5 years since last portal

>5 years since last portal
>6 years since last left 4 dead
>8 years since last half life
>CSGO and TF2 only receive cosmetic updates
>Dota 2 is the only game that's getting updates and content

Why does Valve hate their games so much.

Other urls found in this thread:


its called being rich as fuck and not giving a shit about anything anymore

>taking their time instead fo rushing
>hating their games

Don't care about TF2 anymore tbph
Was part of a community that ran a good course and made good friends but Dota is my game now

And we just had TI and now we're getting Pit Lord and Monkey King

>TF2 gets updates once a year, if that, and only for annual events like Smissmas and Halloween which go through the same cycle every year, and the new updates that do come out are poorly optimized and revolve entirely around gimmicks like taunts or hats (the majority of which are created by the community now, not Valve) designed to jew their playerbase out of as much money as possible
>DOTA meanwhile is updated often and consistently with assloads of new content, including multiple comics when TF2 hasn't even finished its supposed bi-monthly comic that's been a "bi-monthly" 6 parter for three years

Yeah, no, Valve has a bias and you'd have to be a retard not to see it. DOTA is their new favorite.

DOTA 2 isnt even being developed by the main valve team

Csgo just had a game play update couple weeks ago. They don't want to push updates because of their failed one a couple months ago.
I agree with this user.

Valve gave up on game development a long time ago. Wouldn't you when you have a literal money printing machine like steam?

Then that's even sadder.

Admittedly I don't know much about the DOTA team other than the guys in charge of the comics like Jay Pinkerton and Makani also do the TF2 comics, and apparently one of the reasons why they haven't given a shit about the TF2 ongoing is because they're doing nothing but DOTA comics. And they're part of the main Valve team, or at least Pinkerton is, so idk.

isn't valve supposedly not a very good place to work at? i remember reading interviews by an ex-employee on neogaf about how it was pretty much your run of the mill cubical farm.

but even if that's true or not, i can't imagine it would be a very stable place to work at unless you're the naturally lazy, creatively bankrupt type. the fact that they can pick and choose what to work on sounds great in practice but not when it negatively impacts the development of projects to the extent that we've seen. that's part of the reason why TF2 has gone to shit; nobody wants to work on it anymore because DOTA's the new golden goose egg.

i dnt blame anyone for missing it but tf2 got a ~competitive~ update around the time OW came out

>TF2 only gets cosmetic updates

Except for the new game modes and new maps released almost every update, and the new weapons from MYM?

>the fact that they can pick and choose what to work on sounds great in practice but not when it negatively impacts the development of projects to the extent that we've seen. that's part of the reason why

yes, apparently CSGO has 2 to 3 devs at all times.
Sounds amazing if you work there but this is like a shitty scenario for the respective community.
Also TF2 only started receiving updates because OW released. CSGO doesn't really have a real threatening counter part right now.

Most new maps are community-made

I don't recall any new weapons being added in MYM, only balance changes

>new game modes
Boy, do I sure love playing Halloween Map #496 With Guest Boss Character Who Fights the Same As All Boss Characters, Buy This Ticket/Pass To Complete Missions Where All You Do Is Kill X-Amount of Enemies, and Broken Matchmaking Shitshow.

>new maps
You mean the ones that have been in beta for years and everyone's already played them, or the ones the community makes and everyone's already played them?

>new weapons
You mean the new weapons that the community made and Valve just took them and slapped their name on them without taking into consideration that they'd need balanced? Those new weapons?

The last good TF2 update was Mann Vs Machine because it was so new at the time, and unfortunately it's set the standard for what TF2 updates are: gimmicky money siphons for modes that are fun for the first day or so and then quickly lose their luster because they're either boring unless you're trying to autistically farm for new weapon skins/cosmetics, or buggy as hell, or both.

>start caring about a game when a better, shinier counterpart of it is released with a growing fanbase
>but not enough to put more people on the team working on it or do basic bug checks

What is Valve thinking?

Hey, I made a response to your thread in an audio recording because i didn't want to type it all out.

I stream stuff so it's easier for me to record than type.

If you want to talk to me more after this thread gets pruned/deleted, hit me up on Skype also: lycheebun. That's an Anonymous Skype so if anyone's shocked by me sharing that, there's really no liability in me sending that to people here publicly.

In b4 all of the "I can't believe you just shared a Skype!" "kys" hate. :^)

They're not game developers anymore. Time to accept this fact.

