Todd gets bright idea to make es6 and fallout5 procedurally generated

>Todd gets bright idea to make es6 and fallout5 procedurally generated

>The best part of all is that it just works


Please fucking god no

Todd should be way shorter.

>see those mountains?

Daggerfall 2.0

The fact that this is possible is just too depressing...

I guess you missed Daggerfall. Maybe I'm just responding to a bait.

>See that mountain? You can climb it 18 trillion times with slightly different rocks.

He's right you know

Todd's better looking.
He could probably kick his ass too.
World's not big enough for the both of them.

The fucking irony if they did. Worse part they would probably try to sell it off as something new and inventive
>tfw watching Todd hyping up a feature that was dropped (rightfuly so) decades ago
It just works

What if they joined forces and made a world that was big enough?

>two master liars team up to create one big lie

OP shut the fuck up and never spread this idea of yours ever again

Oh shite I forgot that game existed
Mfw its way worse than daggerfall could ever be


youd fall through the ground, reach the center, and beat the game in no time flat

"see that can climb it! And then you'll see another mountain!!!!!"

But they basically did that with TES2.

This resulted in it possibly taking MONTHS i n-game to travel from a dungeon that was originally just outside your home city.

"the chances of two players seeing the same mountain are nigh impossible"

>"I think our fans are used to it over time, that we do like to try new things. And we'll have some successes, you know I think the shooting in Fallout 4 is really good, I think it plays really well. Obviously, the way we did some dialogue stuff, that didn't work as well. But it was I think -- I know the reasons we tried that, to make a nice interactive conversation, but [it was] less successful than other things in the game. For us, we take that feedback, and I think long term.

>Or other things we did in the game, like the choices you have in the end. When we have an opportunity with something like Far Harbor, like "Okay, how many ways can it end?" Let's give them more choice with something like that. And so it's not just a one-off, meaning Fallout 4 comes out and then we forget about it.

>I think it's an ongoing thing, and I think that kind of feedback we get is really, really helpful. And you're right that everybody does have an opinion, and I think that's good."


Fallout 4 was already more or less procedurally generated.


>mfw tes games went from procedurally generated to handcrafted only to go right back to procedurally generated

See that refund button?
You can click it.

cant be any worse than oblivion and skyrim honestly

It just works

So.. Daggerfall?


>Everything is randomly generated except the main quest
>Minitransactions for handcrafted quests and dungeons

is the refund procedurally generated?

Yeah, you also need to play the game to find it inside the gameworld

Fallout 4 is already mostly procedural you goof troop

I was going to disagree, but I like the idea of counting "you make our game for us, player" as procedural generation. The player is a collection of algorithms.

This is now a meme

See that settlement? You can help it!
Now with infinite procedurally generated quests!
You might have to exterminate this raider camp
You might also have to exterminate this other raider camp!
It's all random! We make use of the fibonacci sequence and Einstein's relativity theory equation to randomly generate raider camps!

When you think about it, the entire universe is a series of algorithms, everything is procedurally generated

true, as long as you believe in determinism

Considering the current garbage quality of their content it wouldn't be much different.

There are so many mountains, the odds of finding another player on the same mountain is practically zero

>the fucking minecraft building mechanics from fallout AND procedural generation

How fucking prophetic

That photoshop job has never been more accurate as to what we can expect

see that can talk to him

here is a (you) for going through the effort to screenshot and save some stale changed up Sup Forums pasta

Ok hear me out. I just a crazy idea here, that might just work.

How about, procedural dialogue

Minecraft meets Elderscrolls/Fallout?

Somehow it actually sounds pretty great for a $20 fantasy survival game

Hello friend

The refund button and you are in the same planet but you can't see it


Wouldn't be surprised. He's that kind of wannabe dudebro who derives gimmick inspirations from other popular games. Todd thinks gimmicks is what RPGs need and not core RPG elements.

all those say the exact same thing

nice to see the devs giving artificial positive reviews

Hopefully it'll have less bugs and removed shit than Daggerfall.