Hey Sup Forums...

Hey Sup Forums, I'm an independent game developer with a bit of free time so what say you and I make ourselves a Sup Forumsarioware game?

Just suggest simple, WarioWare-style ideas and I'll compile them all together and throw them up for download!

Other urls found in this thread:


Gonna use a trip for this thread. Also I'll be making the games with Clickteam Fusion, for those interested.

Press A to watch a thread die


This actually made me chuckle.

I would help out dev dude, but I haven't touched a Wario-ware game.

You press the button and lose

Janitor game: click on all the videogame related threads to delete them


Then you press A until the Moot cries

The Wii WarioWare had this check to make sure you still had the wrist strap on by having you drop the Wiimote, and the theme was a bungee jump. All modes had this, even the mode that had the Nunchuck.

Do something similar (a "are you paying attention?" kind of thing.) Not sure what kind of theme to put behind it though.

-Captcha selection game
-Post simulator trying to get dubs, with post counts updating in real time so you need to watch when you post

Download the porn before 404!

Sounds good.

How about a game where you bait people?

Barneyfag Microgame

Find the MLP related pic and click on its number to win



Procedurally generate the minigames

It's in.

Add the paper airplane minigame, it's my favourite.

But make it faster and add eurobeat to it.

cool thread OP

>post the ______

youre prompted to choose a picture to upload and have to search around for it. pic related

throw in a part where you are sean murry todd howard ect and have to quickly find a lie to tell to your fans

btw, I'm making these really fast and unpolished - so I'll be tidying them all up before upload!

kek, nice

A minigame like the fly swatting one, but with a banhammer and off-topic threads.

Make the paper airplace a


flying around nonviable text.

And this too

A game where you have to kill yourself as fast as possible

Add a "Press F to pay respects" game
Also, I hope your going to use the sound bytes from WarioWare. I expect that completion jingle followed by a "Yahoo" after this one

Keep clicking Update until a Steam Code pops up and copy-paste it into Steam to get a Duplicate.

Make the time bomb timer thing a thread 404 warning



Report the CP or something that looks like CP

Find the video game developer.


how about if a game shows one of the threads that starts the first word of a meme phrase and the replys fill in the rest of it one post at a time. But you have to wait to be prompted for a specific word that is randomly chosen.

>Age of Empires 2 The African Kingdoms.jpg
>[!!!] (prompt to type in "wuz")

beat captcha to respond to an outrageous post before the thread 404s and you miss out on the screencap

One where you have to rearrange some lines to create Loss.jpg

Rub vidya reviewer's back so he gives the latest AAA game a good score.
It has to land on 8.8.

Maybe a Shazbowl inspired one? Drag and drop the enemy flag from their base all the way over to yours. Could even use a "Shazbot" soundbyte.

Destroy the shitposters within the time limit


>Those disappearing image captcha
That'd make a fun one.


Or a game where you have to buy as many copies of Fallout 4™ and the season pass in the time limit.


This OP, deliver

Poo in the loo

A mini game where you have to reply to one of those "Your mother will die" shitposts before the time runs out.

Before paying respects

Holy fuck, monitoring this thread. Keep it up, OP! If you need simple graphics for your game, I could help.

I did a little ban hammer cursor thing for this guy's idea.

One where you have to avoid all the baitposts and reply to a genuine post.

A game where you have to review games.

If it's AAA or indie you have to type 10.

Else 0.

And after


That's pretty cool, I'll deffo use that if you don't mind!

>Not a single crying eagle with USA flag as background

One job OP.

filter the tripfag

a button masher where you have to shitpost as hard as possible


I've actually made a Loss game before - but I'll use this idea too! alexanderinuganda.itch.io/loss-a-walking-simulator

"Win the argument."

A folder full of reaction images and you have to select the smug anime girl.

too hard.

cool thread OP.

"press X to Nostalga"?

Requesting a game were you catch (you)s

Godspeed user, this is fucking great. Toss in something about gets

Supper laughed

how about a mini game where you have to time it to get the last image before image limit as a thread goes on?

Timing puzzle.

Yeah this.

Happy now?


You could do this if you make it like a whack-a-mole mini game.

>No sucking nipple minigame

We don't have a deal, OP!

Smack the girl (male) butt

I approve

Player is running away from the void inside of him by catching flying vidya. However they only keep the void at bay for so long until it grows ever so bigger.

Give a (You)!

A microphone game where you physically have to yell "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" as hard as you can. If the sound reaches a certain decibel, the player wins.

Hi. I made these assets, so make a minigame that uses them!

Edit the shit out of them, I don't even care.

Save it for r9kware
Let's get a spot the shill microgame

These too, why not.

A minigame where you have to post the 3 images of you slowpoke combo

Make a game with that bait fish that you have to catch with your hook.

▲ ▲

You're replying to someone and you have to redirect them to the right board.

Mash A to backpedal on your uninformed opinions

It's in.

Mash B to post smug anime girls

Post Pepe? You're presented with a windows explorer window and gotta click Pepe.

For difficulty you could either increase the number of pictures, or have folders. So you'd have to click frogs, then Pepe to get to the thing

Make a Sean Murray bullet hell where the bullets are questions about No Man's Sky. i.e. dodging questions



Mash A to not flip tendie plate!


How about a game where you have to keep all the good games away from the PC for as long as possible?

Until she explodes.

Hey, OP! If you need any 3D graphics I would honestly love to help. If you know anything about coding in Unity I could help you make the game.

Minimize all the thinly-veiled NSFW threads on the front page before your mom walks into the room

what you mean that game where you stare at a horse's ass for 20 hours

'course I don't, as long as you actually do the off-topic thread swatting game.

I did a Warioware styled border too, not sure if it will be of any use.

2? It's the only one that doesn't have any unique traits

Green poligons aren't poligons.

How about one where you have to assemble a computer as fast as possible. It could be in multiple steps.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Power Properly
Keyboard and Mouse
Step 4
Shitpost on Sup Forums

Get the tearful eagle somewhere in there.

Taking a break to get some lunch - please keep suggesting ideas! If the thread 404s I'll make a new one later and get the first build uploaded tonight probably.

(Also music suggestions would be good)