How are you liking it so far?
I'm trying to figure out how to get pic related before moving on to the next area
Favorite upgrade
How are you liking it so far?
I'm trying to figure out how to get pic related before moving on to the next area
Favorite upgrade
Haven't played metroid in forever, how do you open the white door bubbles?
In other Metroid games it's usually killing all enemies in the room, but I don't think any grey doors in AM2R actually work like that.
You'll find out late in the game.
In other games they open when you do some thing specific like hit a switch or kill all enemies on screen
Room to your left you faggot
They don't have power.
Just found it. Thanks
>Get space jump
>Oh shit
>That wasn't so-
Love this game
a room full of alpha metroids has been the hardest part of low% so far
I'm almost expecting omegas to be a pushover at this point
I guess the strategy of crouching in the corner wouldn't work in low%, huh?
Those suckers two-shot you in low%.
>page 10
Guess the hype is over
my pro strat was to spam missiles blindly and pray that I can make it back to the door when one of them dies
>that spaz out at the end
I like you
Nobody cares about a fan made game.
That one fucking Alpha Metroid that jumps out of the exploding rock really fucking startled me. God I love this game.
Obvious bait.
>mfw stuck
Seeing as the last few archived before hitting bump limit, it's safe to assume so.
>that feel when you finally kill an Omega
>door locks behind you
>stuck until all five are dead
>tfw got stuck right after getting the spring ball
when i found it i was so happy
last time i got that feeling out of a video game was super metroid, and the time before that, prime
fuck metroid is a 10/10 series (except you other m)
It was definitely good whilst it lasted, but nobody will stop playing AM2R any time soon.
It has the same kind of lasting appeal as Super Metroid and Zero Mission and will get a few updates hopefully.
AM2R discussion will probably spike again when Federation Force launches.
discussion isnt dead yet you turbo autists, theres been metroid threads all day and all week since am2r
Yeah but there aren't five threads going 24/7 anymore.
So the hype is dead.
Federation Force threads are going to be 99% shitposting unless the game is actually good
It definitely isn't dead, it's just calmed down the same way Kirby threads have.
Metroid threads are a staple and still will be, like Mega Man Battle Network as well.
Nah, the game isn't going to be good.
Blastball is already a heavy indication of how fundamentally not-fun the engine, mechanics, graphics, sound design and overall polish and presentation are.
The game is pretty good for a fan made remake. Got killed by a zeta and stopped.
Are there multiple versions of the game out? I've seen a lot of people's pictures and videos of the Arachnus fight and in their game the walls have spikes. On mine the walls have electrical spikes that are a bit thicker. Am I playing an outdated version?
How does one get through this? The first pillar require power bombs and it keeps me from using the speedbosting in the previous room.
Is there a different way to get on the other side?
I love Battle Network.
In demo builds the Arachnus fight had spikes on the walls instead of electrical coils. There's only one version of the full game right now.
Build up a charge from a nearby platform in the previous room, store it, power bomb the wall, and release the charge to break through. Use the slopes in the area to keep the charge going if it's about to go away.
You go back into a speed boost if you hit a ramp while shinesparking.
Shinespark in, store the charge again, drop power bomb, shine back into the ramp again and store charge if you feel like you're going to run out of time, drop down, shinespark to the right, enjoy expansion.
Here's how.
In the previous room, there's a platform where you can get a speed boost going. Make sure the door to this room is already open, and power bombs are selected. On that platform, do a speed boost, then hold onto the shinespark immediately. Fall off the platform a tiny bit, then shinespark into the room. The ramp in the room should give you back your speed boost, so charge the shinespark again. Fall down, morph, power bomb, shinespark to the right.
Enjoy your power bomb expansion.
Finished the game.
Zetas and Omegas were tedious, but fun once I got their patterns down. The Queen was easier than I was expecting, but jesus the bitch just wouldn't die.
Damn, I had no idea you could store an occurring dash, can you do this in other Metroids?
Because I beat them without ever learning this existed.
It's been a thing since Super, actually, though only a few actually let you store a dash while in morph ball form.
There's a platform in the room before it where you can build up speed. Make sure the door is open first, then do the boost through the door. Right when you hit the angled floor, crouch again and place a power bomb. Fall down and blast through.
I have no idea if this is how you were supposed to do it but it works.
She's pretty much the same in the original game, but at least you can get energy/ammo pickups in AM2R.
Only Zero Mission and AM2R, actually.
>Torizo Phase 2
>surprise party Alpha Metroid
>blast doors not opening fast enough
This game had the best fucking moments of any Metroid game.
