If you say "these things never scared me as a kid", you are a BIG FAT LIAR!!!!!!!!!!
If you say "these things never scared me as a kid", you are a BIG FAT LIAR!!!!!!!!!!
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Those never scared me as a kid. They were just enemies to move past.
I was more scared by Like Likes than Redeads
Bottom of the Well in Oot scared me shitless when I was a kid. I never played that dungeon or the Shadow Temple when I was alone. The Spirit and Foresr temples are creepy too, but nit as much as these. Nothing else scared me as a kid
None of these did, but Dead Hand scared the shit out of me
Talked to Redeads and shit in Majora's Mask was a real trip to my kid mind.
Speaking of MM the aliens in the ranch mission scared the crap out of me.
all three spooked me as a kid.
Zombie Jingaling said some of the most funny lines in the game, even zombified he was a total bro.
fuck redeads though, you can add like likes and wallmasters there too
They were based of the flatwoods monster, a real life alien sighting.
As a kid I would run in quick as I can, only go to necessary spots and bing-bang outta there.
It wasnt until I was in high school did I go around to all the extra areas.
>zombie jingaling
>zombie squirrels
Redeads, no. Wallmasters, fuck yes.
The abandoned space station in Jet Force Gemini was that one level for me.
Music didn't help either.
definitely scarier than redeads
That sewer section after the Great Mighty Poo is pretty bad too, just because the assorted animal parts floating around are actually parts of Conker's animation for when he gets blown up.
Mind you these parts are there before you even get sliced up by a fan. It's just weird.
still creeps me out when i revisit the game...
>bowser's laugh on castle entrance, doors and death
>piano in big boo's mansion
>gruntilda's laugh upon game over
>that laugh in glover 64
>GET OUT in DK64
>when yoshi gets grabbed and carried off in Yoshi's Island
are you me?
I legit thought the zombies molested Link in Ocarina of Time