Wake up early on a chilly winter morning as a kid

>Wake up early on a chilly winter morning as a kid
>Still have that blissful childhood wonder and ignorance
>Make yourself a nice hot drink and maybe a slice of toast
>Slip into your cozy winter clothes and sit at your desk
>Boot up your PC and log into WoW
>Hear this music: youtube.com/watch?v=mpyInx0ldfo

Been 8 years since that day user

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying I ever played WoW

>Nostalgiafagging over WotLK

>over WOTLK
>OP probably born after 1995


It was 8 years ago user.

I feel nostalgic about wow but i joined in the launch of tbc, so for me nostalgia is the 1-60 levelling, the entering the dark portal and seeing that sky and finally nagrand.

its 6am right now.
buts its not the same.

this was my song.

I also get nostalgic over Nagrand but I think most old players do

>as a kid

fucking hell

I don't see why people nostalgia so hard over Grizzly Hills. It was subpar in terms of questing. The music was nice for a while but got old quick.

You know that anyone who was a kid playing wotlk could be as old as 24 now right?

nah user I can't into math thank you for the handholding I retract my post for sure

I started with mid-late TBC but never got serious into WoW until WotLK

The best moments, for me, where those between each Wintergrasp battle. Fishing there was so relaxing and the music gave me a deep sense of quietness



>im so totally mature and grown up now XD

wrathbabbies pls leave

>being a cunt
>bc babies
Please stop being such a jew over everything.

No, I am 22 and played wotlk when I was 14.
Started wow when I was 12.

what the fuck happened to this board? it's nothing but anime garbage that's not even vidya and dozens of daily wow cancer threads. just awful


Same feeling as runescape. Will never forget that feeling drinking hot coco while hearing the god damn theme. Fuckrunescape wa million time better then whorecraft

exactly the type of response i would expect from some degenerate wow addict. you have a thousand other places on the internet to discuss your addiction. you're a worthless faggot

I don't even play wow anymore user.

this guy gets it

you're clearly a newfag who wandered into Sup Forums if you think this board always allowed wow faggotry and virtual novels

>one of the worst expacs next to cata and wod
one good raid, thats it.

fuck off grandpa, keep up or get left behind

theres nothing more pathetic than being proud of being an old fart


>Same thread
>Runescape Login Music instead

Now there's the real nostalgia.

>liking a game with fucking click to move latency

god you shiteaters are the worst

Who are you quoting?


Speak for yourself, I run a 3.3.5a private server for me and my buddies. Total sandbox. I wake up to that shit still.

>Boot up your PC and log into WoW
It was going so good till this line.

Best WoW music coming through.



If Blizzard can keep up this level of music through Legion it may just make up for how fucking shit WoD was.

If we're saying expansions are only worth raids, then Cataclysm must be your top pick.

The overall package of Wrath makes it a great expansion. The zones, leveling, music, and even the dungeons for the most part.