So how do we fix the MMO genre?
What MMO are you playing?
And are there any "old-style" MMOs on the horizon?

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just a reminder that Gawker has a new site called "The Cuck"

>linking shitaku

I've noticed somewhat of a resurgence in sandbox mmos. But if there was a new FFXI or SWG style game I'd be all over that shit

Pastebin you retarded faggot

>not having adblock installed

Adblock doesn't stop them from getting clicks.

Isn't Kotaku dead yet? They're part of the Gawker websites right?

Would think after the 200+ million dollar payout to the Hulkster they'd start eliminating some of these pieces of shit.

Ign bought them up i think

As much as I hate kotaku, she's right. FFXIV is shit compared to FFXI.

The magic of FFXI is still alive, but it's dwindling.

Here's an archive link because OP is ignorant or a shill

>So how do we fix the MMO genre?
Push the limits for combat and interaction between players.
>What MMO are you playing?
You already know.
>And are there any "old-style" MMOs on the horizon?
I hope not because "old-style" is what's killed the stagnated genre.

>So how do we fix the MMO genre?
Understand that technology and commonly available internet speeds have actually improved during the last decade and a half and design combat and enemy behavior accordingly.

>What MMO are you playing?
None. They are literally shit games. They use combat (mostly) and enemy AI that was bad fifteen years ago but at least necessary for the combat part because of computers at the time and internets of the day.

>And are there any "old-style" MMOs on the horizon?
No. The only games on the horizon are korean grinders and laughable attempts to make games that require 20 million for a tenth of that with kickstarter.

The next AAA mmo will save the genre IF it's not designed for toasters that are 5 years old now so the combat is visceral and fulfilling and the enemy does more than check a threat table. Asians and kickstarter scam artists won't save shit.

Stop posting this shitty single player game with an online hub.

Good job you just described every MMO on the market.


This isn't a mmo though, it's comparable to GW1 or PoE.

That camera is sickening.

>I hope not because "old-style" is what's killed the stagnated genre.

Actually before WoW, MMORPGs were doing just fine. FFXI and EQ were at their peaks. It's the themepark design and the fact that so many companies thought they could copy it that we have stagnated again

Smash 'em, Hulkster!
It is an MMO.

Do NOT post FFXI without a trigger warning.

It's a crying shame that something of this caliber had to die so abruptly. It's the fault of the incompetency of humanity that killed it. Fuck casuals and fuck reddit twice.

What was so good about FFXI anyway?

The article is right, MMOs tend to be too easy, they focus to much on high level dungeons being challenging which destroys half the game essentially.

Vanilla WoW had a decent balance, but was still way to grindy later on. The 40 man raids are probably better set at 20 or 30, and bosses needed to drop double even with 40 people.

Honestly, Monster Hunter is the closest thing to getting it right. It focuses on fighting a big monster every round but still has you gathering the small stuff in between.

The world it created wasn't some modern Korean style MMORPG where you do nothing but collect rat asses and turn them in. It was a real and believable world that players basically lived in. Economy was player controlled and social dynamics were of extreme importance. It was the only MMORPG that ever mattered because it was the only one that did nearly everything right.

Kinda sad I missed it. I gather it isn't worth trying it today?

Didn't it thrive for like a decade? Nothing lasts forever.

I believe that the expansions killed it, just like EQ

It was the best damn final fantasy game


It can be played but without the players or the difficulty, you're getting just a shadow of its former self.

Most decent AAA MMORPGs last longer than a decade if they're good enough. I think SE are prematurely trying to kill it. "Fuck you, got mine"

They should just make it f2p and do aa server merger.

>Nothing lasts forever
It was supposed to. But they fucked it up BIG time. They lied so much about what XIV would be in relation XI. In the end they had to turn it into WoW so it would make back all the money they lost.

FFXI thread? FFXI thread.

Where my Vana'bros at? I love hearing stories of other adventurers.


Where did you guys call home? I'm a Bastok hume

>tfw I never got to play this

I've played just about every MMO availabe right now and the only one worth playing is SWtOR tbqh.

How it was ruined exactly, i never played wow or any aaa mmo

>And are there any "old-style" MMOs on the horizon?

7 years of Bastok. Applied for San Doria citizenship for a short time to join the Royal Swordsman rank (was paladin main) but then got my Bastok citizenship back after earning the Sandy gear. Loved how the first month of play was basically spent inside your hometown and its immediate outskirts. When you finally left for Jeuno it was like leaving for another country. Then you get that feeling of finally going back home when you were done at Jeuno. Good times.


