Warcraft lore thread

Warcraft lore thread
How it's even possible for trolls to be so awesome?

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because dude da spirits lmao

C'thun is a big eye

who is your favorite demon lord and why isn't it Jaraxxus

When will the trolls regain their lands?

How do you like the new revised classes? (holy pally, suv hunter, outlaw)

Levelling a Surv hunter atm and I'm having a blast. Throwing grenades and bombs is insane fun. The burst damage is also really great

We wuz Incas and shit

lol Zul'Jin so silly.


Fuck off shills

Anyone who has an opinion worth more than it's weight in fecal matter stopped playing and caring about anything warcraft related years ago

Land is ruined by humans and others races anyway
I want game set in the past where you play as a forest troll, run around and kill bugs and others enemies of empire

high elf for alliance, ogres for horde


Reminder that the Night Elves are the master race and Azshara will make them great again.

You care enough to post in this threads:3

High elves for the Alliance and Ogres for the Horde.

Enjoying rogue so far. I've heard outlaw is shit but pistol shotting and one shotting mobs in low level raids for xmog hunting is cool as fuck




>mutated fag trolls

Surv has major issues
>Not as mobile as other melee (you can harpoon in but you can't harpoon out)
>Versatility is best 2ndary stat
>Mastery is completely useless

Blizz has put a lot of effort into its class fantasy in legion but currently there's just not much reason for hunters or other melee to take up the spec.

Nightfallen for both factions
Literally will never happen but just look at these dudes, this is what the mana-starved blood elves should have looked like.

The trolls lost to fucking murlocs. If it wasnt for thrall, the trolls would have been wiped out for fucking murlocs (at least voljin tribe)

>high elf for alliance
Won't happen because it'd drag the blood elf players away who make up the majority of the Horde. Also Blood Elves are basically High Elves with green eyes anyways. Anyone who wants High Elves just want to play alliance belfs.

>he brags about how easy it is to clear old content


Considering N'zoth really is about to break from its prison and is likely going to use us being distracted by the legion to corrupt the titan in Azeroth, I think we should probably listen to the dagger this time.

Yogg'Saron said some pretty ominous shit about him, too. There's so much related to him this expac that there's no way Blizzard won't set him free (hopefully at the end so we have an expansion focused around fighting an Old God that isn't just sort of leaking out of its prison).

As a hunter main I can never ever ever see why someone would want to give up their ranged mobility to get in melee range and smack shit with a spear.

What does Sylvanas ass smell like?

just saying how cool it is to whip out a pistol and shoot things from a distance on my rogue you fucking faggot

Or they want WC2-3 alliance elves.

Dagger wants Azeroth to be corrupted too

You must not be playing as a Troll hunter then.

Darkspear are like the smallest and weakest jungle troll tribe.

Cold, dead flesh.

>being mad that someone at a high level can clear old content from 2004-2013 easily
yes we should be one shot by a lvl 20 in SW Stocks at level 100


It's the same issue druids and shamans have, so it's often tweaked such that melee is either plain stronger OR have a much easier rotation. Neither of this applies to Survival at the moment.

It feels pretty shitty to be honest. the "rotation"/priority system doesn't feel good to me at all. Also fuck these stupid ass Hammerdin hammers. I hate that I have to use these shitter things. The new animation for Hammer swings is great, and I miss the shit out of the old "CLANG" sound effect HotR used to make.
The spec as a whole feels strong enough I guess, but it's just so awkward and unsatisfying. Even TBC Prot felt better to play..

I used to main BM with my red core hound I named clifford. Now BM just feels so weird

How do we fix the horde, Sup Forums?

>there are people that are literally not going to play sprieasts this expac
Explain yourselves.

I main'd BM prior to the class changes. Now the rotation is fucking weird and my DPS felt off so I switched to Marksmanship, which also feels weird and mind numbingly dull.

I didn't really like the changes to Hunter and I didn't play it for melee.

Kick out the high elf and undead faggots
Make the Horde savage again

get rid of orcs and tauren

>Not playing as a slightly insane draenai female spriest who lusts over orc cock

Hunter is one of the shittiest classes this expac. I don't know why people would play them outside of liking a literal brainless spec like BM.

Trolls literally did nothing right.

I hope you do something to Survival, this shit brings me back when I started playing mid bc, dual wield huntarding around with aspect of the beast on. I'd love to play it but like the other guy said it's too much effort for too little output


I find BM more fun with Killer Cobra and/or Dire Frenzy but i'm casul so it doesn't really matter.

