Itt: top tier vidya hosts
name someone better
protip: you cant
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He is a pretty funny guy all around. The first couple seasons of community are hilarious
Do you think he shitposts here?
>liking a skinny white cuckold
>liking someone who stared in the 4th spy kids movie1
Joel's pretty based he's one of the few comedians that don't give of fuck anymore
>everyone in the whitehouse and media getting ultimately BTFO by McHale
>you will never get to rest your face on Joel Mchale chest and be put to sleep with his soft hands cuddling you
fuck off, deen
Honestly, does joel mchale do anything besides the "im grumpy and hate everything" bit that got old in like 2010
Why you didnt posted the one with the niggers?
Also, Joel is the best, not only because he is a delicious beefcake, but because he made O'Dwyer cry for not taking vidya seriously
Damn, Joel went full rapist no condom on everyone
>Honesty is a bit
I want plebbit to leave
He also does the "I trigger retards by talking bad about the things they love and about people or concepts they dont understand" bit quite a lot
My god that Chris Christie bit was amazing
not totally video games but tom hanks keynote for sony is the best ever.
He's like one step above daniel tosh. I didn't even realize he was still relevant
Fucking Reggie.
Fucking national treasure
>Joel sucking No Man's Sky developers dick
> The guy screaming potatoes gets hushed twice
Fuck that hurt
Based Hanks
Picking anyone but Mr Caffeine
I don't get it.
Cigarretes were expensive as fuck, a thing only daimyos could afford them, the cigarretes in the akira kurosawa movies were not aviable in japan until the early XX century, and they were added to the movies because cigarrete companies paid a bunch of money to have famous actors smoking just like it happened in america
>ask for best post worse yet hillarious
Eh I'll allow it
Who's Scott Derrickson?
Huh, didn't remember them hacking darts during Yojimbo. Thought it was a picture of the actors between takes.
you dont even know who they are huh.
first two.
you're correct. nobody smokes contemporary looking cigerettes in yojimbo.
somone may smoke a pipe or something but I dont recall, the titular character for sure does not smoke. I think it was just a joke about a shot of the actors between takes. Also the inspiration for Clint Eastwood to pretend he smokes for 20 years
Fuck that first year of the VGAs was so good
>Joel the only guy even fucking trying
>South Park guys shitting on it
>Dorito Pope checking his phone on screen
i feel so bad for the idiots who are too stupid to get his jokes. Actually no I don't because I'm not retarded.
why is it that reddit can't even copy shitposting templates correctly?
>Actually no I don't because I'm not retarded.
You should feel bad, the more people dont get his jokes the more retarded the population is, and that is in no way shape or form good for anyone
Oh shit
I miss The Soup so much
I know who Loiter Squad are, I just don't care enough to know their names.
It was the only thing of value E! ever produced
>The great indoors
>Jack has made a name for himself as an adventure reporter for the magazine Outdoor Limits. His days of exploring the world end when the magazine's founder, Roland, announces its move to web-only publishing and assigns Jack to supervise the millennials who make up its online team of so-called journalists.
>so-called journalists
His new TV show seems to have potential. Also he shit all over millenials saying there out raged to easily so they got out raged. Kek. Need to find the article bitching about it.
thats tyler the creator and his band/group/friends collecting a paycheck.
>The glacier bit
this was not as good
this and maybe Chelsea Lately. She is one insecure lady.
really strong start but he fucking floundered after about the halfway mark
Next-level genius. We're still talking about it to this day.
Chelsea is the culmination of feminism and modernism. She should serve as a warning not celebrated.