Evil Goku with Super Saiyan Pink

>Evil Goku with Super Saiyan Pink
>literally fanfiction, literally fucking DragonBall AF shit

I miss GT. I hope this shit isn't going to taint future DB games. I'd rather them just rehash all of the old content for 20 more years than have this and blue haired Trunks ruining my experiences.

>blue haired trunks

Nigga he looks way better with blue hair than purple.

Blue Haired trunks was always manga canon anyways. Bulma was purple haired in the first DB episodes as well. It was just an error dude.

stopped buying DBZ games many years ago.

Not even touching super. As someone that pretty much watched DBZ his entire young life.


Not video games

>muh manga

Kill yourself

Why do people even bother with DB anymore? Like honestly. It's been so long since Z ended and there's nothing of value in the new shit judging from all the stealth anime DB threads on this board.

super is literally bad animated, worst story, worst new characters, just goku

Oh wow, it's Bizzaro Superm... Goku.

He's smart, not dumb
He's mean, not kind
He's pink, not blue
He's cold, not relaxed

The surprise is that he's Goku fused with Kid Buu from another timeline, and that's why his super saiyan is pink not blonde.

Thanks for the blog

>Blue Haired trunks was always manga canon anyways.
No he wasn't. Purple bulma sort of was, but trunks was always purple.

It's purely to milk it. They are being 100 shameless about it too.

>Fat Beerus
>Gold Frieza
>Purple Vegeta
>Pink Goku

Isn't it funny how every villain in Super save for Beerus has been an edit of a previously existing character?

Not to mention every new transformation a fucking recolor.

Could just be Kaioken.

Super sucks, news at 11.

who /dokkan/ here? New Quests just got announced for Global. F2P rejoice.

>Super Saiyan Rose
>could just be Kaioken

>Rejoice for trash mobage

When's Gamescom/TGS/Xenoversenews

Might mean more if there wasn't 20 years of past purple hair to go on, a younger purple haired Trunks already in the show (despite also being drawn with blue hair in promotional material), and if there wasn't flashbacks in the first two episodes of the arc with him having PURPLE HAIR (and also in BoG or RoF, whichever had the DBZ recap). It's inconsistent bullshit that serves to solves nothing, but negatively affect the product.

blue hair trunks looks much better anyway

>I miss GT

>Cell is so perfect he won't ever be back for them to ruin his image
Bravo Toriyama

what if a different imperfect cell shows up from a different timeline because he fucked up his calculations and showed up way too late to absorb the other androids, so he steals DNA from beerus when no one is looking


>Kill yourself

woah there. why so harsh? thats a mean thing to say and should never be done.

>18 is so perfect neither GT nor Super managed to ruin her

Best girl, fact.

Purple haired Trunks wouldn't act like the bitch blue haired Trunks does

He already has DNA from Frieza and Goku, he could go Golden Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan x2 with Namekian Red Eyes.
Throwing Beerus in would make him stronger than Madara Uchihara.

You know this picture just made me realize how hard Super is trying to cut corners. Both trunks and 18 had their hair downgraded.

They also lowered her fivehead down to a fourhead.


Fuck you her fivehead is cute.

Friendly reminder than Super is better in every way except animation than GT

And music, and art quality, and character design, and animation (bears repeating because of how bad it is) and not throwing out all character development...

I just re-read the manga every year or so.


>we retconned SS4 for this shit

goddamn it

Nice video game discussion you fucking faggot


You know what it is? The villains in Super just doesn't provoke Goku enough.

Was watching the older movies (yeah non-canon but still) and things like Cooler just blasting the shit out of Piccolo in front of Goku, Goku generally being pissed at Androids 13 14 and 15 for the way they harmed civilians. Goku was taking those fights seriously.

Just have a villain start harming civilians, that be an easy way for to get rid of the laid back, brainless Goku.

It's alright, Xenoverse semi-canonized it as a different timeline and XV2 won't cover anything in super.

Holy fuck.
I was like "The shading was way better in the old version" until the screaming, sweet Jesus tap-dancing Christ, it's like comparing a smiley face made by a psychiatric patient with his own feces with the Garden of Earthly Delights.

he was purple in the manga and blueish in the cover art and a rare colored bonus page.

>magic pants
>red fur
>retarded hari


GT had the worst characters ever created in an anmie.

