ITT: the biggest disappointment of your life

ITT: the biggest disappointment of your life

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Any Bioware Game, including BG2.

we would be better off if it wasn't made



Bought this version. From then on I just assume every game is going to be a massive disappointment and some turn out pretty enjoyable, so that's nice.

The fact that it wasn't made.


>looks interesting
>friends buy it and constantly shill it to me
>borrow friends account
>buy it, never see him online
>get to max level and never touch it again

Not the worst, but I bought it at a time when I still thought an MMO could be as good or better than WoW.

The originals were literally the best thing I have ever played. This game spat on their legacy.


GTA5 is one of the best games I have ever played

Yeah I don't know how anyone could dislike it.


Why? It looked like a shitty 3rd person action game that constantly throws heavily scripted set pieces at you, lacing any real depth or challenge.

Not OP
It's a good game but I feel it's not a good GTA

Because it's a lazy cash grab compared to earlier games and nothing more than a watered down MMO?

My mother dying when I was seven.

Oh and NU Man Sky


The fact that this never came to fruition.

I-I waited so long Sup Forums.

Haven't followed a games development since.

but that was the best game in the series

That every E3 trailer. Dice could be making a new one about Han Solo after his film comes out anyway.


It annoys me how wrong this is. It's the culmination of everything that makes gt great.

Have you even played a single GTA game in your entire life?

>ITT: the biggest disappointment of your life

You mean my life?

>female name
>tits with bra on or gtfo

>Not original

maybe in bizzaro world.

I wish I could post NMS, but I expected it to be shit, so I don't think I'd call that a dissapointment.

I bought that too

>This garbage coming up after the greatness of VIII
>Chibis again after the realistic models of the previous game

Truly a step backwards for the franchise


Def the best ff dunno what you're thinking

This is bait.

I can get someone saying this for FO4 but you're just fucking retarded. V is more of a GTA game than IV. It focuses on the important things rather than good AI or technicalities, something that GTA isn't renown for and sucked at.

Please explain why you didn't like it. GTA 5 did what every other GTA did except better. There is no reason not to like it.

Why did they have to ruin the best third person shooter ever made? Why?

How'd she die, user?

I tempered my expectations and was still let down. No, I did not get the wrong game in the series's boxart.

>wanting a rehashed MP1
at least they took a risk with it

Yeah it could have been worse but now all hopes for future series' are dead.

This but with the previous one.

End me.

I prefer good video games to "deep stories"

was gonna call you retarded but

But that's what FFVIII was

Fuck off mp3 was great.Best gunplay a 3rd person shooter ever had

Sheps va is what killed this for me. He's so so so bad.

You've got bad taste nigga


Back when it was in alpha my friends talked about this cool new building game where you could build or do anything. They said it was the future of gaming. They didn't tell me one thing though...

you think that's bad?
C1 Swordie C2Peltasta C3Rodelero here
160 levels of pressing 2 keys and eating damage

You've obviously never played the originals.

Thats why you dont trust gary numan to make a game about spaceships all he knows is CARS

This game singlehandedly killed any hype I have ever had for new games.

Opinion seems really split on No Man's Sky right now. Loads are saying it's amazing while others say it sucks. What's the deal?


It hurt so bad that I had just forgotten somehow.

What's so bad about it? I loved it.


might have gotten too hyped after the BS reveal trailer and the fuckhuge EGM article that said they'd have a bunch of different things that didn't happen, like four types of warthogs and mongeese.


At least you could tell it was going to be shit right from the announcement so it wasn't really a surprise. Anyway here's mine, spent $100 on this watered down garbage

Omega level faggots.

What didn't they tell you?
Also, on topic: probably me failing to save my mom from dying this year.

Video game on topic: DNF, I guess. I knew it'd be terrible but all I wanted was Duke3D with a few new episodes and maybe better graphics, and I got that piece of shit.

Bioshock, maybe? Everyone hailed it as the second coming, and for someone who played system shock 2, it was literally nothing.

oh i forgot master of orion 3.

definitely that.

and starcraft 2, suprMEME commander 2, etc.

all those fucking aircraft that are exclusive to gtao with no way to get them in sp unless you mod rockstar why do you do this to me

GTA V was better than 4 not sure how you can be disappointed with it unless you are talking about GTA Online.

Pic related was a nail in the coffin

Fallout 4 would probably my dissapointment Really I thought a lot of people on Sup Forums liked it or so i thought

The only thing I didn't like about it was the whole 3 protagonist thing

That it was only blocks and it had the graphics of a Commodore 64.

I actually liked supreme commander 2

Your favorite game.

