Ora ora. You have but nine seconds of stopped time before Dio finishes his attack...

Ora ora. You have but nine seconds of stopped time before Dio finishes his attack. The last videogame you played is now your Stand- do you have what it takes do defeat Za Warudo?

stando powah- BLUE SUBNAUTICA: power to transmute trash into useful objects. Dio is undoubtedly stronger

Other urls found in this thread:


>Blood Red Dwarf Fort
>Basically like Harvest from Part 4 but with angry drunken dwarfs instead
Bring it on Dio, I'm having a tantrum

yare yare daze. not even za warudo could kill such angry dwarf hoards


Stando powah : Bigu Bossa : He could probably shoot at him

I have something from Crypt of the Necrodancer. I can force anyone within a 100m range to automatically move to my beat.

If I'm still not faster, I'm boned.

Stando powah: Junku Rat: Oh you really stepped in it mate!


Nigga gonna get a taste of his own medicine. Maybe.

I've never had straight autism make me ill before, and i've seen some shit.

Well done user, you can finally kill yourself.

Danganronpa: Physical damage can only be done by getting the upper hand in a debate. Can't argue in stopped time so Dio can't do shit.

Go away grumpymcnofunpants

Stand: No Man's Sky

Effect: Nothing Happens

Why was Part 6 so fucking violent like holy shit I don't know how half the shit that happened in it was allowed in Shonen Jump even back when they were lax on violence and gore.

Didn't Araki change to Ultra Jump halfway through?

Nah that was in Part 7, like 6 months in. Part 6 was all in Weekly Shonen Jump.

Don't know about manga, but judging by the anime the series have always had disturbing gore scenes.

The dudes turning into trees, Survivor, Heavy Weather, and the Sports Maxxx fight were all pretty brutal




It has, but Part 6 turned it up to a whole new level. Expect he anime to be black screens half the time when you reach it anime friend.

JoJo has always been violent as shit and full of body horror. I think Araki gets off from it

I know, but in Part 6 it was escalating like there was no tomorrow. He hasn't done anything as gory as the Survivor arc from Stone Ocean since, not even after shifting to Ultra Jump partway through Steel Ball Run. Vitamin C was pretty disturbing in body horror but toned down to a more realistic and confronting way, if turning people into putty and cutting them and putting live fish inside their heads while still alive counts as more realistic.

>Skyrim vampire with a time stop spell and

>played GG Revelator
>training with Jam
Don't know if she can beat ZA WARUDO but at least she can cook.

And what? Did some Thieves Guild fag with a precognition and time erase spell stop you from finishing your post?

FTL: 「Faster Than Light」

>the part where they staple Fugo's body wound shut

Metroid Prime

Could a Power Bomb fuck Dio up? I mean he can't even handle glass well so i assume if you set a power bomb in his face Samus could just stand over the regenrsting corpse and keep Plasma beaming or even flamethrowing his ass u til he's done.

「IIDX Pendual」
I have the power to jump between the present and 200 years into the future.

I guess I could just flee to the future and hope someone killed Dio in the past.



>Faster Than Light: Mantis
>A mix of Aerosmith, Seth and Killer Queen I guess
>A weird spaceship-like stand that can fire lasers and teleport explosives and small agressive beings into another's person body or anywhere really. Can slowly self-repair thanks to slave engi

>Chrono Trigger DS version
>I can compare multiple timelines and jump to whichever one I want

Or "I win, the game"


[Summons 2 140 Apex Rajangs to protect user]

I think I'm fine, not even Dio would want to deal with those shits.

To be fair, that was due to Survivor making everyone aggressive as hell.

I always wondered actually, was the thing Narc doing with his name an actual thing?

The user of this stand will always come back to life after being killed, like the cinders of a dying flame. Also, the stand can use a sword and shield, probably.

I'm still fucked but while I'll probably never land a hit on DIO, he can never truly defeat me, either.

So I'm currently watching the anime and i'm in daimond is unbreakable, is there anymore after this or do I wait.

You're only halfway through the series. You can finish off Part 4 now and then read the rest of the series from there.

I meant anime episodes after this part.

user, that's OP even in terms of JJBA standards.
idk if GER could do shit against 2 140 apax rajangs

Yeah Diamond is Unbreakable is only halfway through. Episode 20 just came out yesterday and it's going to be 39 episodes. That's also only like 8 years into a 30 year long series in terms of content that's been adapted.

Oh. Well, we don't know yet, but it's pretty likely that Part 5 will get an anime. It's really popular in Japan, and Part 4 seems to be doing pretty well.