Are there any good FFXI private servers around?

why not just read the journals where he explains exactly how it's laid out my man
none of the systems in play are really very complex.

Why the hell can't the XI devs just port the game to the PS4?

>article about how mmos used to be about playing with other players and difficult games encouraged teamwork organized by players themselves. while newer mmos are designed to do most of the work for the player so no real input or communication is necessary between the players
>posts a game you pretty much play solo most of the time
I don't think you understand how little you contribute to any discussion you decide to join.

Just as I'm wondering "but how's the writing?"
>There's no story and no point! You're free to do whatever you want and make up your own story!

>that music

Nothing else makes me feel like I'm starting a grand adventure

Nasomi or Legiondark

>want to play a wizard in vidya
>magic in that game is randomly handed out based on percentage
>you lose your magic when your character permadies, which happens every few months of natural causes if you weren't murdered beforehand
I was about to consider this being kind of ok so long as you keep your talents throughout different lives, but losing that shit and hoping to win the soul-lottery every new character you play is some tedious shit.

Their articles get promoted based on how many clicks they get, which will result in more ad revenue because more people are looking at it.

This. My xbox 360 struggled in heavy population areas like Jeuno or Beseiged but the PS4 could do it no problem.

The issue though is they've changed the game so much now that all the old mechanics we know and love just aren't there anymore. Now with trusts (AI party members) the game can be mostly solo'd which makes the whole point of the game totally moot

Are they both relatively healthy population wise?

Not many MMOs do magic well and EoC is going to be the No Man's Sky of MMOs.

From what I've read there seems to be a story, but there's no npcs. The players take on the vital roles of heroes and villains, and the engine seems to somehow push players towards certain directions and events to keep the story moving.

I have no idea how that's supposed to look or whether this can even work. I'm willing to take a look, but I'm anticipating something mediocre.

140 on Nasomi. Legiondark has around 60.

Nasomi is a Chains of Promathia server while LD has up to Abyssea with FOV books

>vindictus finally adds a male mage
>it's some girlboy twink with magic knives or some other gay shit
can't even do this one thing right

So it's basically a paid version of Ark with permadeath and no dinosaurs. Super.

>not many mmos do magic well
and especially not vindictus

Boys are gay. Evie is pure.

Evie is the best designed mage in all MMOs and you can't argue that

>Didn't it thrive for like a decade?

Not really. It came out in 2003 outside nippon and died a painful death when Abyssea got introduced in 2010. People forget that it wasn't XIV that killed XI, it was XI that killed XI.

Didn't FF11 infamously have a boss they intended to be unbeatable, and banned anyone that actually beat it?

Absolute Virtue, yes.

Whats with all these Vindictus shills?

Shit game and especially a shit MMO.

It maintained a solid player base for 10 years. Other user is correct.

Hot opinions but literally everything any MMO does, Vindictus does better.

Pandemonium Warden? People couldn't beat him originally. When players started getting physically ill from the length of the battle (several rl days or something), they tweaked him to keep people healthy.

Hes in the OP pic. He wasn't unbeatable really, people didn't know the right strat.

Then the devs posted this vid, proving it could be done:

>MFW I loved Wildstar but it's dead and buried now

It could of been so amazing if the devs didn't fuck it up, the combat was so much fun, but they never did ANYTHING about the mass amounts of hackers.

He was talking about this guy. Originally was unbeatable. AV was never unbeatable.

Eh, not really. Absolute Virtue, the fella in the OP was notorious for being unbeaten. It wasn't designed to be impossible though. The bans were for people exploiting the system in order to beat it. People were logging out and logging back in mid fight in order to win. Or hiding behind a wall that AV couldn't do anything about.

Pandemonium Warden had 36 people fight it for EIGHTEEN HOURS straight before they all got sick or collapsed due to exhaustion. That fight got nerfed pretty fucking swiftly.

What about open world, character customization, UI, and being an actual MMO? It's just a Korean online game that somehow didn't go full p2w after a year.

It's literally one guy, and he searches the archive for any and all mmo threads to post it.

Vindictus was one of those games where I had to stop halfway through because nothing I did felt enjoyable. Just mashing the attack button while everything died. No difficulty nor depth for the first several hours. Least fun I had in an f2p game.

Whats the most 'hardcore mmo' you've played?

Mine was XI

Mixture of difficulty + lag

This cuck couldn't take the heat LOL

I was in one of the linkshells that spent hundreds of hours trying to figure out different ways to kill AV.

200% triggered just thinking about that shit, fuck that guy. I'm lucky I was home schooled in HS or I'd have failed out for sure

Hmm might give it a go. Any good? Or only fun with friends?

