Is there a better game in the sonic series that this one?

Is there a better game in the sonic series that this one?

>best music
>best aesthetic
>best special stages
>best ratio of platforming to SPEEEEEEED

prove me wrong

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Generations is better.

Nostalgia glasses are blinding you friend

I agree with everything except the music part. S3&K gets rid of the great mini boss music and replaces it with shit.

You also don't get to fight the Big Arm boss in Launch Base Zone in S3&K.

yes, its the best sonic game by far. you have to be retarded to think otherwise

Level design really starts falling apart in the &Knuckles half. As a whole the level design actually suffers from multiple characters because it dedicates space to Knuckles and/or Tails specific routes when in 1, 2 and CD they'd simply be branching paths Sonic can get to. This is especially noticeable once you're done Flying Battery and almost every level until Death Egg is limited to "Sonic's path" and "Knuckles' path" with Death Egg itself only getting 2, briefly 3, paths most of the time.



The title screen always gets me. These fucks were so eager to make Sonic 3D.

That track is still pretty catchy though.

It wasnt as fast as sonic 2 because 3 focuses wsy too much on power ups because it more of a platformer and minibosses. Knuckles was a buggy mess designed by the west and it showed. Also backwards compatibility never worked. 2 is better

It was the time where everyone was super impressed with Donkey Kong Country's graphics so everyone tried to include 3D here and there.

8 bit sonic is better

>3 is more of a platformer
>this is a bad thing

It is id go play mario or dk

it would be the best but the fucking blue sphere shit kills the whole game for me

i start playing and then right after i remember that's a thing i just turn it off


It's not just the best Sonic game, but one of the greatest games ever. An absolute classic.

this. sonic and knuckles flat out sucks besides lava reef act 1. sonic 3 isnt anything special either, with half the game flat out fucking sucking. sonic 2 was a masterpiece. all the bosses and focus on powerups and the 7 minute levels made sonic 3 suck

I'll let you know when Sonic Mania comes out.

Isn't Sonic already a teenager?

Sonic 2

Sonic CD is just as good.

Now we're talking.

Sonic CD is almost as good

By the way Generations is 4/10

>it's bad for a platforming game to be a platformer
Go away underage post-millenial.

Youre talking about the golden age if 2d platforming sonic 3 was shit. I mean you had mega man/x, castlevania, ninja gaiden, adventure island,tmnt, metroid, sunset riders, mario, dkc way too many to list. Why the fuck would i want more platforming elements when i can just play these titles alone thst did it better

Here we go, a CD hipster autist who thinks his shovelware trash stands up to a real sonic game. A sonic thread always needs one of these faggots

Who's forcing you to go into the Special Stages?

Is this bait? I guess I got caught.

Sonic 3 Complete fixes those things

checkmate OP

your opinion is shit
Mega Man X is a bad game

So you just play Sonic because you want to see him go fast and don't want to actually play the game.

Sonic CD is almost as good as Sonic 3
deal with it

To beat the game you have to go to retarded special stages

does it fix the part where theres a shitty boss after every level instead of just touching the goal and ending it? seriously all those bosses in the old games are fucking garbage and sonic 3 emphasizes them

Okay we know it was a great game, but riddle me this:

Did Sonic 3 and Knuckles have the best graphics of its time?

>60 fps
>3D special stages
>at least 10 layers of parallax on the water in Hydrocity
>vibrant colors
>heat distortion in Angel Island and Sandopolis
>no ugly sprite rotation

> as if post millenials even know it wasnt called sonic 3 and knuckles when it was called separately sonic 3 and sonic and knuckles

> as if millenials know how badly backwards compatibility was with cartridges

Whos the real millenial here

nah you can't expect a romhack to cure bad taste

as expected of an underage kid with meme opinions, no real response

>underage kid

It's worse than being underage, I've been here way too long

Nice try but wrong

You just have shit tastes. MMX is fantastic.

>reverse underage

even worse

No. The series ends here for all intents and purposes.
Criminally underrated by the "my mom bought me a nintendo" crowd.

That should be the least of your concerns.

thanks for the reaction image

Which game are you talking about?

Sonic was awesome until it had to transition to 3d. 3D Blast was the beginning of the end.