>Competitive TF2 update in the works for about 8 years
>Is broken shit
Taking their time doing what, exactly? Because it sure as shit isn't working on the game.

>Community makes shit
>We made this

The orange cub3 when?
>half life 3/ep 3
>Portal 3

>Why does Valve hate their games so much.
They don't need to care. Steam will continue to print money as long as they have a single unpaid intern they to press the "push another useless beta update" button. The rest of their office is free to scoot around wheelie chairs all day throwing paper airplanes at each other and knocking off early at lunch while collecting a fat paycheck.

>start caring about a game when a better
Let's not get delusional here.

>what is source 2
>what is a vr headset
>what is an OS
you fucking people

Hi Gabe, your OS went nowhere, 8 people own a Vive, and Source 2 hasn't been heard about for months

Pc master race
>valve tried to make a "console"
>used alienware tier systems
>sold under 50k or was it 500k
valve is know to make god awful decisions

You guys are the most entitled, miserable, impossible fans to please.

What the do you want from Valve? They don't owe you a single thing. They're trying harder with their 900 employees than any other game company to help games get made and help games reach players.

Seriously, what do you want so badly for them? You want another Half-Life game? Make one in Source like the team did with Black Mesa. You want better tech? Go to school and learn to code, make your own game.

I don't understand why Valve fans think that the company owes them the world when other game companies are shamelessly bilking their fans.

>inb4 people seriously respond to this low tier bait

successful privately owned company
>bad at making decisions
Sup Forums is full of fucking retards holy shit

Had success under their belt way before steam existed. yea we know you are retarded


You might need to get a different hobby than forum posting.

>need over 1000 employees for 1 game
>raking in cash heel over head
>haven't made another game since 10 years

>Valve stops making games
>focus on turning Steam into a monopoly
>focus on making CSGO/Dota the head of esports
That's the moment when I realized Valve was no longer a video game company.

>posting low quality bait

I know it's b8 but
>What the do you want from Valve?
good games
a good SDK (i worked with source, despite it's popularity it's SHIT to work with)

>"Shit, someone made a point I can't create a rational response to... what do I do... I could ju--"

>Being so new that you still think calling a troll out for baiting makes them stop responding.
And I'll bet you'll keep doing it.

How about a game that actually runs for starters? How about consistent content that isn't half-assed? How about they actually go through with a promise, and if they can't, just stop making them if they know they can't deliver?

>they don't owe you a single thing

I don't understand this argument when it's being applied to a COMPANY that we're keeping in business because we're buying their products and playing their games. They'd be out of a job if it wasn't for their playerbase.

>a good SDK
Source isn't terrible, it's pretty easy to make optimized maps for CS:GO. They're not a company that solely works on SDKs you know, go work with Unreal or Unity if that's what you want. Why does it _have_ to be Valve that makes your SDK?

>good games
They made Dota 2 and CS:GO, you can play those right now. Valve cares about finding games that will have a strong lifespan and community and those cannot be simply produced on a schedule. It's too financially risky to try and stab in the dark until you find something which is why Valve has historically had a practice of acquiring modding teams and polishing their games for a wider release.

Right now Valve is mostly working on infrastructure for indie developers to distribute games on steam, rendering plugins for VR and Unity, Vive, Vulkan rendering support, and supporting Dota 2 and Valve. That's a tremendous amount of stuff for a team of 900 people.

Valve cares about doing what's best for games as a whole and they realize their time is best spent right now making tools and infrastructures for smaller teams to create amazing ideas without a lot of financial burden from big publishers.

Can you maybe consider that Valve doesn't need to make formal games in order to make the biggest contributions to the development of games?

im taking about their unreleased,new games, not the ones that are out

They're pouring everything into Source2

TI6 was everything I wanted it to be.

Sure, I want HL3 too, but it seems like you guys are salty just because Valve is focusing on games you people don't care about.

DOTA, a microtrans hat shop, is the biggest competitive game in the world.

The 19+ million dollar prize pool tournament just finished yesterday with millions of views.

They also own steam, making money off every single game that gets released.

Why would they care about anything else, given they own a money factory?

>How about a game that actually runs
I have never had an issue running or starting any one of the games they have ever released. What in God's name are you talking about?

>How about consistent content that isn't half-assed?
They release occasional updates to CS:GO, Dota, and TF2. They take risks in order to try new and innovative ideas and sometimes those end up poorly. They redact a lot of their bad decisions and the aggregate has been really positive.

