>The same framerates
>The same resolutions
>The same textures
>For $599
>There are people who will buy this
For what purpose?
>The same framerates
>The same resolutions
>The same textures
>For $599
>There are people who will buy this
For what purpose?
Other urls found in this thread:
I like that for some reason the thumbnail looks like it says PS4 NED
>$600 to literally KILL pc gaming once and for all
I will be proud to say I was part of the solution
obvious troll is obvious
I'm a micro cuck and furious against this obviously real sonyggr
>Cue a sonyfaggot to agree, because we like to see the world burn with everything Microsoft related in it
>What do we say to someone who asks if PS4 has games? "Not today."
You are a step too early, all shitposting in Sup Forums follows Shakespearean format.
You come in after an Xboner runs out of things to say, so we switch discussion to PC vs console thus Sony is obsolete anyways.
Then you come in to scream it to the audience like a retard for laughs.
I might buy one for cheap once the PS5 is announced. There's no reason to get one now, the thing has figuratively no games.
please don't reply to trolls
>paid console upgrades are now a thing
>Disregard multiplats that everyone buys a PC instead of a console for, obviously.
>Disregard japanese games, because they aren't games
>Disregard Bloodborne since we'll call it a meme
Become upset since the community is so cancerous, despite starting the shitting of Sup Forumss quality in the beginning.
But that's what they actually said, user
This is one of the first times I've ever thought Microsoft was right.
At least they're admitting they're shafting previous generation owners.
Selling a better box, but limiting its power is bullshit.
I wonder if it just be a 4K machine and not have any significant spec upgrades.
Compulsory peripherals are a thing
O wait a minute, we take that back
>Microsoft now announces Scorpio in the works
>Sony will now declare their project isn't far behind
I'm going to form a Weezer cover band with Mark Cerny!
>post yfw you read "upsacled 4K"
Hahahaha, cheers for the kek boys.
>sony: lol the neo is useless after a year as well. Buy more, fags. We're not Microshit
Console gaming RIP
Microsoft are terrible, but not because of the Xbox, it's actually one of their better aspects compared to their awful phone and tablet offerings and Windows 10 with all of its problems.
Why don't they just extend their "ecosystem" to pc and open an online store like steam or origin?
The article states they are filling the 4k void the same as Scoprio will do as a premium product. They are recognising it's a multiplatform age and don't want to fall behind against competitors.
It still doesn't stop the fact Microsoft was the one to instigate this 1.5 leap because they got assraped with a kinect designed, patched to less than stable frames machine.
Surprisingly at this stage with every bait post, there are no existing details. But at least Neo will have VR in mind as a selling point, compared to a 'no games' Scorpio line up.
>sony is literally going to destroy pc gaming with the neo
>tfw you just wasted 5000 dollars on a pc
FUCK what have i done? i made a huge mistake
The same reason they bought a PS4.
So what is the point in a neo if I don't have a 4k monitor?
If it can't make destiny go at 60 fps there's no reason I can think of
>Pcfags this scared of NEO they start threads with blatant false information as preemptive shitposting as a defense against what will most likely further dilute their marketshare
>"I-It's Microshit's fault Sony is raping me like the good goy I am!"
>"The PS Viewmaster is a good reason to upgrade if you ignore superior PC VR!"
>"Exclusives are the only reason for my $599 DRM dongle! Never ever pcucks!"
There isn't, games will be scaled up not designed for this next gen tech. It is still a PS4 - Xbone - PC era where games designed as multiplats suffer.
Really as a Sony fag I want PC only games again, games like Crysis and HL2 that will push the industry ahead, part of the reason why Star Citizen sucked in so much cash from dumb asses.
If I was to sample VR it will probably be through the Neo as the more cheaper option.
Granted it won't scale, but I don't want to fork out the big bucks on VR units that are all being early day products. When VR 2.0 pops out and good games designed for it, that's when I'll go PC upgrade high end again.
