Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 6

>Nigger's gotten units killed, pissed off people with his objectively superior opinions, and lost hard to RNG
>last night, Alan, Kentdowner reborn, was felled by a pair of mages with bolting tomes
>now, we have but 2 stages before us before this game is finally over...

What's going on?
>I'm playing through Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, taking inputs from you
>I'll be asking for input on who gets used, who gets stat items, etc.
>no restarts for lost units, barring game overs

game over/restart count: 6
currently dead:
Wolt - died to OP's sheer stupidity
Shin - died to OP's lack of attention
Wendy - dead because it was thought to be wise to field 3 armorknights on a stage with nothing but pirates and scattered mages
Elen - ate a 20% accuracy hand axe
Dieck - lost to RNG, one-hit by a druid
Lance - got crushed by a paladin
Echidna - got annihilated by reinforcements
Chad - got critted by a devil axe
Alan - struck by lightning twice by siege magic users stationed at the start of the stage

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previous threads

>which game is this, and why have I never seen it before?
this is Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi, also known as The Binding Blade. It was never released outside of Japan, but its sequel, The Blazing Sword(which served as a prequel set 20 years before this game), was released worldwide as 'Fire Emblem'
>I'm new to Fire Emblem. What's a good game to start with?
Fire emblem: The Blazing sword(aka Fire Emblem in the USA) is a fantastic starting point, featuring a comprehensive tutorial. Alternatively, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also has a briefer tutorial and is all around easier.
>I heard this series is just shitty waifu pandering
that's Awakening and Fates.
>what does each stat do?
HP-health. lose it all and your unit dies(permanently)
STR/MAG- how much damage you do with attacks. this is augmented by your enemy's defenses and your own weapon's MT
SKL- your chance to hit with attacks, as well as score crits
SPD- if your SPD is high enough, you'll be able to double-attack enemies, also affects your chance to avoid enemy attacks.
LUK-affects accuracy and avoidability, and reduces enemy crit chance.
DEF-affects defense against physical attacks
RES-affects defense against magical attacks
CON- unit's weight. this affects who they can rescue or be rescued by, and if your CON is too low, you will suffer SPD penalties while using heavier weapons.
>Why are you so shitty?
I'm impatient and keep getting forced into using awful units.
>What game, if any, are you doing next?
Path of radiance is ready to go.


so the game just dropped us right in with some glitched sprites that were fixed with opening a menu.

guess we're not getting the story of this stage.

ah, I got it.

I sure hope I never encounter this demon dragon...

>That Thief
You gonna steal the Knight's Crest, Nigger?

oh boy, we got ourselves a staffbot!

possibly. not really a point anymore, but...

Hey man, free money

>giant chicken dragon crit

and she's pretty big too.

Are you running out of uses yet?
Not that it matters that much, since this is one of the last remaining chapters.

>Local Man not invincible after being shocked

uses of what?

Could have sworn dragons took double damage from wind magic

Shit, I was supposed to quote I was talking about the divinestone.

>actually attacking lilina


>22 damage with a basic Fire tome

why, raigh?

Rayyy lmao


I'm sending the bulk of my army down, with lilina and gonzy taking the top path.

This is objective proof that Sophia is the better unit. Don't whine about FE6 growths, he's pretty much on his averages.

I don't think Lilina and Gonzales's weapons are going to last through all those dracoknights.

the jew is actually not too bad.

With Jews, you never lose!


>Almost capped MAG, SPD, and LUK
She cannot be touched



How many speedwings have we given her?

she's just getting bigger and bigger.

Well she has to replace Alan.


Milady is a goddess.

Saul ready to promote.

Fir wants to crit MORE



what the fuck?

Welcome to Bern, fucker

>You came to the wrong neighborhood, boy





>when you have YODEL around
Yeah right.
Barth deserves some love for getting a great level.



RIP in Nigger






Enjoying Bern's death squad?


Theres plenty squishier targets in range, Fae's fine, probably.

I love FE6

ready for round 2?



fuck outta here.

>3 dmg
>13% crit
Roy wins, no contest. Good thing he hasn't promoted or the game would be broken as fuck.

Uhhh... Roy's our boy?

>dat sarcasm

Gotta say, I love Roy's crit animation. It's just so "Fuck this"


meanwhile, on the other side of the map...

>Roy's legs

Uh... You alright senpai?

>VERY fast Roy critting at incredible hihg speed

>this is what it looks like when you fight someone out of your class

Yeah Lilina slaughters the Wyvern units here.

"Did I do good?"


Fun fact: Barth has a 100% HP growth, but because his base HP isn't high enough, when he's level 20, he'll only be at 59 HP. This will always happen unless you decide to give him an Angelic Robe


>+2 str and lck at the cost of -1 skl
You did fine, Barth.

Wow you fucking jobber

>pegasus in charge of taking hits
Why bother even having her out




>oh boy, we got ourselves a staffbot!
Reminder that the best staffbot of the game is Niime.

she ded.

Too bad Niime is dead.

you know, you'd think they'd learn after the first few waves.

alright, grinder #1 is almost clear.

Guess someone didn't give her the angelic robe.

They are just waiting until your weapons run out of uses

4% is still a chance, Nigger

that's 2 stats capped.

It's the Rocky strategy. They're waiting for you to wear yourself out.

Why are Wyvern Knights/Lords so great?

fae getting another perfect level.

because IS can't into balance.



And yet they give us Roy, and Ike.