>How about they actually go through with a promise, and if they can't, just stop making them if they know they can't deliver?
Specific examples.

I don't understand this argument when it's being applied to a COMPANY that we're keeping in business because we're buying their products and playing their games. They'd be out of a job if it wasn't for their playerbase.
They don't solely make their money from the public consumers, they do business with other companies and vendors. Don't buy their games if you're so angry.

Last part should have read:

>I don't understand this argument when it's being applied to a COMPANY that we're keeping in business because we're buying their products and playing their games. They'd be out of a job if it wasn't for their playerbase.
They don't solely make their money from the public consumers, they do business with other companies and vendors. Don't buy their games if you're so angry.

tf2 gets major updates all the time

>Specific examples.
Different user, but are you serious? How new are you that you don't know the laundry list of Valve's fake promises?


Notables include:
"Half life 2 episode 3 will be out by Christmas" 9 years ago last month.
Taking 7 years to release content updates that were promised in the coming weeks.
Never releasing TF2 console updates despite promises that they would.

I just want a new normal game. Dont care if its HL3, L4D3 or a new IP. I dont want more VR bullshit or Steam OS

They made great games, I loved PC because of them. What went so wrong

It's like the 8th wonder of the world that Valve fans expect routine miracles from the company as though they're entitled to it by buying their games.

There are literally no other communities that are like this to any other game developer. Why are you guys so spoiled and delirious?

Do you guys have any clue how little of a fuck Nintendo cares about its audience and how it shamelessly pumps out sequel after sequel that completely doesn't reflect what the fans want?

Do you guys not give a shit that Bethesda has been selling the same buggy, busted, broken mess of an engine to people with Fallout: New Vegas, Skyrim, and Fallout 4?

How can Valve fans be THIS entitled? Do you just want a girlfriend Sup Forums? Is that what you want Valve to give you?

Or is that Valve has done so well by you that you've been spoiled rotten?

>Game developer cancels projects or lets deadline slip
Oh, I forgot that you're trying to say that this is unique to Valve.

Yeah, I have never heard of a game company give an incorrect estimate about a future project. I agree that they're legally liable to deliver a product to you once they've made that information public through conversational interviews or news updates on their website.

You sure proved me wrong, Valve DOES owe you all of those things.

The last Valve game is only a few months old, faggot.

What are things that further their control of the market, so other companies can make the games and they receive a cut, also they are not games you dummy.

This post is sarcastic in-case some readers here didn't gather that.

>Valve breaks promises
>Oh yeah? Show me.
>Okay here's a list of broken promises
>Th...They didn't have to do that stuff so it doesn't count since they didn't really mean it! And besides, other devs do it, too!
Sure showed me. I ask again: How new are you?

Your point is invalid. The debate is "Valve doesn't make games" at least other developers try. Valve employees just faf around with VR and Dota because they're too scared to actually do anything. They have the huge cash cow that is Steam S why bother?

>Implying valves main development team is doing something

>How new are you?
That's a pretty substantial reply there user.

I asked "What promises did they go out on?" and the person responded with "They let deadlines slip on projects just like every other game and software company has since the 80s and the dawn of games."

If the point of this thread was to point out things that every single game developer does, then I don't see why it was targeted around Valve.

Valve didn't release those projects because they would not have turned out good. Period. They would rather release nothing than release something terrible. You think game development is so easy? Great, go to school and compete with Valve with your own game if it's so easy.

>They would rather release nothing than release something terrible

They still released Matchmaking for TF2 and it's borderline unplayable, so not seeing much of that award winning logic there, champ. You're either a deluded fanboy, a shill, or a brilliant troll.

Just look at No Man's Sky, too much hype is bad because it'll never live up to the expectations. Best work on other projects. I figure that's a small part of it, anyway.

Most of valves games are free to play or have been free at some point.
Dota2+TF2 literally free to play. You cant complain about these.
Portal series and L4D series have been free in the past. You cant complain about these either.
Why do you think they owe you anything when their games are literally free?

"Valve not making formal games" doesn't matter when Valve as a company contributes tools and infrastructure for other games to be made and distributed.

Your world view is really that narrow that a company needs to be churning out games in order for you to think positively of them? Valve's platform has enabled hundreds of indie games to be made with minimal publisher oversight so that interesting risks could be taken that would never have been the case without Valve.

Really? Is your world view that narrow that you think negatively about Valve just because they're not defecating gems like Metroid: Other M and Mario Sticker Star and they're instead using their resources to allow games like Superhot, Nuclear Throne, and The Witness to get publishing?

