I plugged at least 400 hours into XCOM and Long War. I loved that game like no other

I plugged at least 400 hours into XCOM and Long War. I loved that game like no other.

Decided to pick up XCOM 2 for my toaster because it was on sale. Unfortunately I can't get it to run at all because of the aforementioned toaster-ness, so I had to get a refund.

Tell me how shit the game is Sup Forums. I need to feel better about all this. It's really bad, right?

Is it actually shit??

It's pretty good. I keep getting mad and rage quitting though cause I'm terrible at it and lose my game every time (i have yet to finish it)
I refuse to save scum so I play ironman on commander difficulty. I'll beat it one day..

>preorder xcom 2
>don't even touch it for months
>wait for mods to catch up
>install fun voicepacks and meshes
>bob ross voice with full predator gear
>duke nukem
>power rangers
>mass effect crew
>futurama crew

according to steam i have 20 hours in and i haven't even started the campaign yet. just fucking around in the character creator.

I have no idea. I bought it assuming it would be as good as the last game, now I want to be told it's bad so I don't regret not being able to play it.

This whole thing has just been a painful reminder that I'm too poor for a new PC

Fuck no, XCOM 2 is great. It's just very different than XCOM: EW with Long War. XCOM 2 has the better combat with more dangerous aliens, but EW and Long War have the better base mechanic.

I'd set my heart on that Bob Ross mod. Killing Xeno's to his soothing voice would have been great.

I've never been so disappointed.

I guess I'll just have to wait for it to come out on PS4. Feels bad resorting to scrub-tier but better than nothing I guess.

2 is ok, depending on if you like the timed stuff it's a little better or worse than EU/EW

LW is still by far the best thing to come out of the reboot

The vanilla game is only good. Nothing more nothing less. It has issues that polarize people but I think the guerilla hit and run style this game goes for is fun and works well. Luckily the modding community went 0-60 in a nanosecond and all the flaws were basically fixed by day 2. There are also mods to change shit you don't like, too. Overall 8/10. Still wish they would've optimized it a little better.

Do you think it would be worth picking up on console, considering I wouldn't be able to fix it with mods? Considering I loved the last one so much I figure I'd get a lot of fun out of it even if it was 'just ok'

It's actually really good. Far more tension and not as prone to "overwatch spam" as XCOM:EW.

Also, I found that the classes were far better balanced (gunslingers and psionics are awesome, but other classes have solid roles) this time around.

Save up and pick up a better graphics card.

If you feel like the turn limits are too strict get the mod that doesn't start turn countdowns until your squad is revealed, I think that makes it a lot more fun and definitely makes more sense.

Definitely not for full price

I played through it once on release, got halfway through another run, dropped it and haven't picked it up since

Got 44 hours out of it

The vanilla game is good and a really interesting twist on Xcom that is what a sequel should be. The 3 DLC packs are:
-Game breaking crap
-Ok I guess

Cheers Sup Forums, I'll either trade something in for it on console or try and badger a friend into giving me a new graphics card. I need my XCOM fix somehow.

Dammit, you were meant to put me off playing it.

It's like EU sans charm and the global game. The tactical game is better, but I can't play it any more because of horrible performance problems.

you can fuck around with an ini file and get it into somewhat tolerable state
i have fx-6300 and radeon 7870, it only drops below 30 fps on large maps and/or when a lot of destruction is going on

Xcom2 is better than EU in every way but the overworld. enjoy your toaster friendo

Do any of you think XCOM 2 will get an expansion pack a la EW?

actually your webm showcases its overall lagginess perfectly
well done


Maybe have 30 hours in XCOM2 before getting bored, and hundreds in long dong. It's just not a hard game.

this is Fire-axis we are talking about so most certainly

Every character of relevance is either brown, yellow or female.

Xcom 2 is great and it might even be my goty.

How shitty is your PC?

It's pretty good but for the time being I still prefer EW. It's an improvement in pretty much all objective areas, but subjectively I really hate how they felt they had to up the ante in terms of how dangerous the aliens are. The game itself isn't really any harder than EU/EW, but you basically have to wipe out aliens the first turn they appear and I find it to be very binary (you killed them, you're fine, you didn't kill them, you're fucked). Makes grenades extremely powerful. I hope they do some general balance adjustments in the expansion.