However, the Part 5 adaptation probably won't be coming out until at least a year from now. I'd still recommend catching up with the manga before the adaptation comes out.

>Next Episode: Dio learns how to HAME

Alright, sounds good, Guess i'll be looking forward to next weeks episode.

but on an entirely unrelated note, I miss him.

White Pockets - Version: 2
Able to create and pull any type of monster or animal from pockets on stand
Also able to train any of these monsters/animals and make them stronger
>only able to have 6 out at a time

>game is Pokemon white 2


There's another Jonathan Joestar in Part 7, but he's an asshole.

We all do. His sacrifices led to the creation of 5 other beautiful souls who we all came to love.

And next episode should be hype, the main villain finally starts doing shit and the next like 5 episodes should be focused purely on him.

Okay I need you to spoil me one more time.

Does DIO ever return to the series in any way shape or dorm? I'm not talking about his son, just DIO.

Nigga please John Marston can move through the frozen/slowed time on command.

It'd be like Holhorse or Mista fighting Dio.

I'm not up to date on Vento.

Where do I start with Jojo. I've heard of the newish anime. Is that a remake or should I just read the manga

And a cripple. But boy oh boy does he have the best character arc out of all the MCs, even if he's still a cunt at the end of the day.

FUCK I meant form*

Stand Name: [Project Solus]
Stand Power: Literally have no fucking idea what the fuck is going on fuck what are these skeletons fucking shitting hell where do these baby voices come from oh nigger fuck is that a smoke monster fuck nigger run to that th- OH FUCK IT'S A REAL MOVING THANG OH FUCK NIGGER NO

I guess I'm alright.

Stand Power: Underrail: CRPG RNG Bullshit won't save me now


>He says while posting autistic e-celeb shit

>or should I just read the manga

funny guy

FUCK what part.

He's referenced in 5 and 6 and appears in very important flashbacks in Part 6. Part 7 is a reboot with an alternate version of DIO called Diego who's like a what if version of Part 1 Dio where instead of letting all the bad shit that happened to him make him evil his experiences lead him to slowly become a good guy. His Stand lets him turn himself and others into dinosaurs. Then he dies trying to stop the main villain. Then there's a different version of that Diego who the main villain brings from an alternate universe to spite Johnny aa a dying act, and this Diego has The World as his Stand and the final battle is a send off for DIO as a characer over the series and he's not going to appear after that. Part 8 has had zero DIO in it.

Manga is good and honestly you could skip Phantom Blood in manga it's one of the worst parts.

I love the anime it's the only anime I'm following at the moment. You could start with Battle Tendency but you'll miss out on the most characterization of Dio and wonder why he's so hated/loved.

Read it by yourself and find out

I last played as Tracer on Overwatch, so sure, he can stop time, but I can compete manipulate it!

man, it's too early for me to think about powers for this shit

I remember Part 5 having its fair share of gratuitous violence as well. It's been a while since I've read it though.
and fuck, reading Parts 1 and 2 in color was fucking wild with how brutal it looked

in B/W, shit seemed kind of tame, but in color it's just like OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOD

Phantom Blood is still enjoyable, and since you start there, you have no reference point to be disappointed, so you should read it.

>Dragon's Dogma
>Sorcerers Blue

Essentially Magicians Red + Weather Report, I can conjure forth and manipulate the elements of Fire, Ice and Lightning
Sounds OP, but unless it can use Voidspell to cancel out Za Warudo then I'm still fucked

read the manga


dont listen to the fag saying dont read phantom blood, he's a moron

>skip Phantom Blood

Sure, I think every later part is better, but it's not bad overall.
Also, read that shit in color.

Is part 8 the final part to Jojo's bizarre adventure period, or is there going to be more?

The new anime covers everything from the beginning. The manga is always better but the anime is a prett faithful adaptation so if you prefer you can go with that. Only issue is you'll be waiting years for it to catch up to the manga. The anime goes 2012 series -> Stardust Crusaders (2014/15 series) -> Diamond is Unbreakable (2016 series, still going). And for the manga just start from Part 1: Phantom Blood and read in order.

I don't want to spoil too much, but he returns in Part 7 the same way Jonathan does (you're going to love the ending if you love DIO, but that's all I'm going to say). He's also in Part 6, but not physically. He just has a lot to do with the events of the story.

Either is fine, but if you're going to watch the anime I recommend reading the manga versions of the parts you watched at some point in time just to get a fuller experience of the parts. The changes are minor, but they're still changes.

