Happy birthday Metroid and Metroid fans!
Happy birthday Metroid and Metroid fans!
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what's this PS1 game?
Woah, Samus appearing in a new Metroid game? Holy. F*ck.
>tfw you enjoy low poly
I think it looks like a comfy game
>comfy game
a literally meaningless designation that's usually an excuse for shit taste
There's that word again
Federation Force looks like it's gonna be fun as fuck. Fuck you autists we're allowed to have sideline games for every other series but suddenly it's an issue for metroid?
>fun is just a buzzword
I can't wait until this piece of shit game comes out so it can be forgotten just like MN9.
Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves for developing this sad excuse of a Metroidlike game.
If you want to do new IPs, don't make your forgotten about IPs that YOU, AS A COMPANY, KEEP FORGETTING ABOUT be the crutch for your shitty excuse of a game.
I think it looks fine for a spin-off myself
"I can't wait until this piece of shit game comes out so it can be forgotten just like MN9
Nintendo should just be ashamed of themselves for developing this sad excuse of a Mariolike game.
If you want to do new IPs, don't make your mainstream IPs that YOU, AS A COMPANY, KEEP PUTTING OUT be the crutch for your shitty excused of a game."
See how retarded you sound?
When there hasn't been a good mainline game in a decade, yeah, a sideline game feels like an issue.
Are you retarded?
Not really, it's just you being a whiny cunt "WANT WANT WANT IT'S ALL ABOUT ME" I barely play or enjoy the main metroid games but I fucking loved hunters, pinball, and I'll probably love this game too.
Do you really want current-gen nintendo making another metroid? They're running around like a chicken with its head cut off. It's likely best to wait for the NX and Nintendo to figure out what the fuck kind of company they want to be.
Not who you're responding to, but I do think it is going to be forgotten a week after it comes out.
There is no hype behind it at all
Nothing wrong with a side games, plenty of good ones out there. But it is like Nintendo goes out of it's way to not give what people ask for.
Are you?
That's not low-poly, that's aliasing.
>If you want to do new IPs, don't make your mainstream IPs that YOU, AS A COMPANY, KEEP PUTTING OUT be the crutch for your shitty excused of a game."
Yes? Brand naming is a terrible practice.
Low poly can work. Low res can't.
>fucking loved hunters, pinball, and I'll probably love this game too
Here's the (You) you so desperately crave
That's because metroid is a small fanbase and it's full of giant babies so oof crouse there is no hype. That's fine with me because it's still being released and I'll still enjoy it.
>I eat dogshit and yall should come join me
spin that hamster wheel
Except it isn't his opinion alone, there's a massive dislike for this game. And if you don't even like the main games, your taste is just shit and not worth discussing
>I love eating shit
Well, enjoy retardo.
Dude I'm just sitting at work browsing the web
>he doesn't like what I like wahhhh
Fuck off Cody.
But why not something like another Prime game? They appeal to a wider audience while still being good Metroid games. A win win.
Fun no.
Comfy yes.
Thats because the entire metroid fanbase goes reeeeee anytime something non mainline game happens because they only care about the main game. IT doesn't make this game shitty and they can't even comprehend it because they are so autistic.
>Make a Metroid game nobody wants
>Surprised when people care more about what they want than just the idea of a shitty side-game existing
Is this hard for you to figure out?
I think if they announced "NEW METROID PROJECT" and Metroid Prime Federation Force at the same time (even just a teaser) people would be a lot less pissed.
No games is better than your series being run into the ground by shit games.
Well, comparing GX and Other M, I'd say that yes, there is a problem.
Is that the ship design from prime 3? Why is that in this one?
Maybe there's one still being developed? They specifically said they wanted to expand the metroid universe beyond Samus and get into other stuff and tell more stories I don't see why that's such a fucking issue to people.
Is false flagging the new hip thing to do?
>getting this mad about spin offs
Whats wrong with Nintendrones
But people do want it you guys just tell them they have shit taste anytime they bring it up. The game looks comfy fun and cool. It's just not your style game and that's cool but that doesn't make it a bad game.
The game doesn't even look shitty though it looks fun.
I'd rather Metroid be dead than be the subject of your shitty bait-tier opinions, hopefully it will be after this game fails
It's what all the cool kids are doing bro. Join us. You don't want to be a LOSER, do you?
Metroid is like Megaman Legends: it has a very, very vocal fanbase but in reality almost no one gives a shit about the series.
A new mainline Metroid game would sell like shit. Nintendo is right; ignoring that series and focusing on the ones that actually sell is the best course of action.
>100% the game for a Metroid Dread teaser trailer
>But people do want it
Because Other M was a bad enough note to go out on to make it so people don't have a lot of faith in side games.
Think of it like this.
>Good game comes out
>"We want to expand on everything about the game's setting with new stories"
>Fantastic, I have faith in these people because they made a solid game and they should have an idea of what they are doing
>Bad game comes out
>"We want to expand on the setting!"
