>you can fight CPU's
>purchasing any premium costume gives you colors 3-10 right off the bat
>people will actually get penalized for rage quitting
Holy shit, Capcom is actually addressing our complaints, sooner or later 8 frames is gonna be the only argument against this game
SFV: Capcom doubling down on rage quitters, adding double fight money days, VS CPU and free colors
Other urls found in this thread:
>No mention of Urien OR Alex premium costume
They wouldn't...
They'll probably talk about them once the blog announcing Urien's release date goes up
There are still lots of complaints about this game that aren't going to be fixed within these updates.
I would also see the extension of this upgraded anti-RQers system. I can't trust Capcom so easily after the fuck-ups did by them in recent years. Maybe it's easy for you since you're a fucking goldfish shit-eater, but that's not for me.
Why wasnt this on day one though? SFV is LITERALLY an early access game, but it gets sold as full retail.
I mean say what you will, but Melee and Sm4sh shipped as finished fighters, and their DLC only added to the game, not put in content that shouldve been there from the beginning. How anyone respects capcom after SFV I have no clue.
I really hope no one bought this in February expecting USFIV levels of content. Capcom had always been really upfront with saying that they're playing the slow and steadg game, and after a year it'd be worth what most people consider $60. The only reason they rushed it out is to let the FGC get their hands on it as soon as possible and tweak it to make it a better game. That's just what I think tho.
Hopefully Wolfkrone and more will stop ragequitting.
Everything else is boring. Bring Urien.
such big update and not include new character.
who cares, game sucks
Is it happening?
It is
Anyone up for a EU lobby ?
Scrubs allowed?
I'm one so yeah.
Alright i'm game.
would you mind creating it, I can't put a password because I don't have a numpad.
Just tell the rules and your CFN I'll find.
EU Scrub Lobby
CFN: Duggsy
Comment: Fighting all night! Let's do this!
pass: 1234
Why is this not in your post, OP?
This is the most important thing in there.
Is it cool if i get on it in a minute to practice some Ken?
Im shit at Ken but he is fun
Because Capcomfags eat tiny plates of shit and ask for seconds in hopes of getting an actual meal later
I don't mind, i'm still learning so it's fine.
Screw all that
When's fucking my boy urien. I'm tired of this life
Wow, it is almost like they should have just had this shit from the start
I have a question
On my PS4, its says it has the latest update installed
But when I boot up my game
It tries to download an update file but keeps failiing
This happened when Juri came out
Also I have this game physically
Anybody know a solution
>haven't spent a single penny on this game outside of the initial purchase
>even then, bought it for only something like $35
by the end of the year all of the "premium" content will be free, and you'll all feel like fucking suckers for paying for any of this shit
>Let's introduce ways of fixing the game after the online population is anemic at best
>good update with great news like more ragequitting punishment, double FM in ranked (even if 100 FM is still retardedly low), daily targets
>people still complain
It's a meme at this point isn't it ? Can we bait in the OP so we get a cool thread just like MH threads ?
>character stories give you the exact same amount of poorly drawn cutscenes as SFIV's arcade mode (intro, rival, ending)
>you have a proper story mode with some actually cool moments in it that you an crank the difficulty up on
>you have survival mode if you want a gauntlet of CPU's to fight
I really don't see why so many people still want arcade mode, unless they REALLY liked punching those cars and barrels
>Double FM
>AND daily targets
Wait till that double FM weekend, you'll get new matches every second
I think the reason people like arcade mode so much is because you can be challenged to use a character for eight consecutive fights with variable difficulty.
Easy survival is a total cakewalk compared to SF IV's arcade mode
Sorry for the 1-1 match, I had something to do real quick, I'm up for a rematch, although it was laggy as hell.
But it's probably my fault
remember to thank ono-chin for the precious gift of updates
Thank you, ono-chin
Can someone please take a screenshot of Xrd lobbies and send it to Capcom? It's embarrassing how Capcom employees seemingly haven't played a fighting game in the past decade judging by SFV lobbies.
Did they ever punish the people who used the round 1 survival mod?
I heard they were going to do that, but I never saw any follow up.
I should have done it.
Yo im doing some overwatch is there room for more scrubs?
yeah there is room
No, they punished people who used an exploit to get premium shit for free and getting survival money without even playing. If you use the 1 round mod just be careful not to do all extreme survivals at once or shit like this and you'll be fine.
>wanting to AA as Ken by pressing jab
To much Necalli.
GGz anyway.
Have to leave now
Capcom is so slow patching this game. It's been six months and they're still trying to figure out how to deal with rage quitters. Meanwhile lobbies and matchmaking and netcode still need major work. Capcom, please. Hire more coders or some shit. It's embarrassing.
>still can't beat Hard mode with any character
I'm out!
They should better remove the input reading bullshit AI from the last 5 or so opponents in survival. Its no fun if you breeze through 1-25 and lose to some cheating CPUs.
Don't bother with that trash mode. Just install the round 1 mod instead.
Karin player here, man do I suck.
Haven't played for a month or two and I'm dropping every combos like an idiot.