There hasn't been a reason to upgrade a PC in fucking ages, consoles aren't really that far behind since they weigh down multiplats from being the best they could be.
These 1.5 will just give scaling features.
[This kills the sony shills]
It's a cheaper VR option with games like Ace Combat 7 and Resident Evil 'that will follow inspired Silent Hills' style.
Of course if you wanted porn then PC is the way to go, but at the level of wanting to experience it 'without' spending a fucktonne, Sony is at an advantage.
The advantage is a gaming company is throwing their weight behind the tech, it should benefit PC developers porting to the console.
Granting a sizeable lead in joint business ventures, or forming relationships with companies that successfully pull it off.
Money talks user and Sony is in a lucrative position.
It's cool and all that they're trying to compete with PC but until they create a console where I can switch parts out when they get a bit dated then I might consider it. Might.
It wouldn't make sense to get a console at that point though. You could build a better PC for that money.
This kills the PCfat
Hey fuck face. Dwarf Fortress is a good game.
These are such shit images, the 1st on the Neo that is being chucked away because they realised it wasn't good enough, the 2nd for being just wrong on both sides, created by a lazy shit poster.
Why don't let them go, spec fanatic are the cancer, and reward loyal players ?
They will play with benchmarks and I will play Games.
I'm a batshit crazy enthusiast and even I wouldn't spend 5000 bucks. Hell even just for 4000 you can get the most expensive parts including a massive water cooling loop.
>$599 for PS4 Neo
>$499 for PSVR
Scorpio IS going to be priced higher, with little to no incentive to buy it. None of the exclusives are worth it, none of the future games are remotely interesting.
Multiplats are still better on PC?? Why would people get a Scorpio.
Hehehey guys have you hearx the ps4neo is 3k$ and has the grapgix of the ps1.)
$599 for Occulus
$799 for Vive
+ High End computer
For games like Hover Junkies and Fantastic Contraption, compared to Namco & Capcom developers.
Blown the fuck out
Thanks for illustrating the most affordable option for VR, you are a sweet boy.
everyone knows ps4 is the only console worth having, even if they don't want to admit it.
Wii U was a piece of trash that nobody bought because it truly did have no games, had shit online, and was evidence that Nintendo had no idea what they were doing, but thought they could succeed with just gimmicks again.
Xbox One is inferior to ps4 in every way and now lost every single exclusive it had thanks to Microsoft trying desperately to get people interested in windows 10's game store even though they later backpeddled and said most games would be available on steam too anyways.
RE7 is confirmed for Rift and Vive as well. And since Namco is now putting games on Steam. Ace Combat 7 won't be far behind.
underrated shitpost
>PS4 Neo is $599
>"B-B-Buh scorpio!"
Damage control
You guys are taking rumors and presenting them as the truth.
>Wii U still has the best exclusives this gen
>4 years and PS4 still has only Bloodborne as it's single game
>every worthwhile multiplat is cheaper and runs better on PC
Really makes you think...
PS4 vs Xbone - twice the sold number of units
PS4 vs VR tech - ???
Guess how it's going to work out being the cheapest option, I'm sure Microfags can see whats coming.
How many people realsitically purchased the next gen rig + VR peripherals when no decent games exist? Vive is porbably the leader of the tech at around 100,000?
Games sell units, somehow PS4 sold more having 'no games' according to Sup Forums culture.
Having repeated stupid shit like 'no games' have fucked up shitposters understanding when they are at this point, it's kind of sadder how dumber you've all become over the years.
There was more fighting power in the beginning of your 2 year 'market monthly shill' shitstorm.
I love visiting here.
Its like being the smartest kid in a Special Ed class.
Are they going to make a PS4 Neo 2 next year?
Exactly, except Sony has stated that they'll design a console that suits this price. Will it rise to match Scorpio price point will be seen, or less because it's under powered. Will Microsoft undercut like the PS3 had to do at times?
