Outside of the autistic community, Minecraft is a pretty good game, right Sup Forums?
Be honest
Outside of the autistic community, Minecraft is a pretty good game, right Sup Forums?
Be honest
Nope. Lots of potential but squandered by its retarded creator.
It was slightly taken into the wrong direction but it's still a fun and creative game.
Wasted Potential: The Video Game
It's alright as a modding platform though
What do you mean?
The RPG shit thats in it?
It's alright. Really I wanted more exploration because I enjoyed the environment more than anything. The combat was probably my least favorite part but it's the one thing they really capitalized on.
Its a masterpiece
This game seems like it'd be fun with like 6-10 friends on a survival server working together
Nobody I know cares about this game though
it should have stayed a bottomless bucket of lego instead of adding stupid shit like rpg mode
i have some great memories when my brothers and some friends were playing.
It's boring in single player, there are some good gamemodes in multiplayer, but as others said it's really fun when playing with friends...... too bad i got no one..
Never played it, but the sheer overwhelming number of autistic children playing this game is incredible. I just don't care to be apart of that community. And I never liked the aesthetic. Or the cancerous youtube channels making millions off it.
There has definitely been some cool looking shit done in that game though. If only the player base wasn't underage.
Outside of "I am 6 years old" the building crews make most of what minecraft is about.
I myself enjoy making occasional big ass castle on a server from time to time.
However 7 days to die is my PvE ultimate survival game.
Minecraft for when I wanna make epic stuff.
Yes, among other things. No dynamic lighting, lack of customisable terrain generation, lack of variation in biomes, lack of flora/fauna variety, lack of monster types in general, crappy combat, crappy AI, hunger, redstone being autistic and poorly implemented, lots of crafting recipes being retarded, fishing/farming/brewing/echanting being shit, lack of decorative items, lack of game modes.
Mods don't excuse the fact that it should have been better.
I ran a server for my friends in college and it was great. We would pump hours into crazy shit to build, then burn out for a couple months until we caught the bug again. Eventually though everyone got tired of it, we had already done and built pretty much everything.
I tried public servers but they are filled with 10-12 year olds.
>can't even enjoy tekkit anymore
Yeah it's okay all things considered. I hated the idea of it for the longest time until a friend in college got me to try it. We joined up in the college community server and it was pretty damn fun looting everyone's homes and building up a secret base.
I'd recommend at least trying it with friends, online, and by yourself- it really does have a lot going for it.
I enjoy recreating buildings in real life in minecraft. It's almost like a puzzle.
Who indev here?
I miss those days, it sounds ridiculous now but this game could be fucking scary at times, mostly the fear that you could lose your hours of hard work at any given moment. All it took was one skeleton and you were FUCKED.
Definetly it could've been better, just as the first rpg could've, Minecraft was the creator of the grind-o-survive games, we can't expect the first game in that genre to be perfect...
But, mods can fix all what you said and make minecraft a better game
Play Factorio
It WAS a good game.
It's now bloated with so much stupid shit that nobody wanted and the entire direction of the game now caters to stupid children and autistic youtubers.
It's current year. There's no reason why it couldn't have added those things especially since there are mods that do it.
Beginning of alpha, missed infdev by a few days. Played the free version for the most part anyway, lava flood and zombie tag maps were a blast.
I did, tekkit has its charm too since it's 3D and a little bit more manual but the clashing mods and general redundancies and inconsistencies make it hard to play
Only on LAN. Online is cancer, but get a decent group of people you know on a private server, and it can actually be fun.
>tfw I'm 29 and just started playing this game on survival mode, no mods or anything
>tfw I can't stop playing it and having a lot of fun
Meh, I feel like a kid again with this crap.
>not playing with friends
>having friends
lmao ok normie
>online friends don't exist
by trying too hard to not be the normie, you in turn become the normie
It's really tight and everything in it works, that's a lot to say compared to the other survival games out there.
It could be so much more, though.
It's pretty good when modded.
No it actually isn't fun after you've played once. Needs mods to be even decent.
Literally just like NMS
Not my cup of tea. I'd rather some story involved or plot. I can see why some like it who aren't autists.
Dragon quest builders interests me though
Once you begin to understand the game and its mechanics it becomes boring, as there is no real challenge for you to overcome once you know how to survive efficiently. Playing with friends if pretty fun, since you end up doing things to show your friends, but that can be accomplished by just about any game.