Was it really that addictive? Feel like I missed out on so much fun

People joke that Vindictus is dead but Dragon Nest is a level beyond that.

I mean it's fun and all but don't expect a playerbase

That sounds pretty stupid and shitty.

Dragon Nest is really fun but prepare to spend a whole mother fuckload of time on the game to actually enjoy it.

You have to be near the level cap to do cool shit. Takes fucking forever.

Wizardry Online.
It actually felt pretty fun. I remember there was a point halfway into a dungeon as a mage where I figured I just couldn't keep going on my own if I wanted to survive, so I had to go and talk to people and team up. Fortunately, they often felt the same, and parties formed quite naturally. Perma-death was a credible enough threat to want to play cautiously, and PKers were pretty spoopy. There was also a noticeboard that kept track of how many players died to perma-death in the past few days so you wouldn't forget it could happen to you, so that was fun. Was also pretty cozy in general. I think it's dead as fuck now, though.

I enjoyed Vindictus. Too bad there's nothing like it and will never be anything else like it.

The real way to kill Absolute Virtue is actually ingenious and really unique. No one figured it out until they were already cheesing him though.

Basically each job has an ability on a really long cooldown. AV can use all of them. Except, if, after he used it, someone uses their own within about 3 seconds, he can't use it anymore for the rest of the fight.

AV gets a ton of extra abilities for each one he uses, so you just have to bring each job to the fight, lock all of his abilities, and then you can kill him relatively easily.

Except, SE never told anyone that. Never even gave a hint.

Fuck I remember that game. I played with Sup Forums iirc


If you continue to keep on going, you might even become a meme

Holy fuck that's incredible

I want powerful magic.I want a fireball to be a fucking fireball, not a different animation to do x damage. I want to summon an elemental who'll charge at an enemy line and wreak havoc. Fuck getting it assigned RNG though. Make mages like dnd 2.5 ed or earlier: weak as fuck early and powerful late. If you die once you drop down (as far as magic skills go) to the start of being able to cast lvl 2 spells.

Is being passionate meme-worthy?

I'm not saying this to rub it in your face but you did and I'm not sure it's such a bad thing. If you never experienced it, then you don't know what you actually missed. For those that were there though, nothing will ever be as good and no enjoyment can be had from modern MMORPGs. Meanwhile someone like you would think that WoW or FFXIV were amazing.

I tend to play MMO's for variety of content, which ends up weird.
Wildstar is my favorite PvE MMO, but I don't play it anymore.
Blade and Soul is my favorite PvP MMO, but I don't play it anymore.
I think I just enjoy spending time in FFXIV because it feels the most complete I guess? I don't get the same feeling as I did raiding in Wildstar or grinding in Runescape, but it just feels like a place where I can spend a lot of time.

I think MMO's have already evolved, and people are just closed minded about it. Games like Minecraft, games like DayZ, Planetside, even a lot of mobile games.

They've all taken the majority of their foundation from MMO's, but people think that if it isn't a WoW clone than it isn't an MMO.

It seems like people complain about MMO's not innovating, but then dismiss things because they don't fit into the MMORPG box.

>passionate about a meme game

Reminder that Wildstar exists, is free and it's stupidly good.

If it had an animu aesthetic it'd be more popular desu

>Except, SE never told anyone that. Never even gave a hint.
And this is a good thing, people should find out stupid shit themselves, even if they have to do absurdly retarded garbage to reach the peak points (looking at you, ragnarok online)

Depends on how it manifests

>best races on the low end of the populace
I just want to be a draken war god

I am having fun with Tree of Savior.
It's the right amount of nostalgia, grind and difficulty without being too much on each side.
Maybe the grind. But I doubt any MMO will ever be able to get away from the grind, so at least making it similar to RO lets me look past it on nostalgia value.
I'd be fine with more games following the ToS path of unique art style and making classes feel different as possible given the margin as a main priority.
It's what tends to attract me to an MMO. Now if only IMC wasn't the most incompetent publisher there ever was.

I love WS, but it lacks a reason to stay logged in beyond the amazingly well done raids.

Housing is flimsy at best, and there's damn near no casual content.

>tfw was in the only group to kill AV on Midgardsormr

I love ffxi but it's painful to see kotaku talk about it

Excuse me this is an MMO thread

>but it lacks a reason to stay logged in beyond the amazingly well done raids.
You can go full autist over housing and the community is pretty chill, but yeah, I'd like more things to do and hope they add them soon.

you stay for the 4 way chua waterworks erp