Imma tell you why No Man's Sky is shit

Imma tell you why No Man's Sky is shit.

Planets do not have
>-Different Biomes
>-Differnt Gravity
>-Different Sizes

There is no
>-gas giants
>-landable asteroids or comets
>-binary star systems

Passage of time is fake. Shadows move for about 10 min then stop.

Reaching the center is just warping to a new galaxy and breaks all your equipment. 5 named galaxies then it goes into random names.

All galaxies and planets are the same size

Only 3 factions in the entire universe

Farm for everything; even the fucking lore

PS4 Port that lags and crashes like balls

Not even true 1080p, just an upscaled lower res

Don't even use the bandwidth to pirate this turd.

B-but sean said his team needed to recreate the table of elements so some imaginary particles would refract light just like they do in space

Shouldn't have said those things.

Why did you ever expect more than Minecraft in space, with no building and a wonky AI?

Did you fall for the hype, like a child?

>Only 3 factions in the entire universe
this is my biggest gripe
they could have had more species but i get that they didn't want you learning so many languages for them

but still, they could have made it have more varied inter-species looking aliens

nude female alien mods when?

>Planets do not have
They do
>>-Different Biomes
>>-Differnt Gravity
>>-Different Sizes
They do

Show me any of that shit with an image or a video

Well they have. If anyone has worked with abstract data types in programming you would know that, thats not hard to do regardless. Its just another check among a thousand other checks.

Play Space Engine. It's prettier and though ut;s not perfect, at least it's not full of LIES

I knew that I was going to hate No Man's Sky as soon as I discovered that landing on a space station was a matter of flying toward a blue box, and having the game do it for you.

Sizes is pretty obvious. Literally every planet is a different size.You can even see them side by side in the game with vastly different sizes. I don't know how to record spins because it requires recording several planets for literally hours.

>planets have different gravity

I don't think so, user

>Literally did not say
lrn 2 read

There are no continents, rivers or mountains either. Geography always has a certain pattern.

I played it.
Only retards kept thinking an indie game would ever pull off multiplayer with all this bullshit.
I pirated it since it's a singleplayer game for the most part and I'm having fun.

But two players were in the same area, they didn't meet, but it was totally amazing!

how did that work?
do they see each other harvesting minerals?

Just playing pirate on PC and having fun.

They went to the same landmark on the same planet. They couldn't see each other because there is no player interaction. The time and ambience weren't even the same.

NMS defenders said it's because one of them is on the 'future' of the planet so it was still 'amazing'

Fucking hell, all the creatures look like they came from Earth.
Fuck this I'm going back to my Spec-Bio forums.

>started the game on a planet
>after 2 days i decide to fix my starship and blast off
>that fucking feeling of seamlessly going out into space
>those asteroids you have to shoot or dodge
>those space stations
>that feeling of not knowing which way is up
oh fuck this is EXACTLY what i wanted!
i regret not fixing my ship earlier


Oh boy another "NMS antishills jerk each other off" episode

This game should have had a space autist like John Carmack as the lead tech designer. And a 100+ man strong team behind it.


> PS4 Port
I think it's natively developed for PS4 and ported to the PC right?

>racism on Sup Forums
wow you're SOOOOOO cool

I am so glad there's another thread about this game AGAIN. And, look, yet more reasons to shove down our throat about why this game is bad, something we already established weeks ago. Thank you, truly, for bringing these mysterious facts to the forefront of the Internet's asshole once again.

the problem is it uses the Havok engine
Bethesda's engine that kills your framrate if you have more than 30 teddybears in one room

Don't you have a /vg/ thread to circle jerk in? At least the Undertale and FNAF fags took a hint.

Woah, is that a penisaurus?


Things not following physics don't make it bad, 99.9% of games are shit if thats the case.

Why do they all have some strange appendage jutting out of their chests?

>Havok engine
>Bethesda's engine

You are an idiot.

>you will never ever find large cities and civilizations

>thinking someone is racist because they say nigger
sure is self righteous in here.

Even just some primitive tribes would be cool. You could become their god by impressing them.

Also the solar systems are smaller then the earth.

I was bugged when I looked at the speed meter. 9999u is the max speed of a pulse drive, and 2-4m U is the average distance between planets.

