Legion Pre-Patch

Discuss the expansion and its pre-patch. Post your mogs, and your UIs. Talk about the lore.

RIP Varian.

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This is a general, fuck off to

I can't decide if I want to play my outlaw rogue or my lazer owl

please don't make us go back there


anything but

Eat shit, faggot.

We have discussion here, not regurgitated circlejerk memes, trannies, and stupid avatarfags.

No, that place is fucking cancer.

Stop making a new thread the second the old one reaches the bump limit 24/7 then.

>Roll the dice
>Get all six buffs

>roll the dice with 6 points
>get 1 buff

couldn't force me to go to /wowg/ if you put me at gunpoint desu

>It's attack speed and leech


I want you to spend a good 30 minutes in that general and see why the only decent posters make threads here.

Trying to put together a MOG for a demon hunter is a pain in the ass. I want to be able to show off the tattoos on the character, but nearly all leather armor covers it up. I know there will be DH specific armors come legion but until then I'm stuck with few options.

The fucking retards didn't allow low levels to spend Nethershards. God damn it.

I am confused about weapons for offspecs in legion. Do I get all the artifacts at the same and I decide which one to level?


This is one of my favorite sets for leather.

I really think they should just add the option to hide your chestpiece but only on demon hunters

>Post your mogs
My blademaster

Just use the default armor it starts you with.

enh shaman or ww monk for legion pve?

You level one at a time, but leveling offspec artifacts isnt bad.

You generate arty exp as you play.
Over time you generate more and more.
As you focus on one weapon the cost increases more and more.
This way your main spec will slow down after a time, but you can rapidly upgrade an off-spec weapon.

>it's the time off CDs for finishing moves

Before you can even start doing the new zones, you will have to get your class hall and ONE artifact. At level 102, you can get the rest of your artifacts whenever you want. You only level one at a time though. Most artifact power, which is the experience bar for your artifact, you get from consumables, so you can feed them to any artifact you want. That being said, you should focus on just one initially. It becomes easier to level your other artifacts the more you invest in your primary one.

My Blademaster :^)

You get your first artifact at the start of Legion and the quests for the others show up at 102

To put my question in another way. I main spec a dps. If I want to play healer/tank in a dungeon, what weapon will I use? the healer/tank artifact?

where was velen

Wish there was more stuff to buy with shard, other than the pet and upgrading the weapon there's pretty much nothing. You can get a full set of the armor in the time it takes you to get enough shards for the upgrades so no point buying the sets.

>human blademaster
Pls go

Don't have it complete yet, still a work in progress. But here's what it will look like when I get the final pieces.

>get it
>use AR
>spam finishing moves
>use AR again a minute later

What's the problem?

Yes, the artifacts are spec locked.

you can't buy the sets, the 200 shards one is a cosmetic set

There's nothing to fucking do.

>got all the sets and the pup on the first day alone
Yeah. It sucks. I hope there's more later. My nethershards are just sitting there. If there's nothing else I'll upgrade the weapons to 725, but at this moment I don't see the point. I'll be getting a 750 weapon for free in less than a month and I can currently run whatever I want with my 710 weapon.

So, started playing again after a long break, quit the game during WOTLK. Is there anything worthwhile in Pandaria and Draenor or should I just rush through?

Also, why did they remove class quests, using totems without doing the quests first feels unrewarding.

>that brief moment Lexi Belle was hot as fuck

why must things all good thing come to an end?

Honestly, I see your point but I also share his. These threads are starting to become pretty damn regular.

What really needs to happen is a great purge of wowg. Ban the avatar and memeing faggots to actually allow some kind of conversation about the game to take place without "muh blog" shitposting as the de facto response.

>We have discussion here,
You will suck Blizzard cocks anyway.

She's hot in both. She's got a really good body for thicc and thin. I think at this moment she's a little too fat, but thicc Lexi is still good Lexi.

Both have pretty good leveling so there's that. Cata leveling is hit and miss.

They removed class quests because reasons. There is basically no point to the class trainers now either since you just get spells when you level, can change spec whenever and talents you can switch freely in towns.

Why oh why did she gain so much weight? Is it from constantly eating out (in more ways than one)?

>frost in 2016

ok bud sure bud

You're such an independent contrarian. Good for you!

Or just stop complaining about threads on Sup Forums.

No one complained about Witcher 3 threads when their expansion pack came out.
No one complains about Final Fantasy threads.

>tfw just want gold so I can get the tcg mounts
>don't know how to make it aside from running old raids

I'd still eat her ass

I made 20k gold over the weekend levelling up fishing.