Shills still exist user. They will discredit you when you mention leaving the road on route to a destination fails the mission instantly.

Had a dream when the growth on my ass fell off and I could finally leave my house without being called Bumper Booty and when I woke up and it was still there I cried for hours... you fucking asked.

Me being a casual fag
Call of Duty Ghosts
At this point I fully gave up on the franchise.

I gave up after MW3.

TOR. They killed off everything people had put into SWG to make way for this.

Biggest video game disappointment? I would have to say Bungie is my biggest disappointment. I was hardcore into Halo, Marathon and Myth. They were my favorites. Bungie was my chosen one. They made hiccups, but their games kept coming out fantastic. I loved them up until Reach. Reach was fun IMO but I will forever think of it as a misstep. But I didn't care that much because they were just making a game to fulfill their contract with MS and then they could have their freedom to make whatever game they wanted.

Then Destiny was announced. It was everything I wanted. The team that was filled with my favorite people. Music by Marty O'Donnell. Story by Joe Staten. Led by Jason Jones. It was going to be perfect... I guess they signed a deal with Activision but what could go wrong, right?

Then a year to launch. Joe Staten leaves. HE LEAVES WITH A YEAR to go on this game they had been working on since the release of Halo 2. This amazing storyteller just leaves. Red flags go off. A few months go by. Marty is fucking fired. The heart and soul of the company are gone. Then a massive unrecognizable team using the Bungie logo put out Destiny.

I was still in denial when I was playing the beta. I was still in denial when I played regularly for two weeks. The game isn't shit or anything like that. Bungie just got rid of my favorite people. They are now basically an incredibly large generic AAA dev team. They add ridiculously overpriced DLC and microtransactions. They can't decide on a leveling system even now years after release.
The core game is actually okay. Shooting mechanics are best in industry. Marty's music is stellar (and the music post marty is good too). But the game is lifeless. NPCs are vending machines and nothing more. Bullet sponge enemies in a boring or nonexistent main story.

If you want to be depressed. Watch this video.

>you will never experience black ops 2 during its time because you were a TF2 playing hat obssesed PC hipster faggot

this shouldn't hurt as much as it does

I played Black Ops II semi regularly and I wasn't impressed. But I have basically been unimpressed by Call of Duty post World at War.


>rather than good AI or technicalities

except GTA V has the best AI and "technicalities" of any game I've ever played. the animations look more fluid than IV and the driving is much improved too

GTA V is just the best fucking game of the last 5 years (or more) and it's embarrassing no one's been able to surpass it

GTA V is pure cancer.
>shit missions and characters
>Online-exclusive outfits, cars, etc.
>said Online shit is expensive as hell

>Jewstar literally made it so most of the Lowriders and all of the stunt vehicles can't be spawned in singleplayer


Thats a male name

I'm old enough to remember how disappointing Baldur's Gate 2 was.

Yes, it was huge. And that was impressive. But it was really like Oblivion. It was a big step down in terms of a lot of things that mattered, and chock full of very boring quests that mostly consisted of going to places very samey fights. The volume of content and a solid series of dungeons impressed people at the time, but even PC Gamer's glowing review dinged it a few points for the proliferation of what were then called 'Fedex' quests, and a lot of the quest content was much more primitively designed than other RPGs of the era, like Fallout 2.

Ever since then it's been a couple badly designed games that failed to bridge the gap between a turn-based system and RTwP gameplay, a handful of mediocre hyper-linear cover shooters, and lots of harem anime crap.

I'm like thirty so I know better than you kids.

I will forever be mad at myself for buying this rock-paper-scissors bullshit

Thanks dad


This one was the one that made me cynical, haven't followed a games release closely since.

Joe Staten had been working on the Story for 7 years for Destiny and then the lead team said it was shit and confusing when they were showed the Super Cut of Destiny.

The game looked good...,

and that's about it.

Mass Effect 3 or MGS5. Both had shitty endings. A game could be the greatest thing ever, but if it has a shitty ending it ruins the entire experience for me.

No worries, kiddo. You think you could come up from that basement sometime and help me set up my Dual Shock 3 on my PC?

I mean, Phantom Pain? More like huge pain to play with a keyboard and mouse!

>get a sequel to my all-time favorite RPG
>disavows all that horrible Xtreme shit
>releases on fucking VALENTINE'S DAY of senior year
>can't think of anything else for several months
And then it all fell to shit on disc 2. I've been cynical for over a decade because of it.

both borderlands games

Isn't it shitty? I wanted to go into more detail but I ran out of characters. Rereading it I realize I sounded like I was angry at him.


If I had to pic something else from the past the Sega Saturn