I pirated No Man's Sky for PC, liked it, then bought it at full price for PS4 the next day. Ask me anything

I pirated No Man's Sky for PC, liked it, then bought it at full price for PS4 the next day. Ask me anything.

why are you trying so hard to be a contrarian?

>not just pirating the GOG releases

Also, how's it like having brain damage?


I pirated No Man's Sky for PC, and it crashes past the white screen.

$60 saved.

I believe an answer is not needed.

OP wants to be a special snowflake in the puddle of piss that is Sup Forums. He will soon land and dissolve in it.

What's wrong with you?

I pirated the GOG version and I think it's alright if you tend to play it while watching a movie or some shit.

Still not giving them a cent. Fucking fags.

I actually pirated/seeded from several different sources, because I support everyone's ability to "try before you buy". The Codex one just happened to finish first.

Isn't being contrarian the whole point of Sup Forums? Lot of people loving the game despite all the controversy, but Sup Forums is trying to act like it's some huge blunder.

>but Sup Forums is trying to act like it's some huge blunder.

crashes on my pc

Game works fine for me on my 970/i5-3330. Are the people complaining about issues running 2006 PCs?

>but Sup Forums is trying to act like it's some huge blunder

I wonder how many reviews were made before and after the refund limit.
not an arguement.

>game gets played a lot on release

I mixed those up somehow, sorry. Be good boyos and trade (Yous) with each other.

Hate train retards are actually the contrarians. Most people are just enjoying the game at this point. I know I am.

The PC version is far superior.

Does the GOG version connect to the internet?

I just wish it was better optimised desu. For a game that started development on PC it runs like absolute garbage for what it looks like
Guess they must have dropped everything when Sony put them onto a PS4 port


How does it feel taking a huge cock up your ass retarded OP?

Interesting how the only thread about No Man's Sky not being deleted is the one encouraging you to pay full price for this amazing game. Sony runs this forum.

Are having fun and taking a cock in the ass synonymous to you, fag?

Pfft, I wish I was getting paid to post about all the great Sony games I love. Instead, I'm just a regular guy working the daily grind like you, and boy is it exhausting. After a long day of work, the only thing that can perk me up for another thrilling night of planetary exploration in No Man's Sky is an ice cold Mountain Dew Kickstart