How old are you? Really.

They sometimes make changes that don't go over well in practice. They take risks which is more than most companies.

The feedback for the TF2 update has been pretty negative so I see them reversing these changes or at least adjusting them in the near future just like they did with the Skyrim paid mods and the Counter-Strike:Source dynamic weapon pricing.

You have to take risks to make innovative and valuable experiences. If you just try to copy the successes of other people with more polish then you're just Blizzard.

But that's a good thing because Valve doesn't know how to balance anything in a multiplayer game
>Buff pyro phlogistinator
>Buff the reserve shooter shotgun
>Crit cola for scout
>Gunslinger being broken ever since its launch and was recently nerfed later down the line

>Added a full auto pistol inCSGO that outperforms the M4 in close quarters combat
>Added a revolver that does the same damage as the AWP and can be rapid fired close range

I don't know much about Dota2, but I dont think they have gotten utterly retarded "balance" updates on the same magnitude as CSGO and TF2

Because they are afraid that they can't live up to the hype. This was a rumor about HL3, valve believes the negative publicity from a bad game would be worse than just never releasing HL3

I don't regularly play Dota 2 so I can't comment on your greentext there but.

>Added a full auto pistol inCSGO that outperforms the M4 in close quarters combat
CZ auto was patched to be pretty balanced months ago. Try booting up the game before making that criticism.

>Added a revolver that does the same damage as the AWP and can be rapid fired close range
Also was patched months ago to be a valid sibling to the desert eagle, again, boot the game up before you make these posts.

Valve takes risks but they fix their objective mistakes.

>all of these presumptions to know how Valve thinks and why they do the things they do
>THEY DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING, the go-to deflection for anyone too rump roasted to bear hearing criticism about their favorite thing

Are Valve fantards disgusting?

I want them to actually make games.

It's really crazy how the worm has turned with regards to public opinion on Valve. Rewind 3-4 years ago and Valve was still the bee's knees, before that they were practically worshiped as gods. Now everyone either feels ambivalent towards them or outright hates them.

Also Portal 2 being 5 years ago is fucking horrifying. Oh my god I'm getting so old so fast.

I realize they fixed them soonafter but they should never have gave them the ability in the first place. Ask anyone, even novice players
Should a full auto pistol be better than a M4 in close range? Obviously no
Should a pistol be able to 1 shot anywhere? No

Valve just doesn't have any common sense or restraint. Even worse, they never use their beta client

Dota 2 for sure has a beta client that is actually used by the dota team
TF2 team never uses their beta client
CSGO doesn't have a beta client at all

They work really hard alright


Why? They make what they feel like they can add the most value with.

They don't care to just add another numbered sequel to their games just for the sake of new content. They'd rather make something original and unique if they're going to solicit the public eye.

If you want another 12-14 scenarios in Half Life 2 then why don't you open up Hammer and make them yourself?

Want better tech? Go to school and learn to code if you think it's so easy to run a games company.

Valve doesn't owe you anything. They'd rather make something great than to routine go back to the well until their franchises have been milked to death.

You guys are the worst:
>Activision makes a Call of Duty game once a year
When in reality, they're doing probably what you would desire for Valve to do. The COD games aren't bad by any stretch, but they're not innovative, that's exactly what Valve doesn't want to do.

>Valve takes their time to release something special instead of churning out sequel after sequel.
>Valve uses their resources to help other games get made and makes tools for engineers.

You guys are just... terrible. Nothing makes you happy. Stop playing games. Go outside, maybe to go a nightclub. It doesn't sound like games or much of life is for you.

Maybe what you should do instead is listen to:
>Really? Is your world view that narrow that you think negatively about Valve just because they're not defecating gems like Metroid: Other M and Mario Sticker Star and they're instead using their resources to allow games like Superhot, Nuclear Throne, and The Witness to get publishing?

Also listen to my vocaroo:

where the fuck do you get info you ultra fag there is a small team on this just like all thier other games wtf

Why are Valve threads always so shitty?

i don't even like valve but this is some high level autism

That's because 3-4 years ago you could still claim they were a game developer.
Valve is a distribution business, Gabe is an old man, the dream is dead.

That said, they're still a decent business. But that's just really all they are. They aren't paragons of the industry anymore.

>8 people own a vive

Not true, just the shitposters on Sup Forums who can't afford nice things hating them sour grapes.

