Persona 5 Trailer Featuring a Date With Futaba

Futaba is a midget.

>built for sex


Call me when it's a >she


Damn, just how tiny is she? Protag is just 175cm/5'9"

Muh dick.


>Cat's there even when you're with a girl

True waifu confirmed


For some reason, it's become a fad for characters voiced by Aoi Yuuki to be as tall as she is, which is 1.45m. See Jinako in CCC, That one oni chick in fate/go and now this womanlet.


It's Riviera all over again!

When you're fucking a girl and a normal sized dick would kill her she's too small

I was expecting her to be at least 5'1 or even 5'2.

But she looks like 4'7 or something.

4' 9

shed look better without the retarded huge glasses

Even the 14 years old Madoka is taller than her, and she voiced her too, what a dwarf.

Same difference. Still was not what I was expecting.

>the size of a 12 year old
How do you even get that short without having a medical condition.

By being asian

Come to New Mexico everyone is manlet here

By being Japanese, apparently.

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I reverse searched that.

So what height is manlet status to an asian?


I don't think that's universal user.

Fucking pedobait.

Probably like 5'5, I'm 5'10 and don't recall very many people same or taller than me.

for males it's probably anything under 5'3 , females is anything under 5

Even if that puts her at perfect dicksucking height, that's way too short. She doesn't even look like a human anymore.

The same as it is anywhere else in the world, but manlets are more acceptable to women since true men aren't that common.

>soulless ginger midget chink NEET

How do her headphones stay on?


years of sticky neet sweat

>"muh dual audio"
>characters are still voiced only in plot significant scenes

>We want the Loli audience
Anyone waifuing her is a confirmed pedo

>uhh how do we make this character cool?
>make her wear huge headphones and huge eyeglasses
>fuggen brilliant

Tiny as fuck

Can someone give me the list of waifus you can romance in this game.
Thank you.
I don't know why but I feel I'll go for the short hair one.....again

that potrait is hideous

waiting till february for the game while avoiding spoilers is gonna be hard

so smol

More like 5'6 unless you meant Tyrion by manlet. I'm 5'7 myself and it's not unusual to see guys and even girls who are taller than me in Japan.

>blowjob height


>4' 9
Did having a character voiced Aoi Yuuki be the same height as her became a meme? (see Shuten-Douji for a recent example)

What's with people and media outlets suddenly talking and making news about those 2 weeks old videos?

The video was just posted 2 hours ago by Atlus themselves. What the hell are you talking about.

not op but it was shown at a press release or something a while back.

The only reason people are talking about it now is because the video isn't in shit quality.

There were 21 videos uploaded roughly2 weeks ago. They all went private, though.

What is it with japs and their midget fetish?

Is there any vidya female made by Japan that's over 5'5?

Well her VA is tiny after all

Small is ok but this is too much.

Have you even played persona 3 or 4? This is miles better than those.

There's only one that matters.

She's even smaller than my younger sister and she's 11.


Are a lot of jap games like that, with mostly hiragana in the text boxes? I thought it was mostly just old ones, from the days when the screens were too shit to do kanji without just being mostly square blobs.

especially when pissed fans of another game are going to be aggressive about posting them

>Maid outfit
Closest I will get to a goth girl, guess I'm going with her. The poor mans Mary.

Average JP size is 5'0

>Closest I will get to a goth girl
>The poor mans Mary
She's your teacher that moonlights at a maid cafe.


holy fuck i wasn't expecting to laugh that hard.

What's happening in that gif? I used to watch that guy.

>like short girls
>dislike asian features
Western women are irredeemable anyway, but damn.
Not just talking about feminism and shit, but Japanese women put more effort into cosplay. Never seen a white girl pull off the maid look. If I want to fuck a 2d lookalike they cant cut corners.
Why do western cosplayers put in less effort?

There literally is a goth girl though, right? That nurse chick.

Futaba is so fucking cute

prepare to laugh even harder when that game turned out to be a flop

This t b h f a m

That's adorably delusional.
I mean sure, someone might actually drop the game after some major spoilers, but assuming they'd drop everything, buy a WiiU and get #FE instead is borderline retarded.

the glasses are normal-sized, she's just too small for them

This doesn't rule her out entirely, there are fetish groups into teacher student relations.

Why does everyone hate goth girls? They look distinct, yet are always absent, meanwhile tomboys are more common, you would think gothloli subculture would show a demand for this shit.
>Finally see qt goth girl in anime
>It's a trap
I fucking hate Japan.

I refuse to believe that shit is serious.

Because goths are literally sluts. Maybe you're getting goth confused with lolita fashion.

I was hoping for more Margaret Moonlight style goth girls with the makeup and dress.
I like the choker though.


They arent all sluts.
Besides it's fiction you idiot, goth is an aesthetic, they can make a pure goth girl. Most Japanese girls arent qt, does that mean you want less attractive characters?

But glasses make girls cuter

These posts make me so mad for some reason.

I'm getting the game next month, and I'll make a spoiler post for every time I see something like this.

Jesus christ this is so autistic

Gosh just everything about her disgusts me.

>that design
>that height
>her bio description
>the thought of going on a date with her

Gonna do my best to avoid any interaction with this walking shit stain.


I can't wait to unlock the forbidden secrets of her dread necronomicon

>Epic Fire Emblem mirages
>Personas aren't a Fire Emblem mechanic
>Some of them look nothing like their actual counterparts
>Some don't even use the same classes
>Some don't even use their trademark weapon like Tharja and Draug

You live with her. No really.

That's not even mallet status is the US. Fuck off with your shit posting.

>inb4 manlet detected.

diminutive gent ascertained

It's a reference to the battleborn tweet
>not knowing your memes


One guy here in Singapore bought Battleborn and a bunch of people in the store literally laughed when he paid for it, I'm not even kidding.

Kinda hard when she actually lives with you.

Oh come on. That's just rude now.

Still, it is Battleborn.


Not even a manlet. I'm 5'9, slightly above the national average.

>not a manlet

Fuck I'm sold

That actually happened or are you just cross-meming me?

When will you learn?

The whole team in P3 lived in the same place, don't see why it's hard.

>anything under 6'0
>not manlet tier