Gaming Headsets Thread

Sup Sup Forums, I'm thinking about picking up a new gaming headset. Do you know of any great gaming headsets? Got any recommendations on a pair you've owned yourself?

I currently own a Siberia V2, which has served me great, I really like it but I feel like the sound can become more crisp with a different slightly more expensive league headset

That being said I'm not looking for any ludicrously expensive headsets tho

also, no Razer garbage please

>Gaming Headsets

When will this meme stop?

well regular headsets or whatever, what do you even mean?

he means try and spend your money in better ways

Read the first post, i doesn't have to be le epik gaymur MLG razer with built in 360 no scope helper, I'm just looking for a good headset for gaming

>good headset

No such thing.
Seperate headphones + mic or don't bother.

oh come on now

Plantronics are great if you have fat ears

not even him, but he's right

Youve only got 1 option if you want high quality sound

just buy proper headphones and have your headset around your neck for the mic or buy an external mic.

I have the g430.
Picked up for around £25 on sale.
Silly long cord
I can have it plugged in, in my living and walk into the kitchen (to the fridge) without taking it off.
On the negative that silly long cord loves getting itself tied around my chair.

Decent sound, decent mic. A good buy at the price I got it.

>Gaming Headsets

>Shitty gaming headsets with phony surround
Just stop, buy some beyers, sennheisers or akgs and an external mic.
Buying shitty gaming headphones should be considered a crime in this day and age, being technologically impaired is not an excuse anymore.

sorry but you're late, move on now

Normally I recommend the Logitech G230, but since sound quality is your top priority get a good pair of headphones and slap a $40 modmike on that shit.

Alright, I'll be looking for headphones seperate with a microphone, it certainly seems the best way according to this place kek



You might think they are fucking with you.. but its true the only reason why headsets are so expensive is because of the ''gamer'' tag on it the mic in it is cheaper than a 3 dollar mic and the sound is meh unless you buy a 400 dollar headset and then the mic will still be shit.

>this meme

Nah I dont doubt it actually, it does make sense why a seperate headphone would have better sound

I have the HyperX Cloud headset and its done what I need it to do. I understand why headphones and a separate microphone would be better tho.