Let's try this again, now with less retarded changes thanks to friendly suggestions

Let's try this again, now with less retarded changes thanks to friendly suggestions.

>175 health, 25 armor
>jump jet cooldown is now 8 seconds

>fully charged arrow takes 1 whole second to draw

>hook cooldown is now 5 seconds
>hook no longer stuns enemy after pulled, so you can't one shot people anymore
>self heal cooldown is now 10 seconds, recharges his ult 10% less

>freezing beam no longer freezes enemies to a complete stop so she can't get guaranteed easy headshot kills, but it still slows them down and does the same damage

>can now duel wield her pistol and staff
>right click heals allies
>E switches between damage boost and heals similar to how Lucio's songs work
>Guardian Angel can now fly her forward 20 meters if no ally is around, but the cooldown is 5 seconds if used to fly freely, cooldown is still 2 seconds if she flies to an ally
>Resurrect now has a 2 second cast time, can be shut down

>harmony orb now heals 40 health per second
>discord orbs now makes the enemy take 40% damage instead of 50%
>Transcendence now heals 200 per second to himself and everyone in the 10 meter radius but Zenyatta can take damage during and it now lasts 5 seconds

Continued thoughts.

Not bad, i've seen a lot worse but some are almost pointless changes like with Pharah, you nerfed Mei... you know she's being buffed, right? Roadhog should not be changed, he's well balanced. Hanzo needs a hell of a lot more than that to be viable. I do like the mercy idea though.

Mei's ice block can now move while she's inside it. She simply pops her legs out and starts running around in it like the Flintstones

Solid changes in general.

Give Mercy a gun and all the scrubs would stop bothering to heal at all. Nerfing Zen would be the best way to balance her

These changes are fucking retarded

>my ideas are the best guys seriously

I am SO happy you are not in charge of balance patches and never will be.

shut the fuck up user.

Now show us the less retarded changes

>needing any nerfs
also in general those are retarded as fuck changes
How about this?
>Discord Orb now makes the target take 30% more damage and it moves slower
there, Zeny fixed

Set her shields and jets to use the same power source but remove the cooldown from her jets. Mobility or shield rather than both.

Then there's literally no reason to fucking use her you monkey

Oh man that shit made me snort way too hard

I have a dumb question, but is there any difference between armor and health? Does armor decrease damage taken? Because it seems to me that it's just extra health.

Terrible changes. This suggests to me that you're terrible at the game too.

Actually needed changes:

>Ult is now 1 second shorter
>Charge time increased by 15%

>Ult radius increased by 30%
>Icicle projectile speed increased by 25%

>No longer becomes invisible while recalling
>She visably rewinds to her previous location
>Can heal by rewinding, but is vulnerable to damage while doing so

If I remember rightly is reduces damage by 25%

Is there anywhere on the internet I can go to where I can talk only about Overwatch with actual smart people?
Most of Sup Forums can't comprehend why OW is so good and are always trying to change it. IT'S PERFECT AS IT IS YOU SHITLORDS.
Blizzard will NEVER change ANYTHING because they have even said before that the game IS PERFECT.

Tracer is really well balanced right now

Whenever armor takes damage, it reduces the damage by half, but not by more than 5 damage per individual hit. This makes weapons that deal more than 10 damage per hit more effective at damaging armor, because more gets through with each attack. Critical hits double damage before any armor reduction.

Thank you, senpai.

IIRC Bastion does 50% less damage to Armor
Of course that doesn't matter that much since no armored characters really counter him.