>Skip Phantom Blood
Yeah, and while you're at it just go ahead and start at MGS2 you retard

We don't know. We're about past the halfway point and it all depends on whether Araki feels like writing more after it finishes 3-4 years from now. He's 55 and he said he wants to retire at some point in his 60s so Part 9 seems pretty likely and would be a good way to finish since it makes the rebooted series a trilogy.

Axiom Verge
i have no fucking idea
But if i'm Athetos then i guess i can fuck up the entire universe turning it into 1\3 mechanical robomess, 1\3 pulsating viscera mess, 1\3 glitched digital mess
Not sure i want to though

Don't know yet. It's REALLY fucking good though, like shit. I never thought a slow paced mystery story would work in JoJo but it really does. Araki actually becomes a really good writer in Parts 7 and 8.

>Persona 3
My stand, "BABY BABY BABY BABY", punches people so hard they turn into doors. Though DIO probably will bring some of his blood bags on the way of the punch during stopped time.

「Bombs Over Baghdad」
Random Crits Enabled.

My stand is [NO MANS SKY]. While this stands power is in effect any person in it's range will not be able to see other people or even interact. My stand has no weaknesses due to the fact the battle ends by default with no winners.

This, Phantom Blood's pretty important to the story seeing how it introduces the series' main villain. It's super short too.

You can skip to mgs2 because of Nastasha Romanenko's "book".

Jonathan is worst Jojo and you really only read it for Dio. Zeppeli is pretty good but really Phantom Blood isn't necessarily essential apart from the family vendetta against Dio.

>Jonathan is the worst jojo
you take that back right now motherfucker.

I am reading through part 7 right now, I finished the 11 men, and I've yet to understand why people say Johnny is an asshole
The mouse thing wasn't even his fucking fault and when his father got injured he didn't mean it too
So far he's just the kinda guy that keeps fucking up without wanting it, and he feels really bad about it, I don't see how that makes him bad

What if my stand is a piller man?
Does that give me Vampire powers too?

>Contra 3
>Can conceal up to 2 weapons in a pocket dimension
>normal weapons have unlimited ammo thank to the Stand
>can set off a bomb, only kills weak enemies though
>shield of invincibility, lasts 30 seconds but can only be used twice a day
>passive powers:user can ride any vehicle, endure falls from great heights
>appearance:looks like a buff 80s action hero but with alien and robotic features

He's just selfish. It's like how people call Jotaro autistic.

>skipping all of Dio Brando's development into the DIO we all know and love/hate
user, the entire nature of JoJo is established in Phantom Blood, from the expendable side characters to the relatively OP villains to the 'this was all part of my plan' Jotagonist fighting style.

This stand will transform the opponent into a bloody stream.

nah, pillar men arent vampires

being a pillar men is much better

I get the standard power suit with all its default abilities, which includes the ability to assimilate foreign tech into my suit. Drains my stamina while active. Every day at midnight the tech I assimilate goes away and I get the bog standard power suit again. I also can't crawl.

Notice I said Manga not anime.

I fucking love Dio but honestly if I were to reread or watch anything I'm skipping it because Dio is that memorable. Zeppeli and Speeeedwwaaaagooon are better characters than that goody two shoes who is so undeserved of any praise.

He's an ABSOLUTE MADMAN at times and the only thing that stops him becoming a mass murdering terrorist is Gyro. Johnny's a little unstable. It's mostly a meme though. And if you like SBR now you should love the second half. Civil War onwards is fucking GOAT.

>DIO stops time
>kills the user
>the Apex Rajangs vanish

People do have different tastes than you my fair user.

Which Mechanic Should I Take?
>Healing Sandwich

>BLUE SUBNAUTICA: power to transmute trash into useful objects.

So a stand that turns No Man's Sky into a good game?

What would be Marstons stand name though?

Anyone got ideas?



One thing I never understood though: Kars invented the vampire masks, he presumably looked at the powers and weaknesses of his people and that's why a vampire has similar skills and traits, right?
But at the same time the pillarmen have each only a single 'power' of their own, (aside from Whamu that has Sandstorm+Horn drill+Wind related body shit to use his SUPER DUPER ultimate skill) when Dio Brando has Laser eyes+Ice skin+Flight+zombifying people+hair tentacles to mind control
So what I mean is, why don't the pillarmen use all kinds of crazy power bullshit like Dio did, considering Dio got his powers from knowing his vampire body for a few days, and they lived for thousands of years?