But hey, enjoy your traditional games, at least until vr headsets become affordable to poor people like you.

I still don't know what this image is trying to prove.

They make a lot of money out of Dota 2 and?
The game is free (as in 100% gameplay free) and has tons of more features than most of its competitors, including in game spectating, free cosmetic drops, sandbox mode, custom games, customization out the ass and tons of other shit I'm forgetting.

New hero announced is coming in a week or two and we already know an event is coming. What the fuck do you even want?

This image looks like it was made by someone who has never paid attention to how game developers actually work and has possibly been made by someone who has never had a job to begin with.

There are so many ridiculous things about this image it's just astonishing. I would need to make another audio recording. It just seems too outside the stretch of rational thinking for me to think it's sincere and not a troll post. If someone actually made this image in good faith, I feel sorry for how they're currently guided in their life right now.

You're acting as if their track record for TF2 has been acceptable to stellar as of late. It's really not.

Consider this: would they still be bothering with the game if they didn't feel threatened by Overwatch? The amount of time they're putting into TF2 now is laughable compared to how the game used to be around 2011. It never gets updates, and when it does, they're either retreads or money-based gimmicks that revolve around collecting skins or cosmetics with a backdrop of bare bones gameplay, and when they aren't doing that they're doing the least amount of work possible by taking cosmetics from the workshop and releasing those as an update. When they do release a new game mode or class based update, they do very little balancing or optimization even after they're gotten bombarded with negative feedback. The team TF2 has right now is basically only doing the bare minimum to keep the game running.

It makes sense that Valve wants to work on DOTA because that has an up and coming playerbase and no one is saying they should stop doing that, but it's downright insulting that they've let TF2 go as badly as it has. If they want to truly take a risk, they should outsource it and give it to a team that actually wants to add content that not only fixes its existing problems but also adds updates that affect the game in a meaningful way that isn't just LMAO LOOK AT THESE NEW HATS DON'T YOU WANT NEW HATS?

Hell, Matchmaking has been in development for almost a decade and look at when they released it (hint: when Overwatch started gaining traction) and what kind of state it came in.

tl;dr: the game's a mess and Valve has only themselves to thank for that.

>enjoy your traditional games
D&D is better than videogames.

Not all of Valve works on TF2 you know. Their company is separated into "cabals" which are just smaller teams that focus on one aspect or another, so it's more descriptive to criticize the "TF2 Team" as opposed to all of Valve.

Sure, TF2 represents Valve at the end of the day, but not all of Valve is actively paying attention or voicing their intentions through TF2, hence why "Team Fortress 2 Team" is what's listed on their blog posts.

I don't agree with a lot of the updates in TF2 as of late, but I haven't agree with all of their updates with other games in the past. Historically I have seen them turn their unfavorable updates time and time again and I am pretty trusting they'll do the same for TF2.

The game's free after all, so again, it's not like they owe you anything.

fuck you gabe you're fat

Because back then, they were actually releasing new games and pumping out regular content for their existing ones. L4D2 and Portal 2 were still new, TF2 was still getting updates, DOTA was shaping up to be the next big thing, etc. They felt like the Pixar of game devs.

Now they don't seem to have any new games and seem to be shifting gears to work on OS, VR and hardware stuff, and people are starting to realize that their LMAO VALVE TIME meme isn't so silly and cute.

I've been playing D&D in tabletop simulator vr for the past couple of weeks. Its fun to play with my old crew after we all moved to different places.

That and the fuckhuge amount of content we can use in our campaigns.

because valve doesn't actually have anything to do with games anymore, the team that does TF2 is just the people that made the TF half life mod that valve absorbed, and dota 2 is just valve buying out icefrog so they can make a scam to take advantage of the moba craze

why actually make games at this point? why spend actual money on shit when your drones eat up anything you shit out even if it has 0 effort behind it

The Half-Life games are god tier, and Portal was decent, Portal 2 was cringey crash and the rest of their games are fucking horrible.

They don't have to update csgo much besides cosmetic updates because they got it right the first time. Literally no other fps compares to the amazing feeling of a competitive match of csgo

I'm not Valve, I am literally and eternally incapable of making what they can. I could spend my entire life trying and still never make Half-Life 3 or Portal 3 or whatever. I can only make what I can make. I want, specifically, what Valve can make. I'm not sure if you're just trolling or if you're legitimately an idiot, but people wanting Valve to make games again is not the same thing as them begging for yearly shit games like what Activision makes. You are strawmanning really hard and need to stop trying to argue on the internet until you become adept at critical thought.

