know what its almost going for, but the shortness of the snout/lack of it makes the design look like shit.

round 2

Balls where

Bowser is heavy...

You gays kinda scare me

This is an evil Demon King.

do it

Dragon is more loosely base of a word than we think. We are just used to the lizard type.
Since bowser is the king of Koopas hes gotta look mean.

Past self, Yoshi's New Island confirms. Which is why he disowned his real children.

Wait what? You mean the Koopalings? Those are considered his adopted kids right?

Kind of. To fans yes but it was retconned so they are now just elite henchmen.

Why did he disown this kids?

No they're his biological kids, but he disowned them. Since now he has a little clone of himself to raise

>sakurai put equipment and special moves under the same "custom" umbrella
>this means no koopa claw outside of casual games

>bowser will never force you to fuck him

would you?

Needs more thic bowser balls, then yes

only if im the top

Yes and?

It's my fire type adaptation of Blastoise

You can't just say that and not post any worthwhile content