Unlikely since it's a greedy as fuck business, and the decisions they make are fuck you fast, if it doesn't work apologise and do the same as everyone else.
PS4 has
... ah yes, you're right, the PS4 is worth owning for sure.
It would be disgusting as fuck, but I wonder why the focus of these shitstorm threads are the Neo and never the Scorpio everytime, since obviously sonyggrs initiate cancer all the time everywhere?
>No Man's Sky
>Neo is a glorified anti-aliasing machine
>4k blurays are slow to take off
>everyone is waiting until next year to buy 4k TVs
Man Sony's not having a great year.
A Microsoft exec(or was it Sony?) did say that the smartphone model was the way of consoles now. Which is utter bullshit but the point is that it was said.
Why does Microsoft get the fame when both of these turds can't keep steady framerates?
Because mustards owe their very existence to Microsoft.
PC here, hearing the Neo was the best thing ever since I never picked up a PS4 initially. Now I get to experience a console launch where there are a handful of actually good games on the shelf at release. It's like the 90s all over again.
That said, a lot of the reports are concerning about what they're prioritizing as important for developers when considering Neo mode on their games. IDGAF about 900p vs 1080p when I'm sitting ten feet away from my TV. The only thing I remember about gaming on my PS3 was how every damn game ran as a stuttery 20fps slideshow, 30fps if my character stood still.
Their ecosystem needs to be tightly controlled. Why buy a PS4 and all the Sony brand Playstation certified accessories for only $60 per controller when a PC will do the task and better?
I imagine there's a team at Sony working on opening PSN to new platforms like Android, iOS, and PC, but they're not going to release it and kill their peripherals cash cow unless they have to for some reason.
The other thing is that console manufacturers spend a lot of resources behind their flagship console being the best way to play games. If I don't need a PS4 console to play PS4 games, and then I find that running PS4 games on my PC is leagues better than running them on a console, then why would I even bother buying a PS4, controllers, Playstation Plus, etc.
weeeeeww lad, did it take you an hour to think of that? 2016+2017 will have plenty of exclusives, shit posters can't register the titles since they can't handle being wrong though.
I'm sure looking forward to what the library Scorpio will have to compare with the Neo? I wonder if the Scorpio will have backwards compatibility built in from the get go and Microsoft finally delivers on one of its flimsy promises, can't have COMPLETE win10 compatibility with all future games apparently.
Fuck me really, If just for the deluded fanatics to get a rest from being fucked in their own ass all the time.
>Mobile VR is cheaper
>Even cheaper Chinese Chinkbricks will have higher resolution VR than PSVR
>Sonyfags expect people to pay $1100 for VR on their console while Mobile has all the apps already and is only $100 on top of a contract phone
>Enthusiasts will buy real VR on PC
>Sonyfags stuck with low resolution gimmick VR
Toppest kek
>Triggered niggers
>$599 USD
I don't understand, shouldn't we all have to take risks to reap the rewards?
Enthusiasts know better than to fall to shallow gimmicks at their infancy.
No Mans Sky was eaten up by casuals apparently, only Sup Forums lacks awareness of it, because it is critically correct it's an overprice indie piece of shit, but the money is in their pocket, same with dumbshits here buying fallout4, Rainbow6 before heavy patching, etc.
The only game everyone was wise on was Battleborn, but that's only because it shot itself in the foot releasing when Overwatch did.
FFXV everyone will still buy it, and more so on PS4.
1.5 is a fucking aa machine, same with Scorpio, unless you really want to right off Xbone as a piece of shit, which certain people don't want to say.
4k TVs are the way, like people buy fucking TVs because their console allows 4k gaming. the will sell cause they will sell, that isn't a justifiable reason for everyone to go half upgrade, fuck, what PC secret game is in the works that they would be threatened besides new generation of graphic cards?
So does Sup Forums masturbate to this shit?
