We try to trigger each other

We try to trigger each other.
Post with the most replies wins.

Only true facts.
I killed Oswald in my first playthrough of DS, because he was mumbling way too long

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, if you can, don't post THAT comic with the glasses girl, please, it triggers me badly and it's not Sup Forums related.

Oblivion was easily the best of the 3 TES games.


It's Oscar you dumb fuck. If you killed him when you could have just pressed the interaction button a few times like a normal person, at least remember his name

No, there's definitely an Oswald friendo.

I got lost in every souls game I've played and had to look up where to go.

Tetra Master > Triple Triad


i like and visit reddit for my gaming news

No Man's Sky is a great game and the organized hate campaign lobbied against it by this site is a sign of why the industry is dying.

Weebs ruined this board. Seriously.


I loved Life is Strange


I honestly don't know where you've gotten the idea that there are more weebs now than there was, say, 8 years ago.

i loved Witcher 3

imma agree with you on that, my main man.

It's a "trigger each other" not "bait each other" thread.

I didn't say they are getting more numberous. I'm saying these manchildren are the worst since they wouldn't play a game unless they can jack off to it.

You're not going to trigger anyone with that
Not video games.

Walking Dead Season 2

I let Kenny kill Jane, simply because I thought she was a bitch and that she wasn't the right person for Clem to be with.

He said post true facts. Skyrim is the best because it has the highest ratings, the most sales, the best mods and the longest lasting community.

I liked watch dogs

>the newest game is the most popular
gee who would've thought

I let Kate kill herself

And I'm saying they are exactly the same weebs as in the past. Weebs couldn't have "ruined" this board because weebs have always been here, and have most likely always outnumbered whatever little internet clique you think you belong to.

I use save states to beat hard 16 bit games

You're not very nice.

Overwatch's lore is so good.

Say what you want oblivion was the tes low point.

I think we all know where this thread will be heading.


I played KOTOR with cheats enabled for my full and only playthrough because I thought the game play was boring.

Honestly I liked fallout 4, and nuka world looks like fun.

I actually prefer EU4 over all the other GSGs.

Chief Hanlon is a shitty person and I kill him every playthrough.

>liking Skyrim
fighting mechanics were shit, and the game was too easy.

I've always fucking hated the bosses of MGS, felt like they were obnoxious and had no place in a stealth game. There's only a small handful of th them that I feel actually added to the game.
On that note I also feel like MGS has never been a good stealth game and has always been extremely shallow even for its time, although it has always been unparalleled as a semi-freeform mischief sandbox in a small space with stealth elements.

You're too stupid or delusional to argue with. KYS.

Not vidya but that's hilarious.

That's not going to trigger anyone here, everyone thinks she's a bitch and Kenny's a bro. Maybe you'll find the triggering you seek on reddit.

Sweet dreams and don't mind the itching.

The only way to play RPGs tbqh f4m.

Fighting mechanics are shit in all ES games you mongoloid. Skyrim is the least shit one when it comes to combat.
Only a shut in fucktard blinded by nostalgia would think Morrowind or Oblivion have better combat.

>We try to trigger each other.
You're not very good at this, are you.

weebs AND Sup Forumsacks did.

Bloodborne is the greatest game of all time

I don't know, I remember the huge arguments on here about that shit and why people were scum for keeping Kenny alive.

>Skyrim is the least shit
>frost/lightning attacks takes stamina/mana Somehow instead of doing damage
>no different kinds of attack
>useless skills

Counter point: Bloodborne isn't as good as Sup Forums says it is.

>I'm with her.

I sided with Playboy X

What? Expressing myself?


Dota 2 is the best moba, possibly the best game ever made

fuck OP oscar is my niga

Triggering people, ie; the theme of the thread. Two posts in and you gave up and resorted to name-calling.

>anyone who doesn't like me posting cuck and numale threads every 5 seconds is a Hillary shill

thank you for proving my point

Ashley Burch is a terific voice actor who should be in more, nay all games.

Street Fighter is boring, overrated trash.
Mortal Kombat is much better.


>get an immortal character
>stay still
>"oh, such a shit fighting mechanic"
that said, i think the best one is oblivion anyway.

basically this
we want to talk about vidya not watch you shitpost about transhuman niggerqueers or whatever and spew stale forced memes out of your ass

I love Anthony Burch.

The only things that she's been really bad in are the Borderlands game which can probably be chalked up to her brother.

You're right. I'm bored and lazy, but I am serious about the Tibetan Mandala worshippers having terrible taste in videogames.

She was very good as cassie cage i have to admit. I hope i forget its her in horizon and she's good in it.

News flash. Skyrim was a 10/10 game. If you dident like it's more then likely you have shit taste. Not that everyone else is wrong.


>Skyrim was a 10/10 game
I think we've got a winner

Ahhmm excuse me?

I think spiders are cute.

Have a nice day everyone. :)

Fell for the meme and tried Mount & Blade.

>looks like a ps2 game
>no VA
>world feels absolutely dead.
>even the menus look like shit

The game could've been great. At least Bannerlord has PS3 level graphics. Maybe I'll torrent it

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon was a perfectly enjoyable game.

Nah fuck that

Thank you Darwin Sama

People dumb enough to cut/stab themselves on avocados or bagels deserve it.

There's nothing wrong with AssaultField: Call of Horizon.

Oroboro and Peeve DS2+3 playthrough never ever

peeve is completely utter shit

good both those games are shit
more like
>Oroboro and Peeve Pure Black finale never
>Crossroads never to be finished


Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is not a good game.

triggered muh dik


I am a female that plays video games.

what games do you play


Fallout 4 was the best Fallout game and Todd Howard is the best game developer.


Graphics don't matter unless you can't tell what things are, and studios should focus more on their gameplay rather than how good their game looks.

The PS4 is Sony's Wii
everybody bought it out of nostalgia
nobody plays it

Come on user, you have try a little bit harder than that

Dark Souls isn't challenging or fun

this is my real opinion

Bloodborne is a shit overrated game with an uninteresting plot, terrible voice acting, atrocious animations, and mediocre graphics


What about immersion? I like the hair effects in The new Tomb Raiders or how characters in Witcher 3 are wet after swimming or during rain. The further from reality it is the less immersed you are and it's a big negative if you're looking for escapism. With multiplayer games this is obviously less important

I have Gone Home in my Steam library.

I actually really enjoyed that game. It made me feel all kinds of feelings inside.

To posts with no (you)s: No it's not because you triggered us so much we didn't reply just keep trying, one day you'll get there