From what I can gather, I haven't measured anything, but the max speed on a planet is 150u, and you don't seem to be moving that fast compared to the ground, so I think that a U is meters per second or at least close to it.

Meaning max speed is 9999 meters per second, thats not fast enough to escape the earths gravity. The solar system average distance between planets is some where in between 2m-4m U, meaning 2k-4k kilometers in distance, less then the distance between Californa and New York.

Someone needs to do the match, but I think each Solar system is only about 10m U in total from end to end, which means it would be smaller then the earth.

I agree, but if some random asshat says "there are no quasars" again I'm going to lose it.

I don't know why everyone is so suprised?
Indie games are typically shit. Yall just bought into the hype

someone needs to do the math*

Thanks man, you can be cool too if you figure out how to leave the basement!

You absolute dunce you've just embarrassed yourself.

Complaining about lack of orbits and binary stars in a game where mining in space is as simple as shooting a rock and waiting, landing in space is as simple as flying into a hitbox and you press a button to land wherever you want on a planet.

Elite: Dangerous makes you do all of these things painstakingly at first, before allowing you to make it easier at the expense of using up inventory on your ship for guidance modules and tractor beams, and the like. It's a slow, steady five course meal.

No Man's Sky, by comparison, is a cheap buffet. Plebs will go there in abundance, eat as much as they can, then go home after 20 minutes.

i prefer cheap buffets

>>-Differnt Gravity
That's unfortunate.

Then you will enjoy No Man's Sky. Simple as that.

But there seems little point in complaining that there's no differing gravity, or greater complexity. It's like expecting table service and filet mignon at the "sit and stuff" discount buffet.

it only SAYS it has different gallery, but i haven't been to a single one where jumping or falling is faster or slower

Next you'll tell me that you prefer your steak well done too.

You must feel really stupid now.

>different gallery

i guess you meant gravity user-kun

And you won't. They just made your jump height higher or lower at random.

noice, day 1 buy

i-im sorry, im not even posting from my phone, i seriously accidentally type an entirely different word

I was shitting on this game weeks before it was released. It looked so bad to me from the interviews and trailers, and a lot of Sup Forumstards were trying to defend it. Feels nice to be vindicated.

with ketchup, yes


We know the game is a flop, people have been saying the game will flop for a long time before it released, how many fucking threads do you need to say "DURR DIS GAEMU IS SHIT"?
We KNOW it's shit. Fuck off already.

Why would I feel stupid? You clearly said it does have different gravity,and I pointed that out to you.

I very clearly didn't say anything of the sort. You must feel double stupid now. Double extra stupid. Can't read? Shameful.

>Followed it up with They do
It's okay to admit you were wrong.


If a topic is of no interest to you, then don't fucking enter the thread. I mean, are you literally retarded? We have the biggest release of 2016, and you're trying to be some kind of thread police? Go fuck yourself and die.

im stuck
I hyperspeeded into a new solar sytem but there's only 2 planets
i dont have the blueprints for the warp speed fuel and the 2 planets are all dead

what do i do?

No Man's Sky is the ideal argument against an atheistic view of the universe, if you think about it. It's cobbled together from random number generators to give an empty, soulless experience devoid of meaning. Plebs not only love the idea, but they will think you're deficient if you don't, and choose to believe that there should be some kind of point to it all.


Can I be FUCKING real for a second?

This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.

A tiny team of people made an entire universe for you to explore. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.

Guess what? The game was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a game.

What it WAS going to be was an impossibly big universe filled with mysteries and weird shit. I just played it for 2 hours and it was exactly that. What more do you want?

Is it buggy? Sure. Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the inventory system imperfect and the multiplayer feature questionable and the structure unclear? Sure, fine.

But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?

How fucking entitled do you have to be to explore an infinite universe in a spaceship and then say "yeah but..."

We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring games in recent memory.

Hello Games doesn't owe you the world. Yet they gave you 18 QUINTILLION of them.

If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.

All i care about is the space exploration. Are cool things like nebulae, black holes, and protoplanetary disks in the game?

I think once he realised his mistake he though that rather than cutting his losses and not replying, he would keep contradicting himself in an attempt to seem like a troll. Uh oh. Absolute dunce.

