Been on a Metroid binge since AM2R released...

Been on a Metroid binge since AM2R released, now I'm playing through Metroid PRime for the first time and I was a little skeptic due to all the FPS thing.
What a great fucking game. I'm only in Magmoor Caverns right now but I have literal cheels when I stop playing, it's been a while since a game made me feel this way.

Metroid thread

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Are you playing on Dolphin? Make sure you have the widescreen HUD mod and AR code that disables culling.

The first Metroid Prime is the only 3d Metroid to correctly capture the atmosphere and sense of exploration of the series. Prime 2 and Hunters are okay but not quite Metroid. Prime 3 is a joke.

yes but I'm playing the Trilogy so it's already 16:9. Also looks absolutely beatiful in 1080p, a shame for the particle effects removed.

It's a pretty great trilogy, man.
I go back and forth on whether I like Prime 1 or 2 more. 1 has the best atmosphere, 2 has better bosses.
Got the HD trilogy sitting here so I should probably replay it sometime.

>Try the Control Freak patch for Super Metroid
>Buttons reconfigured so that it plays more like the GBA games
>But the jumping physics is still floaty as fuck
Dammit. Is there a hack that comes close to implementing the ZM/Fusion jumping physics?

Just beat AM2R. Regular missle run. Tester can go fuck itself, and the Queen was a lot more aggressive than I expected.

Still trying to figure out what I missed out on. One tank is still out there.

There is a missile tank in the hydro pipe area that doesn't get marked on your map for some reason. That was the one that I had to look up.

Redesign. ish.

can you apply the CF patch to already edited romhacks like Super Zeromission?

I've seen comments that not all games on the Trilogy loads on Dolphin

Just make a copy of your Super Zeromission file and apply the patch to it. Could do it in a minute right now.

Older versions of Dolphin the rule of thumb was "MPTrilogy runs like dogshit." Dolphin just went 5.0 and it has come with a TON of improvements. Most people report positively about MPTrilogy now.

so basically: patch vanilla SM with SZM => patch SZM with the CF patch? It's not the process itself the problem, it's that usually roms don't play along with being patched twice (tfw can't play Fire Emblem 4 Binary hack with the fantranslation)

I have a dev build of 4.0 and Prime 1 runs great with a stock 4690k. Some stuttering issues but that's due to a shader problem Xenoblade also has (check the dolphin wiki for more) that fixes by itself with time.

I liked Prime's 3 focus on action considering they had the Wiimote to work with, being able to freely aim wherever on my screen an turn wherever I wanted as fast as I wanted felt great. I agree the beam system, exploration and environments weren't really up to par aside from that one place in the sky, even though I did find it kinda neat that you got to go to other planets.

Too bad that, having played Fusion prior to it, I really didn't care for the Federation and its troopers at all, knowing they were all huge cunts.

>implying hunters has any redeemable qualities
you're a joke.

>going through all the metroid games because of AM2R
>haven't played the Prime games in years
>try to emulate them
>mfw the controls

I don't know how i made it through this on the gamecube, but these controls make me want to kill myself. I tried to play with keyboard and mouse on dolphin but it just isn't doing it for me.

I have a hacked wii so i guess i could play the trilogy there but the wii is on a fucking box somewhere collecting dust.

I just need more Metroid man.

I don't think Metroid 1 is good


Prime is still my favourite game of all time. The atmosphere is just so fucking good.

Lets start this shit.

It really doesn't hold up at all, and its not because it lacks a map, as Metroid 2 also lacks one but I find it holds up great.

Metroid 1 and 2 have aged like milk.

Super Metroid's controls also don't really hold up when compared to the GBA games and AM2R.

Thankfully, we now have Zero Mission and AM2R so you don't have to go through the originals.

Is there any hack for Super, ZM and Fusion that remove the pop-ups when you collect a power up?
Really break the pace.

Metroid prime 2 is my favorite one. I was by far the most attached to its story, setting and characters. And holy moly is that Light Suit the best thing ever

Five more days until Federation Force.

...I was kind of hoping that whole Yellowstone thing would pull through today, to be honest.

>Super Metroid's controls also don't really hold up when compared to the GBA games and AM2R.
Use the Control Freak patch.

I've also been playing Metroid.
Currently playing Prime 2 and making my way to the Undertemple to get what I assume to be the powerbombs.

I just played through Prime a month ago and I'm halfway through Prime 2 now.

Can you explain this a bit more? I think I enjoyed exploring more in Prime 1 but I can't quite put my finger on why.

