Shark boss

>shark boss
>"nice to eat you"


>fire boss

>no GASHUNK boss in old hunters dlc

>Butcher Boss
>Nice to meat you

>hoshidan boss

>Thanks Meat!
>uhh I mean mate

>concierge boss
>"nice to greet you"

>Alligator boss
>"I'm a mama-papa coming for you!"

>rapist skeleton boss
>"I've got a bone to pick you with!"

>skeleton boss

>african american shark boss
>'i'm fin-na kill you

>chair boss
>"nice to seat you"

>butcher boss
>"Why'd you kill me dog, Jack?"

>fake boss

>rioting and looting horde of ducks appear

>english boss
>"nice to leave eu"

>farmer boss
>"nice to wheat you"

>Skeleton boss

>"I've got a bone to pick with you"


>father boss
>nice to beat you

GET OUT Sup Forums

>Vore boss
>Nice to eat you

That pizza looks disgusting. It's fucking burnt around the edges. Thincrustfags are the worst.

>father boss
>"Are you my dad?"

>one eye'd skeleton miner boss
>"Eye've got a bone to pick with you"

>healer boss
"I've got a boon to put on you"

>transgender boss
>"I'm gonna take a bite out of crime! B..buh...BITE. B...buh...BITE!"

>Because it's wrong for people to be happy with who they are

>cat boss
>its actually a yamabiko boss

>milf boss
"Nice to teat you!"