>made trunks blue
>Kid trunks still purple
>Toriyama a good boy he dindu nuffin

>Just have a villain start harming civilians
black nearly brought humanity to extinction and killed trunk's mom and waifu, he's probably gonna pull some bullshit in goku's time and piss him off

>GT had the worst characters ever created in an anmie.
No, the Universe 6 arc easily beats it.

it was Toei that tried to resist the retcon.
Kid Trunks have been purple for 50 episodes now in comparison to Future Trunks.

Goku is retarded in Super and Chi Chi is worse than ever.
We will never have serious Goku like in the battle with Frieza. Toriyama is done.

Is Dragon Ball no longer popular in Japan?
Someone please explain to me how they can get away with Super's HORRENDOUS animation while the Pokémon anime gets like 10 times the budget.

And people actually prefer Super over GT.

Black did in months what But did in literally two minutes once he reached the lookout. The Android already did most of Blacks work anyway. He isn't intimidating and even goku acknowleded that

Only because Toriyama has his name slapped on it.

Japan's full of shit eaters just like Sup Forums.

One word: Toei

Toei, they don't give a shit since Dragon Ball is already popular. The same happens with the more popular One Piece.

Nothing beats pan or baby in terms of shitness

Everyone in toei animation should just kill themselves and nobody would miss them.

Looking at this shit makes it kind of hard to believe that the same studio made the original and Z, a lot can change in 30 years.

You're a moron if you think Baby was poorly designed or Baby Vegeta looks worse than SSJR.

>Everyone in toei animation should just kill themselves and nobody would miss them.
I would miss PreCure.

Baby Vegeta initial look wasn't bad.
Then there's whatever the fuck his last form before becoming great ape is suppose to be.

That's different they actually care about that show. Somewhat.

Why is this even on Sup Forums?
>inb4 "I hope this shit isn't going to taint future DB games"
Yeah i get you, but this entire thread, OP included, is about the new anime, it's bad animation, the old manga, the style the uthor gave to it and how it gets changed by whoever, literally nothing Sup Forums related...i don't get why making this on Sup Forums in the first place.

Nips have shit taste.
How to sell something in Japan: Make it Kawaii ;3

>implying precure isn't a shitty rehash of classic mahou shoujo such as princess tutu, CCS, Doreimi

Shouldn't you absolutely love initial Baby Vegeta since it's literally just a hair recolor? Or is white too nonhipster like pink?

Toei outsource everything to animator slaves in thailand

>I miss GT.
Opinion discarded. I watched GT when I was 12 and an absolute DB fanboy. It was such a disappointment, not even my 12 years old self could stand it.

>"Super Saiyan Rose"

How long has Toriyama just been collecting a paycheque for?

>Did I just hear some wrong opinions?

>I haven't read the manga: the post

Is it me or did pretty much all of the weird, whacky and unique city design sort of fade as the franchise dragged on? Capsule Corp and the rounded tubular design appear throughout the games and all as a common focal point but nowadays it feels a lot like the series is just "modern day earth but with random technology stuff strewn about" compared to the batshit mix of sci-fi, modern and straight-up fantasy the 90s had

Maybe it's just this selective example, sure. But 1993 was a weird sci-fi city; 2016 is just.. a destroyed city.

It's the way Toei (and to some extent the anime industry as a whole) does things.

To be fair Pokemon wasn't really budget heavy (not including the movies) until The Pokemon Company decided to make it a priority. If it wasn't for The Pokemon Company backing it there's no way the anime would look nearly as nice as it does now.

That's because GT, save for few good things, is actually even shittier. People who haven't actually seen it since their childhood like to hype the shit out of it and can't remember the shitty parts like all those fights full of repeated cut filler. Super is far from great, but I can with great confidence say that it isn't GT tier shitty.

question for the dbz experts:

during episode 54, vegeta reveals to trunks his ssjblue transformation. in the same scene, goku springs from his nap and makes a comment about what's taking place. following that, trunks makes note that he's unable to sense vegeta's ki, but that he can feel an overwhelming pressure.

is goku able to sense a ki that not even trunks was able to sense, directly in front of him, or was the energy pressure from vegeta strong enough that goku could feel it from miles away?

I'm still in the dark on how ssjb ki works.

>people will defend this

Daily reminder that all the transformations have been complete shit in super.
Nothing beats ssj4 yet.

Agreed, trunks during the ROSAT training and cell games was tougher than this, he seems to have devolved as a character

SSj4 was literally shit-tier below fanfiction tier.

Where the fuck did he get the pants from?

super was a mistake. they should have made it move based or an OVA. atleast it would have looked good.