So how different is AM2R from Metroid 2? I actually have M2 for the GB but never could beat it as a kid and I didn't even realize it didn't have a mini map at first
I still have the original cartridge, actually. I still like to alternate between missile spam and being swallowed whole in that one.
The threads warned me that she'd smash through the wall, but I never knew she did it that many times.
Diggin' the remix of the Queen theme as well.
Alpha Metroid Jamboree was the greatest
Just when you think they're not relevant anymore and you won't be seeing them again... BAM, five of 'em.
Yup, shinesparking into a slope to resume running at speedboost speeds, which allows you to repeat the crouch to store thing was introduced in Fusion, and kept in Zero Mission, and even implemented in some Super Metroid romhacks.
It's never required to beat the game, it's just for some items or some speedrun routes.
Webm related, shinesparking hell in Super Metroid Redesign.
>alot of metroid prime music is remixed super metroid music
>alot am2r music is remixed metroid prime 2 music
the amount of detail the game has makes me ROCK HARD
It's basically the ZM equivalent to Metroid 2, a complete graphical overhaul with added abilities, bosses, and areas to explore.
Right? I only expected the Queen to break through one wall as well.
I actually died to the Queen a few times until I figured out that she's immune to damage when her shell is flashing white, unlike the original where you can just pump missiles into her mouth. Felt pretty dumb.
Holy shit dude, is that a rom?
Can I play that on my PC?
I beat the game today.
I am so damn pleased with it. I've been wanting a new 2D Metroid for years (like many others) and AM2R feels just like the real deal. I honestly wouldn't have been able to tell it was fanmade from just playing it. My personal goty.
It's like Zero Mission is to Metroid.
The map and room layouts are mostly same, but several rooms have been revamped. New abilities that didn't exist until after Metroid II were implemented, there are new bosses, and existing bosses were revamped, and there's a brand new area added to the game.
Funny enough, I have an issue of Nintendo Power with a sneak preview of Super Metroid where the picture they used to show off the speed booster was of Samus in the middle of a vertical shinespark burst.
>he doesn't know about romhacks
Have fun, user.
>brand new area added to the game
It's also the best area by the way
Just listen to this shit here:
That video nearly gave me an anxiety attack.
And that's not even the craziest Spark chain a hack makes you do.
Yes, it's Super Metroid Redesign Axeil Edition.
It's a pretty fun romhack, but is very unforgiving at times and the latter half of the game really drops off.
Redesign mixes things up a lot, reworked physics, Prime-like hunting of 12 artifacts to open Tourian, cannot mix beams until you find a certain item, cannot walljump until you find a certain item (and only on some walls), springball and high-jump boots are combined, various puzzles too.
Here's one that'll relieve that anxiety.
Super Metroid Escape II, by the way.
That was delightful, but what was that even?
That didn't really look like a shinespark, that amount of control and it looked like a few times it should've stopped.
It's funny how this game makes you really understand just how shitty Nintendo actually are.
The last game we got was Other M over half a decade ago and now we're getting Federation Force.
I mean, they added tripping in Smash Bros after Melee because Melee was too fun. Kirby's Air Ride was far too fun, so it's only natural we never get online play or a sequel. Skyward Sword was on the brink of being a great game, so to counteract that they had to throw in a bunch of backtracking and a boss with wiggly toes that you get to fight 4 times. F-Zero GX was the strongest in the series and one of the best futuristic racing games of all time, so naturally Nintendo had to kill that franchise. Of course, Nintendo has many ways of killing franchises, such as how every Paper Mario has been getting progressively worse since TTYD. Starfox 64 was a great game, a remake of Starfox for the SNES. So they decided to remake it again for the Wii U, except force some shitty controls on you. Speaking of shit controls, Monster Hunter has been getting progressively worse visuals/audio/ergonomics since 3U. Every game actually gets worse - Generations for example had reduced FoV.
Basically, Nintendo actually hates fun. I'm not even joking, I'm pretty sure they hate fun.
So, where're the current mirrors best located?
Escape II gives you a ridiculous amount of control over your shinespark, letting you move in all directions. There is also an extremely small grace period where if you hit a wall, you can still press in the opposite direction to keep the spark going, but it's a ridiculously small window.
There are a couple of bonus room style shinespark "courses" in the game in which you have to navigate a (sometimes a series of) room(s) full of speed boost blocks and other obstacles, where if you fail, you drop through all the terrain and be sent back to the beginning to try again.
When I got here, I had 8 super missiles. Made it easier. Plus an upgraded suit for less damage.