>everyone is waiting until next year to buy 4k TVs
No, people are realizing that if you dont have 4k content on your 4k screen, its gonna look like dogshit
they got burned once before with dvd res shit on 1920x1080 screens
>it has to be PCfags
>It has to!
Kill yourself, shitposter.
Anyone can shitpost. Who are you to decide that "Hey, this MUST be a PC user!"?
I wonder who is behind this post.
If I wanted salt I'd get some at the grocery store.
Xbone is a piece of shit.
$599 Neo is also a hilariously big piece of shit.
Keep wondering because it adds nothing to the conversation or that persons post.
wii u has yet to release a game thats better than bloodborne. really makes you think
Yes, to play Clash of Titans in 3D, you sure showed me? It's only good for 3D porn and casuals, can't wait to play EVE online on my Samsung.
Mario maker. All my favorite youtubers are playing it and the levels are totally not shit.
It didn't release a game better than Bloodborne, you're right. The Wii U actually has more than a game, unlike the PS4.
Of course it is, who realistically gets something that expensive, this is flashback to when PS3 got released, it took more than the first half of the year to realise it needed a necessary price cut to sell. But these will be luxury units, for expensive as fuck TVs.
Neo isn't confirmed shit till we get specs to compare with Scorpio.
In handheld terms think 3DS to 3DSXL I guess.
Huh... Really makes you think.
When Neo gets a price cut it will still be a $499 outdated piece of shit.
Why don't you just build a PC and buy an NX?
And here we are at Act 3, which MGSV unfortunately couldn't reach. Death Standing was announced during Sony E3 interestingly enough.
>Death Standing was announced during Sony E3 interestingly enough.
And an SJW utopia full of muslims is better?
Eat shit, you literal cuckold.
>a level editor for kids is the best "game" on the wii u
really makes you think
>For what purpose?
Because a lot of retards bought PS4 at launch and they will buy this. Sony just wants to print a little more money man, can't blame them.
You didn't just drink the Trump kool-aid, you chugged it. Get a life and quit being so angry.
im going to buy psvr so i can live in a world that doesnt have angela merkel ruining germany and the rest of europe
theoretically it should let you run games at 60fps or PC ultra settings at a solid 30fps in 1080p.
Why am I getting one? Heh, well kid, let me tell you. Now you might be too young to understand what love really is, but me, I love the playstation. After a long day at work, she is always there waiting for me to turn her on. Every time I see that Playstation logo I get chills down my spine and goosebumps on my arms.
When it is time for bed she whispers into my ear "take them out user, take out the PCucks, there been so bad to me".
So that's what I aim to do, take down the so called "master race" with my purchase and all you can do is watch.
When are the systems getting revealed?
Wasn't that Xbone's entire lineup for 2016+2017 as well? It's annoying at this stage to shitpost because I can agree with you on PC being the better choice future proofing, that's why the rich having fucking a PS4 and PC in the first place for variety.
Personally I'd upgrade to Neo for VR because of the lineup, if you think it's a poor move for missing out on the Porn, I can always wait till later, cause it's certainly not for games.
It means this game won't be on xbone and scorpio, and won't require windows 10, how amazing is that!
As for NX, I've still yet to see concrete details about it in Sup Forums, just look at Nintendos history before you start trying to gloat its the fucking future.
kek no
it's confirmed to have a modified, overclocked gtx 970, so you can EASILY play every game at 60 fps high-ultra settings
>Cheaper than the Neo Geo
>And faster
>make fun of Trump
>someone gets triggered and starts screaming about SJWs, muslims, cucks and numales
Every single time. Trumpfans are literally the bronies of politics.
You joke, but there will be people that have fallen enough here for a character like this.
>PC: variety of games
>PS4: all third person shooter with "cinematic" story
phew... tough decision
the problem is it's not a PC, the specs are for the devs to decide. It would be nice if they had an option to choose 1080p/60 or 1440p/30 or whatever, but you can't guarantee that will happen. Buying a NEO is a huge gamble since you don't know how many devs will actually patch their older games to perform better.