What do you think of Katsuhiro Harada and his role as the director of the Tekken series?

What do you think of Katsuhiro Harada and his role as the director of the Tekken series?

Great he represents video games and what they should be, a force against the whores and their inability to leave anything alone.

>People hate him for not making Tekken into a real fighting game
>People hate him for his trollish antics
>People hate him for not releasing Summer Lesson in the US. Most likely due to having his feeling hurt over his laughably bad, 30 year old, Marie Rose ripoff.

100% in favor of it

Pretty cool guy who has a clear vision of what he wants his game to be like and what his fans want.
He was smart to observe how his good friend Ono kept fucking up the SF franchise and learn from it.

I'd fuck him. I bet he knows how to use his little rice dick well.

>*unsheathes katana*
>*loads sniper rifle*
>"heh... I wirr removou you kiddou"

I bet he's having the last laugh now that Itagaki's resigned to mobile Hell.

He's the best


I want to be like him when I grow up

He didn't stand up for Akuma when Tekken players kept bitching about wake up DPs. He's a fraud.

I found out earlier this year that Michael Murray actually has more responsibilities and direction in Tekken than I thought... really makes you think just how much Harada is involved.

He's busy making real games

He's based as fuck. Does whatever he wants

People who defend him for not releasing Summer Lesson in the US are fucking boggling when they're also the same people against self-censorship.

Hands hovering so hard that they are repelled by females.

Harada is the same as Ono. Has a general say but doesn't get into the nitty gritty yet can ruin everything.

Not really. I'm not the type who thinks everything is some sort of sham.

never change japen

He hates westerncucks

He's just appreciating the craftsmanship of that fine piece of furniture. It takes a true man to discern the deeper beauty of a well made couch.

He loves anar idoru

He helps make the best 3D fighter and he hates SJW cucks. What is not to like? He even hates paid DLC for fighters, just look at TTT2's console release. I've had enough of Todd Howards, we need more devs like him.