Also, Prime 2 has so many reused enemies that it's a little annoying. I've never given a shit about that in 2d metroid games. Maybe it's just more evident in 3d? Thoughts?

The multiplayer is GOAT, that's enough of a redeemer

MP1 is amazing user, good choice. MP2 was a bit rougher, and MP3 was good in its own way but didn't feel like quite the same type of game as MP1. I'd still say give them a shot, and also try Fusion or ZM if you haven't yet.

Prime 2 relies on too many plot triggers when it comes to making progress in an area.

If you could put up with Metroid 2 then I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to play Metroid 1. It's a harder game, but not by much.

Does Dolphin support mouse input for wiimote?

I would kill to have a Metroid Prime with all the cut content it had added in
All I can do now is wonder what could have been


yes, that's how I'm playing it. Choose emulated wiimote as a controller.

Device = DInput/0/Keyboard Mouse
Buttons/A = Click 0
Buttons/B = SPACE
Buttons/1 = 1
Buttons/2 = 2
Buttons/- = Q
Buttons/+ = E
Buttons/Home = RETURN
IR/Width = 70.000000
IR/Height = 70.000000
IR/Up = Cursor Y-
IR/Down = Cursor Y+
IR/Left = Cursor X-
IR/Right = Cursor X+
Shake/X = Click 2
Shake/Z = LSHIFT
Extension = Nunchuk
Nunchuk/Buttons/Threshold = 10.000000
Nunchuk/Buttons/C = LCONTROL
Nunchuk/Buttons/Z = Click 1
Nunchuk/Stick/Up = W
Nunchuk/Stick/Down = S
Nunchuk/Stick/Left = A
Nunchuk/Stick/Right = D
D-Pad/Up = UP
D-Pad/Down = TAB
D-Pad/Left = LEFT
D-Pad/Right = RIGHT

I've been on a Metroid binge myself, played through Metroid Prime 1 and 2 like 2-3 weeks ago, played through super last week, just finished zero mission a few minutes ago. I think I'm gonna hit fusion next then take a break from Metroid for a bit, might hit up AM2R later. The prime series was a lot of fun, both have amazing atmosphere and great design. I'd play MP3, but I play emulated and I don't have a wiimote.

Yeah, I think I liked Prime 2 just a little bit more than Prime 1, I feel the 1st had a little bit better atmosphere, especially phenadra, but 2 was a bit superior in other regards, I liked the actual level design a little more in 2.

I actually really like Metroid II. I only completed recently in preparation for AM2R. The minimalist soundscape really contributes to how isolated it all feels. The last area in the game, when the counter goes up to 9 all of a sudden, the eerie fucking music. Metroid II has a great last act, and the entirety of it has a great feeling of isolation.


the what now

I really didn't like the light/dark world thing in Prime 2

I played all the 2D Metroids and still have to play the Prime trilogy.
I'm building my PC and can't wait to emulate it next week.

I actually went on a PS2 binge after playing AM2R. It reminded me of all the games I enjoyed as a kid.

Which emulates better: GC Prime or Prime Trilogy?

It was okay, but it took way too long to get nullification for the dark world air.

There was an /x/ thing where the Georgia Guidestones were predicting a mass extinction event that was supposedly going to happen today.

Been kind of a light meme.

Oh, and people latched on that it was going to be Yellowstone that blew up.

>Metroid 1 and 2 have aged like milk.
Nah, they're pretty great. Especially Metroid II.

Because the controls, while awkward, is designed to make 100% sense on gamecube.

I didn't know you could emulate the trilogy pack on dolphin. I'll probably do that some time.

My only concern is, a lot of the time, when you play an old/controller based game with newer controls, sometimes it gets too easy, because enemies are intentionally a bit slower and easier to hit in the game.

Does anyone know if this is the case with the prime games? Does it get 2 ez if you're using mouse and keyboard?

People always assume it's Yellowstone that's going to blow up.

So you can play Metroid Prime on PC is there any good mods for it?

Stick with it, I found it awkward at first, but I got used to it and in no time it wasn't an issue.

>I think I enjoyed exploring more in Prime 1 but I can't quite put my finger on why.
You don't revisit the same areas but dark. There's also a wider style of levels.

>space ship
>desert ruins
>snow mountains and ruins
>underwater space ship
>sinister space fortress
>mines full of radioactive blue cancer
>caves full of radioactive red cancer

>semi ruins-semi desert
>forest and underwater
>futuristic city
>same things but dark