So, what's Sup Forums opinion on the Dragon Quest series ?

So, what's Sup Forums opinion on the Dragon Quest series ?

Is it worth investing time into ?

I bought Dragon Quest VIII a few days ago as well as Dragon Quest I, II and III on android.

I loved Chrono Trigger. Which is probably still my favorite RPG of all time and Dragon Quest seemed somewhat similar.

What are your thoughts, Sup Forums ?

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Go get 4 and 5, two of the best games in the series. ESPECIALLY 5.

Should I get the android versions or try to get the original versions of those games ?

If the android versions are ports of the DS versions, go for it.

they are

4 even has the party chat restored

Dragon Quest games are usually pretty entertaining. I like 1, 3, 4, 5 and 8 the most. The first game has a lot of charm, although a lot of people around here dislike it.

Android versions of 4/5/6 are ports of DS ones but with higher resolution, so if you don't mind the touch controls then go for it.
Android version of 4 is the definitive one since it has Party Chat, which got gutted in localization of 4 on DS due to lack of money for translation.


PS2 version of 5 is better.

Start with IV, it is way more quintessential than V and VIII.

DQ is easily one of the best JRPG franchises. The fast way to tell if somebody knows their shit about JRPG is their opinion on DQ.

I'd avoid the android/iOS port of III. It's extremely butchered

iOS/Android versions of 1-3 are awful in general.
3 has cut content while 1/2 have butchered spritework due to fucked up aspect ratio

I actually really, really like the GBC port of III

It's partyly nostalgia as that was how I first played it, but even then it's by far the snappiest version of the game, and has some extra content you can't get in any of the other versions

And I have a hardon for Gameboy sprite art

Did you guys know that DQX is now 4 years old?

Did you know that Amazon Japan now ships DQX internationally?

I loved VIII, was kinda meh on IV. Looking to try III and V though.

as stupid as this may sound, I am actually having a hard time getting some decent roms.

Prepatched 1-3 SNES roms, in English.

Seems like one of those series where playing the newest traditional entry is best since they aren't seriously connected nor story heavy nor that different but the mechanics improve over time. SMT is the same way unless you like a particular setting

thanks mate.

Less content than the DS version, but everything else is better on the PS2. It's up to personal preference at that point.

>Is it worth investing time into?

Not really. The DQ games aim for mediocrity and successfully achieve it every single time. They do nothing to distinguish themselves from the great teeming masses of unremarkable JRPGs out there.

>less content
Literally the only thing you miss out on is 3rd, non canon optional waifu. That's also a shitty unlikeable dominatrix whore. Wow what a loss.

I'm with you there. I just posted the pic since it's easier than typing about a couple paragraphs about DQ. I love the GBC version.

Not even remotely true. They're all great games in their own right. The only ones that are hard to go back to are 1 and to a lesser degree 2.

Hi, FFfag


I'm gonna wait for the PS4 version and see if the Chinese release has no IP restrictions.

So an entire party member with unique party chat and 2 monsters than can become party members. Honestly it's not that much, but it's still worth mentioning. Sometimes one party member can make all the difference. Again, it's down to personal preference. Plus I like Deborah the most. She's way more entertaining than the other wives imo and I like her best in battle out of the other wives too.

IX is amazing and Sup Forums seems to hate it, which makes it better.

An entire party member that's OPTIONAL and NOT RECOMMENDED ON YOUR FIRST PLAYTHROUGH since you can only have 1 of the waifus per each playthrough, you can't do harem in DQ5 you fucking retard.
And Blonde Bulma is the canon choice as per Toriyama's official artworks, including the son being blonde.

IX definitely has its moments.

>observatory music
>that doll girl
>the dead scientist's waifu
>that ghost knight
>the whole start to darkness of the villain

IX is very "okay." It's got a lot of content, and it's pretty fun, but the slowness of the battle system kind of blows and it overall ends up feeling like a retread of III.

DQ1 is literally the first in what is called JRPG (There has been other Japanese RPG but most were just normal dungeon crawler or games more like Zelda like Hydlide). DQ2 is basically DQ1 to a extreme but because they rushed it out never properly balanced the game. So once you get the boat the game pacing goes from alright to just plain bad.

DQ3 onward is when the series really hit it out of the park. Tons of little stories all around with a fairly giant world for you to explore.

1-3 are all part of a story but you can enjoy DQ3 by itself.

4-6 has some connection but it's so minor even if you did play them you can easily miss them.

and the others are all standalone.

