What game lets me be /k/ as fuck?

What game lets me be /k/ as fuck?

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>/k/ as fuck
so you want to be an obnoxious faggot? any multiplayer game.



>hating on /k/

I think the tom clancy games maybe. Wouldn't know too well.

Is rainbow six siege /k/?


no it has cooties

This or insurgency

MGS4 and 5

Why do people like Insurgency so much? It's just CoD sized maps with a very low TTK and literally no teamplay.

>no more MGO2
it hurts to be honest family.

Yeah, you'll just teleport behind the looters when they come to take your rig, right?
>pshh nothin' personnel

Is Red Orchestra 2 and Rising Storm /k/?

Because its fun

Oh wait, I forgot fun is only a buzzword

V allows you to be especially tactical.


Rainbow Six Siege or any of the Rainbow Six series games.

Red Orchestra 2 and you can even play as the good guys.

>Why do you like waffles, Gallant?
>>I like how they can hold syrup in their holes and I like the crisp texture.

>Why do you like waffles, Goofus?
>>They're fun.

Key word is "why".

CS: GO/Source

Arma 3

If you want to operate there's a Sup Forums group.


He made no statement about guns, just a subset of a subset of a subset of a community within gun kulture

Also, watch this
because it's funny

Spacestation 13 for unconventional operating.

>your horse shits on command
What a time to be alive.

What games have the best room clearing mechanics?

>several John Woo style TPS
>not a single game dedicated to gun kata style shooting
>closest thing is the DMC games which lock you in place and are pretty lame in that regard


>Black Ops: Zombies

so funny xd

>needing to TOB with a pistol

Jagged Alliance 2 1.13

accept no substitutes

Raw Data

The only correct answer is World of guns: guns disassembly.

ArmA III, Project Reality, SQUAD & Insurgency.

Door Kickers


Resonance of Fate

>answering his question is immature

how does aiming work when you're left eye-dominant and you switch your handling to the right side? Is it the same?

Stalker series, Arma, DayZ, Splinter Cell 1-3, Red Orchestra.

>Not liking /k/

They're second only to /tg/

>Aiming from 10 feet

I grew up in Steers'n'queers land and I don't know what it is but gun nuts are the best people ever. Lunatics, sure, but absolute bros.

ace of spades not even joking.

Well, thanks anyway.

the guys with masks and cloaks and guns should try aiming the guns and shooting

Gun kata is so stupid but I love it so much

You made my day user, thanks for the vid :^)

based Abu Hajaar

I like it because its one of the few games where every gun feels unique. No matter the gun, every time I shoot the gun feels powerful and I can feel the weight of the gun through every click. No other game I've played yet does this. Also, I'd argue its more balanced and tactical than CoD. I'll also never forget my first game was on that map the the building in the middle and the crops surrounding it. It was night tiem and I was prone, slowly crawling through the crops towards the checkpoint in the middle. the crops are so thick you cant see ahead, so I just heard bullets in the distance and sometimes whizzing right past me. No other game has given me a thrill like that. People praise battlefield for its sound design, but I think Insurgency has it beat. Especially since its a much cheaper game. Now I don't know how accurate the gun porn in the game is though.

here you go

I can suspend my desbelief to find gunkata kinda plausible when he fights in melee range, but this scene is pants on retarded, there's like a dozen of them further away in the corridor and they're not even shooting, those nearby just run towards him with their rifles held barrel up
Still like the movie

What gun is that at 1:54


First time comming out of the containment and finding out no one se you like the gods you think you are, i see. What happened? i though men with GUNS would have thicker skin than this, i mean you guys act like you're fresh from /u/.

Then again guns are like really expensive toys that can poke someone's eye along with the rest of their head.

Look like a M60

>not liking guns

Not to mention its even styled after equilibrium

there's the door

i thought broma was dead

half of the people playing red orchestra 2 are spouting /k/ memes the whole time

metal gear solid: Peace Walker has an insanely good collection of odd, rare or prototype guns, I like it.

>not posting this

Ready as fuck to play Escape from Torkov.

>Bishop the Gun Cleric
That's no longer a neat tribute, that's straight up ripping it off.

The game seems to not even be about gun kata. It looks like a typical shooting gallery game where you teleport around instead of actually moving. Movement is a HUGE part of gun kata and without that freedom it would completely fall flat. Fucking stupid.

that's not what he means by room clearing

I'm retarded I didn't watch the webm. On that note, hitman absolution and payday 2 have good cover mechanics.

7.62 high calibre with BSM and Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 patch

That's an MG3, probably produced in Turkey or Pakistan. Could also have been looted from Peshmerga.

That is just one of the playable characters though

There is some movement, my playspace is about 2.5m x 2.5m. When bullets are coming, you can still weave and dodge or crouch under the shots. The teleportation has its limits, if you teleport too much, your well will dry and youll get stranded there for a while

go eat your cum brownies again


>starts the fight by confusing the enemy with two dildos
Tactical genious.


Not sure if its just /k/ or america simulator in general, but it needs VR.

wait wat

i thought batman had a 'no guns' code or soemthing

Door Kickers and SWAT 4.

Depends which side of /k/ you mean. We can be pretty varied.

Oper8r /k/ - Insurgency and Rainbow Six Series Vegas 2 is my favorite
Slavic Cheeki Breeki /k/ - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Metro Series
Survivalist Innawoods /k/ - The Long Dark
onalllevelsexceptphysicaliamGeneralPatton.jpg /k/ - Company of Heroes Series

We also tend to like the MGS series and New Vegas


I want DMC gunslinger fleshed out into an entire game with freedom of movement and platforming, not Time Crisis in 3D space.

fuck off niklas you faggot

It's just warning shots.

What happened to MGO2? I thought it being on PC meant it would be around forever?

go away negro

--> 2

not MGO3

>i mean you guys act like you're fresh from /u/
/u/ and /k/ are my favorite boards actually. But, if we're going with boards we've spent the most time on I think Sup Forums is 8+ years worth of shitposting.

You act like people don't crossboard constantly, I'd actually feel bad for anyone who doesn't. There are so many boards you're bound to be interested in more than one.

Actually now I am interrested, who are you ?

>there are people that only browse Sup Forums
I main Sup Forums but I also go to /out/, /wsg/, /ck/, and /his/

whatever you say champ

>The vegetation doesnt react to the blastwave
Shit game

>I'd actually feel bad for anyone who doesn't. There are so many boards you're bound to be interested in more than one.
I'd rather people didn't to be honest, Sup Forums is a cesspit and it's very very obvious when someone goes from Sup Forums to any decent board. They ALWAYS bring their shitposting, their Sup Forums nuances, Sup Forums's backwards culture, its trite memes, its crapshoot logic. I don't want Sup Forums to leave its natural habitat, just like I don't want Sup Forums or Sup Forums wandering off.

tell me one game where that happens

Far Cry 2

This. People only like it because it's

Meanwhile people in Insurgency run full speed around warzones spraying SMGs around corners abusing the razor-thin TTK and netcode. The rest as ever is just lying still hoping someone blunders into your killzone.

>those tiny guns
oh gosh

>Manlytears arsenal

>browsing /his/

lt's shit but I fucking love history so I have to deal with the shitposting, Sup Forumsposting, and FUCKING PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION FAGS FUCK OFF

nope, we play every monday, wednesday, friday and saturady