Reminder that if you aren't playing Unholy or Enhancement you are literally shit and will be laughed at.

They won war against bugs

Pets and I really like my Nelf Hunter.

The only alternative I really like playing is Belf Paladin but we don't need to get started on how shit ret Paladin is right now.

Blizzard really hit my fave classes hard. But at least DH is fun right guys.

On that note, who is everyone's weaponfu going to be this expac? Scythe here. All non canon weapons can stay mad.

Suck my boulderfist bitch boy

doomhammer baby

Tank DH actually is pretty enjoyable. DPS DH feels so slapped together its ridiculous. But tank DH feels like they actually put some effort in. Its Monk all over again.

Why are they so pretty?

I think the W3 night elf cover gave me my fetish for facial markings.

Gonna go visit Outland and laugh

Why is nobody bitching about Destro Lock's mastery passive? It ingrains RNG into everything we do, so even if we have perfect plays we'll either be doing good damage or really shit damage regardless of skill.

Not necessarily. One theory is that the dagger is made from part of an Old God that was killed by the other Old Gods. It'd have a legitimate reason to hate them and want to see them dead

Pic related now that it's account wide

I love the Windrunners so this can be the only one along with the WoTLK transmog set. Shame Marksman hunters are boring

As an outlaw rogue all I can say is fuck you

The old gods never got along anyway. They always threw their minions at each other. Plotted against each other. But the general theory is, yes, the blade of the black empire is a fragment of an old god, not an old god itself. More like the Sha basically.

>bm gets a gun
>marks gets a bow
Shit. I wish the bew gun sound effects weren't ass. Bring back to the old booms and bangs god damn it

Don't forget the fangs. Night Elf girls are primal.

I think the weapons have skins that turn them into other types. Like I'm 90% sure the gun has a bow skin.

jealous as fuck if that's really you

The gun has a bow model and the bow has a crossbow model

Yeah you can xmog your bow into a gun or crossbow and vice versa. Do it all the time.

Looking to reroll as either a Human DK or a Dwarf Monk on a new server, how's Proudmoore?
I was considering Stormrage, but I heard it's way too full as is.

Remove undead, elves and pandas. Bring in Ogres.

Yeah the BM gun has a mechanical bow as its hidden skin.

My issue with the BM gun is that it isn't really related beast masters until the final part of the artifact quest. It's initial state is just a very powerful rifle.

>Kick out the best and most competent races

>how's Proudmoore

That too.

A nelf will never bite your cock


Go Stormrage if you can get in. PvP servers are a fucking joke and only fun if you like getting swarmed by a bunch of max level faggot pandas and worgen while you're leveling.

Monk DPS is really looking good for legion, but DK is the superior tank and also one of the best DPSers according to Preach.

>month 14
what the literal fuck?


Oh shit nigger and ms paint image

Tauren, Troll, Orc and Globin cum.

>Implying she doesn't have Koltira for that until you save him in Legion

There are 12 months, so that comes first.

There are between 28 and 31 days in a month, so that comes second.

There are theoretically an infinite amount of years, so that comes third.

Makes sense to me.

Nagas for both factions maybe? I don't know what else they could add.

You think if Sylvanas had someone to tell her they "would accept her/fuck her ass/make her eat all the eggs" after she recovered her body she would've relaxed and not turned completely batshit insane?


You're both objectively wrong.

(this is what scientologists believe)

> Globin cum

like haemoglobin? blood?

Probably no new ones, but I could see them maybe asspull High Elves and Vrykul for Alliance and Horde respectively.

No nigger

Second -> 60 seconds = 1 Minute

1 minute -> 60 minutes = 1 Hour

1 hour -> 24 Hours = 1 Day

1 day -> 30 Days = 1 Month

1 month -> 12 months = 1 year

And so on

Only Murrika is this inbred.

Also not even your own scientists use this format, or pounds/feet/miles/fahrenheit for that matter because they know it's retarded.

>Murrifats trying to justify their bullshit still

>got rid of their tendril rings

Quilboars and Gnolls

i dont really mind it, I have my other mains to raid with, this one im doing for fun

>getting autistic over institutional sorting systems

I'd play the shit out of this.

Is he actually coming back? I hope not, it would be hilarious if he was dragged through a portal and never seen again.