>not all of Valve works on TF2

I never said they did, but their structure explains a lot about how it's become what it is.

The way the company is set up is that their employees can choose what they want to work on and what they don't, and the majority of them don't want to work on TF2. It's as simple as that. Valve's clubhouse atmosphere is legendary, and in practice, it sounds awesome. You're not shackling artists down to a project that they don't want to be part of and you're not forcing them to follow deadlines, so any content they create is bound to be good, right? But that kind of atmosphere doesn't produce consistent results over time, and eventually it leads to laziness and procrastination. TF2 is the best example of that.

>not all of Valve is actively paying attention or voicing their intentions through TF2

Actually, they've said in the past that the company uses TF2 as their guinea pig to experiment on features/concepts they want to put in other games, so they kind of are voicing their intentions through it.

>it's not like they owe you anything

It's kind of funny how the more you say this the more it sounds like deflecting the fucking point of everyone's distaste with them, which has always been at the end of the day about them letting what was once a good game go to the dogs through neglect and bad decisions.

Technically no developer producing games owes us anything, but I bet if the discussion turned to one of your favorites and how they're producing bad content you'd have a completely different view.

Valve is a shit show to work at. There is a ton of great talent there, but anyone who's worked there (and you can read the free "First Day at Valve" manual if you want proof online) knows that you're on the equal footing as any other employ and aren't given orders. You look for projects with other people and offer your services/get to know your team. This is great when you're working with the latest tech like VR or DOTA2 that has made a serious name for itself in the industry. The problem comes when you're suddenly "yesterday's news" like Team Fortress 2 where you'll get at best 4-5 people working on it who honestly have no idea what the fuck they're doing when it comes to pushing out content updates. You don't have a boss at Valve outside of Gabe, and so you can choose your own project. Do you want to work on a game that's nearly 10 years old and isn't taken very seriously or the latest brand new thing?

Valve has a lot of smart people, but it's no big surprise that their community interaction is one of their biggest faults. It's a bunch of eccentric, intelligent people who think what they're doing is great but in many cases prove to be absolutely fucking retarded. In DOTA2 some of it gets caught just because of the volume of people working on it, but in the case of TF2 you get an entire community angry at you. People don't even realize that CS:GO isn't even developed by Valve anymore, but frankly it should be this way. Valve isn't the company for consistent content updates. They're ahead of the curve and want to work with the latest toys, not support something that isn't going to make them stupid amounts of money.

>Want better tech? Go to school and learn to code if you think it's so easy to run a games company.

This is trolling, right? This has to be trolling.

its because valves employees work on whatever they want.
no one is allocated towardsa project.
dota is the exception due to icecfrog actively working on it.

>You are strawmanning really hard and need to stop trying to argue on the internet until you become adept at critical thought.
And you're not really pointing out much of value or information yourself.

Add me to Skype if you want to talk because I'm going to tab this thread and it might get pruned: lycheebun. It's an Anonymized Skype so there's no liability to me before you freak out about me sharing my Skype on the internet.


I wish I could frame this reply and put it over my mantelpiece. Thank you, user, you're one of the only people in this entire shit show of a thread who's made any goddamn sense.

Disclaimer: These are all assumptions and navel-gazing made by someone who has never worked at Valve and knows nobody who works there.

Why do they need to work when they own Steam amd their games get new content from "community"?
And where is Pit Lord after 6 years? I miss old DOTA when mana is more restricted.


Here you go.

>Valve has an employee manual that goes into great detail on their practices and employee culture
>multiple ex-employees from Valve have gone on the record to say that the freedom Valve gives its employees isn't as glamorous as people think it is

You really love Valve, don't you?

>Valve has an employee manual that goes into great detail on their practices and employee culture
Yes, a book with cartoons and diagrams of the solar system is a carbon representation of what it's like to work there.

>multiple ex-employees from Valve have gone on the record to say that the freedom Valve gives its employees isn't as glamorous as people think it is
It isn't. But it's not in the way you describe either.

No these are assumptions because they're not backed in evidence. There's a difference.

Did you not do well in speech class in high school?

>You really love Valve, don't you?
I think they try harder to make all of games better than any company does. But that's just my opinion, I wouldn't dare claim it wasn't an assumption like some people...

Skype me before this thread 404's also. You sound interesting to talk to: lycheebun