Which one, Sup Forums?

Which one, Sup Forums?

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all of them, desu

purple tbqh

This one

who cares, you bought them all anyways

Blue is cute

Bottom left or top left. Bottom left would show more gunk, so I'd go with the top left, desu.

Orange for sure. I'd like the purple one a lot more if it didn't have fucking pink triggers/Dpad.

Bottom left

bottom left and bottom middle are objectively the best

i pick the nepgear controller

I like that pink one.


How much do these cost?

They're fake
But if they weren't I would assume 60-100

They're not fake. I remember seeing them announced at E3

bottom left easy

>£50 in bongland
t-thanks ms I didn't want t-to buy one anyone

Those all look bad. I'd get the white one but that d-pad is gross.

pink, please stick your cock up my ass

Foxtrot Sierra

Top right is best controler.

That's because those that did got their shit deleted by janis

I want to FUCK button left

there's something about these controllers...

There's a website where you make them and order it. IIRC, it was like $60, but some parts would cost extra. It's official, too.

I like the Haunter one.
I'd pick the Jigglypuff one if I had a second choice.

Its just a prank Bro.

Purple would be pretty cool if it had grey instead of pink, for the GBA vibes.

Good taste

>Black buttons on the bottom right


also, bottom left is best.

>quote from a deleted post

There you go again, you triplenigger. Good job. I bet you feel real proud of yourself, staying up at night to waste your fucking life deleting posts about barneyfaggotry on a random ass thread on Sup Forums

Yellow is best

>being a Barneyfag

>he doesn't main the doctor


Your controller is a slut, bro.

I like it

Uhh you guys know this is ponyshit, right?

Where's Barneygod?


>tracer avatarfag hasn't realized that barneyfag posts his own things to complain about
>complains about the mods deleting shitposting

oh to be new again

fuck off you goddamned retard, you fucking idiot

Say goodbye to your post.

Thanks spi-eerrr...

doc. Thanks doc.

I'm trying to post, but quite a lot of posts that point out what is are getting deleted by janis.


>that last tab
You're a hero user.

Hi Dashie.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

>I don't understand sarcasm
>Inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded

Sometimes I wish you guys would come back and replace Sup Forums.

The sheer rage it creates is palpable.