Videogames can't be art

>videogames can't be art.
could this statement be further than the truth?

Video games aren't art, they are games

Do you consider chess or soccer art too?

what's not artistic about a game? what makes a game not art?

Yes it could.

Fuck, that's very comfy. Gonna go make me a condensed mini-park now.

Chess the ruleset is not art, a Chess set itself is art.

Chessboard is an art. When humanity goes extinct and some bored aliens want to mock our work, video games will be on display in the arts and craft category.

Is a screenplay art, then? Or a script? Aren't those just rulesets?

You make a good point, I concede that even the ruleset is art.

>what makes a game not art?

Art has no meaning other than itself, games have rules snd objectives you abide by

Art is based on the fact that human interaction plays a role.

A painting with no one to critique it is just colors on paper.
A movie with no one to watch it is just light on a screen.
A book with no one to read it is a bundle of papers.
A game with no one to play is just more light on a screen.

Games are not art. Humans aren't art either. Its an iteraction between human emotions and a source witch creates art.

The only games that can be art are games that aren't trying to be art, all the hipster 2deep4u "art" games fail at being art because they are simply trying too hard to be art, whereas a game like Dwarf Fortress is considered art because it was made from a passion like literally any other art masterpiece out there. What grand artist out there spouts out constantly that he's making art? Most great artists you find are usually not even confident in their own work.

if art has no meaning and only exists because it is meaningless then would that not make all art not art?

>Building your steel mini coaster above ground
>In dinky park
I don't know if RCT is art but your park sure isn't.

>spend lifetime painting grand mural of our lord
>bring it to the ministry

"You were trying too hard"

Way to misinterpret my post fagtron

Stop being stupid and face reality that you are playing a game

RCT3 is better

Planet coaster hype

I still haven't seen any good arguments for why games can't be art.

I literally just told you games have rules and objectives, what is the rules and objective for the Mona Lisa?

Nice hedge maze, retard.
>Gone Home
Video games are art, no exceptions.

Is a drop of paint art?

Then you lack reading comprehension or you are just stubborn and playing blind.

>what are the rules and objectives of the mona lisa
rules: no touching, no food/drink, don't cross the velvet rope
objectives: to capture beauty or a moment in time, to tell a story, to be admired

why do you think rules and objectives disqualify something from being art?

>urinals can't be art
Medium doesn't matter people, art is just some name given to something that has enough fans, or fans in the right places.

Being able to ride coasters was neat but I felt so limited compared to the 2d versions

An artist designed the urinals in my university, they look fancy and you can play a melody when you pee.