I think they should've added an option called "second chance" or something to the shit you buy with points in survival, it'd be hella expensive but would let you retry a single round if you lose.
I always lose at 49 or stupid shit like that, and that's just another hour thrown down the drain. I'm so mindbroken at this point that I'd suck ono-chans chinpo for getting the colors with FM. WHO THOUGHT THE MODE WAS GOOD TO GO RRRREEEEEE
That Ryu just bodied me hard.
It only took them 7 months. I guess that "WAIT FOR EVO!!!!!!! IT'LL SAVE SF5!!!!!!!" didn't happen, Capcucks.
He went in hard m8
>>you can fight CPU's
Was this seriously not included before?
> I really hope no one bought this in February expecting USFIV levels of content.
All I expected was OFFLINE FUCKING CPU FIGHTING. Instead, I get dooked in the mouth and told to go fuck myself by Capcom because I refuse to play fighters online due to shitty netcode.
Shoo go away people are playing the game
He has come to destroy the scrubs.
Fuag im next
Holy shit I want to kill myself.
Nice play chun.
>bought the base game for $28
>cheated to get fight money in survival
>bought all the characters and items
wowie so difficult I wish I had paid another $40 for all the dlc
>go to training
>set all the meters to normal
>set the opponent to CPU and whatever difficulty you want
It's literally the exact same shit, but I'll bet you just need to hear that "You Win!" Cuz you never hear that shit online
Xbone version when?
I'll just spectate now. Wasn't sure of the level of play.
That Ryu player, sweep less and don't to unsafe blockstrings that I can just DP through. Your grabs are good though.
> people are playing the game
Less people playing SF5 than playing Devolve:
(To be fair: Devolve is losing players again and at a fast rate)
Face it, SF5 bombed and nobody is playing it and SEVEN MONTHS LATER Capcom finally throws a hail mary in an attempt to get people that play the game OFFLINE into the game. Keep slurping Ono's short dick though, Capcuck.
I'm NA, will I fuck up the room if I try joining?
> Cuz you never hear that shit online
> Hey mom, I can't read Sup Forums posts
Good job with that reading comprehension, chump. The major reason training mode sucks as a replacement is that you can't set the CPU to random and have the round ends bring in other characters.
Yeah I wouldn't bother.
>Fighing game
>using steam charts to judge its success
You can't be serious with this shit
and by punishing he means the premium shit was taken away and I kept all of the fight money and costumes, sasuga capcom
I'm already lagging against EU players so I won't fight you.
Any tips for the karin besides "stop being a god damn retard"
Fuck I can't even get through normal, the combination of 28,29 and 30 always fucks me on each one and they rarely will give two full heals
bout to just cheat
Duggsy here, note to self stop sweeping
invite me
Footsies. Nothing but footsies.
Also if you can't do just-frame tenkos consistently, don't bother with them at all. It's better to get a little less damage with a roundhouse or EX mujinkyaku than to get your tenko blocked and punished.
SFV sold less copies than SFIV, and the game has 8 frames of input lag.
Do you really need something else?
play if you want, it's all learning
Survival, Story mode.
Fist here yeah you probably should. But fuck me you are dangerous haha
>pay for costumes and get FREE colors
SFV is saved. Capcom does it again.
>Finally get to silver online
>I've only ever beat normal survival with like 5 characters
I wonder if this works retroactively and with pre-order costumes
Well played, i panic when i play others, guess i just need to get over it and play more.
there are few characters that can cheeze cpu easily to 100 wins
I bought Karin's bikini and I already have colors 3-6
If this update doesn't give me colors 7-10 I'm going nuclear
sfv was a mistake, even shitendo made smash 4 a better game
>not using modded Karin bikini that replaces the ugly dress and with actual panty shot
I can do them normally, I just haven't practiced for a while.
First time I ever fight a balrog, no idea why the super randomly got thrown.
>taking away incentive to earn colors
>still can't fucking chat in lobbies
Who the fuck makes lobbies without chat ability?
>he doesn't like the hat, sunglasses, jacket and shoes
That's the best part about the swimsuits IMO, each one fits the character instead of just being "dude tits and ass lmao"
>cammy has battle gear
>R.Mika has a lifeguard vibe
>Ibuki has a schoolgirl swimsuit
>laura is a slut as always
>Chun is just princess leia
And Karin's is exactly what you'd expect a rich bitch like here to wear to her private beach
>Those lips
For some reason i get the biggest boner when thinking about her giving really sloppy blowjobs whenever i see this webm
I wanna see balrog vs chun
Me too pham, although I prefer the darker shades of lipstick they give her in her alt colors
Christ, Karin is such an underrated SF girl
Fistmaster here Sorry for the abrupt stop but
my mom made dinner so i gotta eat
You niggas are a fucking blast would play again.
Also Blacksheep there will be a day where i kick your ass and get the won you just wait
>No mention of Urien
>Not even for the September update
Is it time to panic?
Says 2 bars. lets see if it works
>dlc characters before balance patch
Why would you even bother when chun-li, necalli, ryu and ken exist
What date did Juri come out again?
Anti-air and bait my shit and you'll pretty much be there.
>why wasn't this game perfect on day one???