It's because there isn't any meat on the bones.
You can easily 100% AM2R in under 6 hours on your first play though which is enough for most people. They play it once then move on.
If this was an actual retail release by Nintendo for the 3DS or Wii U Sup Forums would be memeing nonstop with
>$30 for a 6 (SIX) hour game
Which is probably a big part of why we haven't gotten another 2D metroid.
user, that's a low percent run. He doesn't have that stuff on purpose.
Speaking of Federation Force
Hive Jump looks like another co-op sci-fi alien extermination game, but it also DOESN'T look like it's going to be a big sack of suck when it gets out of early access. More enemy variety and working online multiplayer would make this a damn good looking game.
It would be neat if it went the way of Risk of Rain and Sup Forums picks it up for regular sessions. All depends on whether or not significant improvements are made though.
Would you recommend playing AM2R with a controller?
Where can I download it?
Absolutely. Make sure you get something with bumpers and triggers, you'll never want to go back to something without Aim Lock or a dedicated Morph Ball button once you try it. I used a Wii U pro, worked like a charm.
Ah, gotcha. Internet abbreviations often run past my eyes.
Is a Wii U pro USB compatible? I used to use an Xbox controller but it really doesn't have a decent D-pad
Playing any 2D platformer is still better with an analog stick than with keyboard t b h
Was it just me, or did this part of the map seem really bland?
Not much to really do except plow through enemies. Too much surface area to do thorough searching for items, so all of the items there are in plain sight or marked on the map.
Then there's the water caves, where there aren't even any enemies. Just a bunch of screens with waterfalls and stuff.
To top all of that off, once you finish the game and want to go back and look for items, it takes forever to go back through all those caves. Why wasn't there a tube fast travel from [Tourian]?
That was the dev staying close to the original game. The area was pretty empty there, too.
But think about it, you're pretty deep into the planet at that point, it makes sense that there wouldn't be much there.
What else do you want? You're full power at that point.
yes I would, shit like this would be really hard on keyboard
The Mayflash adapter connects via USB, it's pretty great all things considered. If you've already got a Pro Controller, the 20 bucks for the adapter isn't bad, but I wouldn't drop 70 for the controller and adapter if you don't already have one. I'd try to find a cheaper alternative if that's your case. The adapter has an Xinput mode that fools your PC into thinking it's an Xbox controller, so it'll work with damn near everything that has controller support.
fight me
I'll take a keyboard any day of the week over any controllers
I hope you know that you could have just shinesparked straight through the morphball tunnel. It just werks
Nigga what
You have two speeds in most platformers: "Go" and "Not Go". Digital input like keyboard or a D-Pad easily trumps analog sticks in this case. Analog sticks are only useful when you have varying movement speeds, which a lot of platformers don't even bother with.
>hard with a keyboard
Using the directional keys starts to hurt my right fingers after a while
This is the shit that causes chronic pain, not the claw method on controllers
yeah I think I may redo the webm
only Metroids I ever played were Prime 1 & 2, this was a blast. Shinesparking is neato, always wondered what it was.
I got through that pretty well. But then I lost a few metroid fights because my keys decided to get stuck on me and not register moves.
So yeah, I gotta use a controller next time.
they're unpowered
the ability to power doors appears later in the game
Don't forget about #FE and how they made FFV digital only with no advertisements while replacing lingerie with Nintendo themed costumes.
Honestly, ever since sm4sh I've started to really dislike Nintendo. The fact that they shut down AM2R and are still planning on releasing Federation Farce is just the icing on the shit cake.
Fuck Nintendo.
that's some poverty shinesparking
Need to pick out a new gamepad before I go back to try Hard mode. Found this one. More expensive than I want to pay, but god damn.
That is a pretty sweet pad, just for the resemblance.
God dammit and I've been using this XBox controller with its horrible d-pad the whole fucking time.
I have no idea if the pads are good or not. Just stumbled over it when looking over Amazon.
>alot am2r music is remixed metroid prime 2 music
Name what's from Echoes, because I can't think of any.
I can instead think of stuff from RoS, Fusion, the original, and Super though.
They didn't shut down shit. AM2R came out and if you can't find it, even after they had links on the main page removed, you might be retarded.
Torizo = Chykka
>FFV digital only with no advertisements while replacing lingerie
Story related lingerie. The lingerie existing and her having to wear it was a plot point.
Torizo has Chykka's music.
Industrial Complex has Temple Grounds music.
>decide to replay Super Zero Mission
>start using AM2R keybinds