Personally I go with 7>4>3>5>8>9>1>6>2

Never played the mobile version (I can't stand most games with a virtual D-Pad) but heard iffy things about them.

4 depends on your feeling of accents but mobile seem to be the best
5 and 6 mobile is just the DS version so if you only can play them on mobile go ahead
7 seem it's going to be the 3DS version which we are getting in about a month which you might want to get.
8 on mobile however is just BAD. Frame rate, crashes, and just landscape mode just makes the whole thing feel bad. 3DS is coming out and while it has way more stuff in it the look is a bit downgrade so if you really want your DQ8 looking great play the PS2 version.

>great teeming masses of unremarkable JRPGs out there.

Such as? Turn based/class old fantasy jrpg is a dying genre now user.

Which makes me wonder how long it is going to take for SE to ruin this franchise like they did with FF.

They tried to ruin it with 9 but people whined and complained and they backed out, now they tried again with 10 and lo and behold, didn't sell as well they hoped for. I'm assuming it won't take long since the west have to beg on four to get sloppy seconds localized

Well isn't every wife optional? We all know who the canon wife is, but since you can only choose one then all others become optional, right? Also it's not like you have to go out of your way to get her. You can pick her at the same time as the other two wives. Also why isn't she recommended on the first playthrough? It's not like she's shit in combat.

>you can't do harem in DQ5 you fucking retard.
Why are you being so hostile? I was just providing info and I'm not even forcing my opinion on anyone. I literally said it's up to personal preference. Chill out.

No party chat ruined for me

Your personal preference clouds your objectivity.
DQ5 is better in literally every single way on PS2 outside of lacking the extra waifu.
If you'd rather play a downgraded version of the game on your first and possibly only playthrough for an extra non-canon waifu then you're a fucking moron.

Why wouldn't you want to play the version of the game that objectively has the most content?

>most content
>content you won't experience on your first playthrough anyway due to its optional NG+ nature
You're an imbecile.
Also go and play the shitty GBC version of 3 then since by your logic the shitty extra minigame is so fucking worth it.
Oh and 3DS version as well, few extra lines of dialogue and an extra dungeon sure are worth the massive downgrade of everything including the music and removing something as basic as fucking roads from towns.


Why are you so angry?

>NG+ nature
Deborah isn't NG +. She doesn't feel like NG+ content, although that's up to how the player feels and to anyone who is on a first playthough she will feel like just another choice.

>shitty extra minigame is so fucking worth it.
There's another bonus dungeon as well.

>Oh and 3DS version as well, few extra lines of dialogue and an extra dungeon sure are worth the massive downgrade of everything including the music and removing something as basic as fucking roads from towns.
If you are talking about DQ8, then I will since there are extra party members and an extra ending. Chill out man. I'm still giving people a choice. It's down to personal preference and it seems like you value the graphics and music above the amount of content, which is perfectly fine. Why do you sound so mad about this user. I'm genuinely curious.

I started with vi and liked it.
Then I discovered it is one of the less popular, and tried v which was even better.
No idea which one will be the next, but avoid to start with vi like me.
Story it's a bit of a mess, but the final boss was much tougher.

what crawled up your ass and died user?

What about the latest DQs? Did they suffer like FF as well?

what do you mean?

If they are shadows of their predecessors too

So Japan apparently just fucking implodes and shut downs when one of these releases

But they dont have even 10% of that enthusiasm outside Japan.

Why is that? Isn't pretty much FF-lite with Dragonball art?

no, they're still pretty good and the next one, XI looks like it could potentially be the best

and the spinoffs are still high quality - Heroes 2 looks like a mojor improvement over the first and Builders looks interesting

Nope, they're still good.

Like a Call of Duty for the rest of us.


babby's first edge

at least he's not remakefag from /vr/

Played I-IX last year. Had lots of fun, I think it's a worthy series. II, VI, and IX are weaker entries (I know saying IX is one of the weaker ones will upset a lot of people, but that's just what I think), but it's a good series overall.

V is the GOAT JRPG

IV, V, & VI on Android would be your best bets, though if you don't mind slightly downgraded visuals and loss of party chat and a few things, pirate the DS games.

VI is the weakest of the trio, with people arguing over IV and V every so often (V is fantastic, and IV has a chapter set-up that is just a pleasure to experience iyam). VI is still a great's like comparing finding a $100 bill to a $50.

Either way, you're coming out ahead.

Sadly, little sister on the right never becomes a playable character.