>tfw almost done with this, just need the pants and the cloak
>Cloak is a drop from normal mode Blackrock Foundry, and I'm not in a guild that raids

CTA bags if you have a tank or a healer.

Fair enough I guess, just making the observation based on the rules of the boards. Plus there's potential for /wowg/ to not suck but it's unfortunately been left to its own devices for too long.

At some points during MoP those threads easily consisted of 80% copypasta.

holy shit that image is gold.

1-8 play shadow priest
9 play elemental shaman
0 go back to rogue



>a great purge
That would require mods who give a shit.

Solo it when Legion comes out.

my only tmog is felshroud :(

I like Unholy a lot, I just wish Abomination wasn't the best talent in that tier. I really like using a skeleton, but I feel like I'm gimping myself by not using the Abomination.

Pretty effortless to find groups in the group finder.

Mods barely show up in general threads, honestly the Sup Forums WoW threads have been the best time ive had discussing wow in years.

/vg/ threads all spiral into circle jerking and roleplaying and memes since there's only so much to say about a certain game in a certain point of time. Long term generals are retarded.
The only thread that can keep it together is the porn game one. Hell if I know why though.

belt hat and boots don't fit

this guy gets it

you can probably pug brf normal by now

wait it rains in stormwind now? since when?

You think it's doable? Some MoP raids are tough to solo still, and they are level 90, which is the same ten level gap that WoD raids will have when Legion hits.

because legion is about to come out, is this your first time on Sup Forums when a game is about to launch?

Yeah i agree, i would rather not use an abomination but its the best in that tier. Its easily fixable with some numbers tuned though

/aa2g/ is awful though

some generals like /d2g/ are okay, lots of memeing but it's quality memes

I don't think it's about motivation, just knowledge. At a glance mods probably see a /wowg/ thread without realizing that most of it is just shitposting, avatarposting and copypasta.

It's easy for mods to clean up obviously off-topic shit, like porn or posts about different topics, but I feel as though the subtlety of the namefagging and inner circle bullshit that goes on there is lost on them. /wowg/ is anything but anonymous at this point.

Really? I think it's the gloves and boots that are off. I think the belt and hat are fine.

So use Asphyxiate instead, Abom is not as good as you think it is, the difference is minimal.

Since Legion i believe

my prot warrior

no shoulders is a fucking godsend

The abominations dark transformation is fucking great. Asphyxiate isn't nearly as useful unless you're pvping.

Legion Mythic Raids get fucking obliterated at 110 with good gear. Dont worry.

Plus now Blizz realizes how much people like transmog so they're gonna be patching out instant kills and whatnot even if they dont give us the old raid buff for clearing it.

>tfw no retexture of Staff of Dominance

They should touch up all the old weapons at some point.

Female Goblin Priest y/n

Is Legion leveling fun at all? Will I be able to have a relaxing time leveling in whatever fucking continent exists now?

Victory for Sylvannas

Thematically they don't go together at all. They're too worn and leathery, the Kirin Tor stuff is a lot more regal.

is a non-edgy dk mog doable? or will you just look like a paladin?

Who /rich/ here?

So im playing wow for the first time. Should i just not quest and dungeon finder to 110?

It's a DPS neutral talent and there are plenty of uses for a 5 second stun.

possible if you're a night elf because they don't look like DKs in the first place

This is my DK

>We cannot currently think of any weaknesses for Unholy Death Knights
Lack of mobility post-nerf, lack of DPS post-post nerf, lack of survivalbility , lack of raid spot.

Whoever thought up the idea for the new transmog system deserves a promotion.

Easily the best idea they've had in a while. Looking at everyone wearing clownsuits for years has been awful. The game is much more immersive now.

Is this game even worth getting back into? I only have 3 hours after work and gym to spend playing video games and even less on the weekend. I mainly want to avenge Tirion.

Is it worth getting back into the game?

Such a nice bank mog, wasted on a Night Elf.

user none of us can tell you how much you enjoy something.

If you have that little time, I wouldn't bother with any MMO unless it's your favorite genre. Stick to games like Overwatch, Diablo 3, and Heroes of the Storm.

I'm not sure if mine looks like a Paladin or not. I just like bright armor sets.

>I mainly want to avenge Tirion
You are going to lose that goal the moment you see item level 740 greens.

I leveled with a friend and queues popped so fast that even running to new leveling zones was basically a waste of time until 85.

I'm still having trouble getting over the new nameplates. I've used the default UI for everything except bags for years and these new nameplates are making me consider downloading an addon to fix them.

It's doable with Warrior gear but your options are limited. There are some gems you can build sets around depending on your race like the Onyxia DK helm