You must really feel dumb re-reading the post again. That's so cringe worthy. Your embarrassment is felt by all of us.

>>-Different Biomes
>>-Differnt Gravity
>>-Different Sizes
They do

That was a direct copy-paste

They said they artificially moved the planets closer together so they would be more prominent in skies.

I'm pretty sure the max speed is above 9999u/s and that the idea is that's just what the readout maxes out at.


it's like grinding in WoT except offline with no action and you don't even get to drive a cool tank

really though it reminds me of being completionist in far cry 3 and going to every minimap blip, except in "space" and without the story or gunplay

After getting to the centre of the galaxy, and getting some shit new game +, i'm starting to really appreciate spore a lot more.

Only No Man's Sky could make me say that, but let's think about it for a second. You meet the big bad there before you get to the centre, and have to go through their space to get there. Do you ally yourself with these monsters who hate all other life, or do you defy them? If you defy them, you'll have to fight their entire expansive empire before getting to the galactic core and meeting God. Who gives you the power to create life.

Then, the game opens up further, with you literally becoming God, creating a planet, forming it, raising it up and watching it grow before having it join you in your neverending battle against the Grox.

Jesus, and this was how many years ago? NMS is a piece of shit by comparison.

>find a mountain (YES, A FUCKING MOUNTAIN) of EMERIL (270 money/unit)
>harvest as much as i can
>go back to space station
>sell emeril
>earn about 2,5 million money
>buy a spaceship with 30 slots for 3,5million money

Too bad this shit game doesn't have any GPS so I could find the mountain again.


In fact, you'll never be more than six seconds away from an asteroid that can completely refuel your ship. Think about that.

Geez user, is your ego really that fragile you can't even just say "Oh, haha my mistake." And turn into a middle school tier troll over something so trivial? I think we all know who the joke is here

You forgot that there's nothing to do.

How do you take ingame screenshots on the pirated version?

I found some pretty cool monsters. Some even looked like a T-Rex and where fucking huge!

the hills i find are bugged, some rock doesn't get destroyed it's bullshit
and i always get +2 of something every hit


ikr fuck this game. worst 60 bucks i ever spent. i should've never let the hype get to me.
desu, i was thinking this game would be fun for a year or so. you know, exploring planes, and i wanted to with my friends. oh well.

Im at work now and cant wait getting home to play and farm for a good spaceship

desu yeee

>How do you take ingame screenshots on the pirated version?

am i real life

Change the galaxy, there are big asteroids in space containing iridium.

People are mad that the game isn't what they always wanted, because that is what was promised to them.

>You can do everything!

Apparently we can't. Not even remotely.

Sure, the game has notable achievements, but are they really THAT amazing? 16 quintillion planets sure is a lot, but 16 quintillion planets that are baren wastelands with nothing to do, isn't as impressive as it might seem. If they all had the amount of sustenance as gta V or some shit, sure, I'd give it to them, but they don't.

You find a new planet. Mine generic rocks, walk around, find a new creature, and that's it. I can't build a civilization, I can't terraform the planet, I can't really do anything but walk around.

Is the game cool? Sure. Did it end up being close to what they made it out to be? No, not at all really.

You need to calm down friend, and realize the game didn't deliver.

u havin a giggle m8???


Reminder that there is no clipping in the game either. Ships fly through ships. Creatures walk through creatures. You can shoot things on the surface from inside a cave.

This is some Big Rigs shit.

>procedurally generate a mutli-galaxy scale game
>don't procedurally generate factions/civilizations
lel, people bought this shit for 60$?

What? You mad because a pirate didn't get consumed by the made up hype and dodged that bullet, like every other bullet in the last 5~7 years?

No Mans Scam is literally one of the reasons why I will never buy games. This and because I'm not a retard who pays for things he can get for free.

after this whole no man's sky thing, maybe consoles aren't so bad after all

Are you actually this retarded or just pretending?

He's probably disgusted that he has to share a site with a braindead retard like yourself.

So is the "no multiplayer" now confirmed? Has anyone been able to meet up, or are there simply many thousands of lobbies each populated with a few people?

>He wasn't here for 46 threads

this better be a pasta from reddit

Why are people saying this is an indie title? Literally one of the first things you see is a Sony splash screen.

>upscaled lower res

In b4