>I'm not too sure about this, the last time you handled a mainline entry in the series it didn't work out so well so I'm not sure I like the direction you're taking things
All they had to do was have Other M not upset people and the reception for side games would improve tenfold.
Right now people don't know what's going on with Metroid and they're worried that lackluster entries will end up making things worse.
>But people do want it
At least neither series is Star Fox.
It's not "nintendrones" it's literally just autistic metroid fans.
Same reason she had the Prime ship in hunters and the Metroid 2 ship in Super (and Other M and Fusion's intro).
Yeah if all the people who cared about Nintendo would buy this game it would probably be successful. But Metroid is a niche series with a small subset of buying fans that they pissed off so this game will be an abject failure.
>People shouldn't be upset at half assed fanservice after everyone rightfully bashed this game for being awful
>People shouldn't be upset that Nintendo is a company that will see the poor sales and reception of this game and then decide "Oh, no one likes Metroid anymore I guess."
Being a spinoff doesn't matter, we know it's one.
Sup Forums is the only place where I'll see people be contrarian for shit games just for the sake of argument. It's bad guys, there doesn't need to be a discussion every single time, we can agree when something is shit.
I bet it won't be a failure because I bet kids will pick it up. Also I bet people who aren't metroid fans will.
So this game is some sort of shitty continuation of the prime trilogy?
>people STILL don't understand what the guy who made that post meant
He didn't mean that a game shouldn't be fun retards, he meant that if someone asks why a game is good, and you just say "it's fun", that's a meaningless answer. It IS a buzzword in that context.
You're not explaining why a game is good, you're just reiterating that it is. Obviously it's good because it's fun, to be fun is the point of a video game. But WHY is it fun?
What kind of logic is this? Buy this bad game because we care about Nintendo? I don't do that, I buy good games that I want to enjoy. Unfortunately Nintendo doesn't really know how to make good games anymore.
No one will buy this game, it's not particularly appealing to anyone.
Why the fuck would kids pick up a Metroid game when Metroid already sells poorly even in its targer demographic. Try harder you fucking memer.
>browsing Sup Forums at work?
So only idiots who don't know any better would buy this game?
Is there supposed to be a problem with that webm? That sequence is fine.
There is nothing wrong with Samus assisting the marines and helping/saving them by taking down a huge monster.
Because it's not a shity metroid game it just has it in the title.
I'm also browing Reddit, /o/, Sup Forums and playing WoW fite me
>Story Trailer
>no story shown
>just random fights and cutscenes in an incoherent order with no context
It baffles me that they even released that trailer.
Hey nigga I like funposting at work sometimes too but you're making really obvious baitposts now
How long has Halo been on PS1?
Not one bit. They just put the Prime name there because "lol it's first person" and "we want people to think this game is better than the piece of shit it is because of how much success the Prime trilogy had".
It's supposedly going to take place at some point during the Prime trilogy, but I doubt it has anything to add to its story.
>I fucking loved hunters, pinball
So did just about everyone else. Having two good spinoffs in a period of good games being steadily released doesn't excuse Nintendo from releasing a shitty looking spinoff in a period of no game releases.
People who want to have fun and haven't lost the joy of life yet will pick up game IE: not metroid fans.
Poor Samus
There's no thought process put in to it. All the cameo even accomplishes is showing how incompetent the rest of the people in FF are, because Samus can swoop in and kill the enemies they're working so hard on without even leaving her ship. It was only put in because people bitched about this not being a proper Metroid game, so the devs were like "OH HERE'S SAMUS, GUYS!"
At least F-Zero died when it reached its absolute peak, Metroid and Star Fox can't say the same.
So not Nintendo fans then. Got it.
>not browsing Sup Forums at work
Shiggy diggy
Hold the fuck up.
If you're trying to say that any Metroid game that's actually considered good isn't fun, you need to get off this rock right now.
Nintentoddlers are some of the most miserable, bitter fucks in existence so I have no idea what you're on about. You sound like a moron.
Comfy is just a meaningless term. It doesn't mean anything and people use it to justify a game when they can't defend it otherwise. So often you'll see a post like "Well it may not have been the best game.... but it was comfy". Yeah, so?
Fun is similar. "But it's fun". That's not an argument. Video games are not just fun, and you can't defend a game by saying it's fun. Claiming a game is fun is a symptom of someone who can't think for themselves. If you truly think a game is fun, you don't claim it's fun but why it's fun. "But it's fun". If it's so fun why can't you defend it? People who just claim games are fun are wrong or incapable of valid criticism and thought. It's like trying to defend a bad cake by saying it's tasty but you can't come up with a reason why it's tasty. A good cake is not tasty, but many other things. Taste and fun are just symptoms and need to be weened out of your vocabulary except as a conclusion based on valid reasoning and criticism.
Sup Forums's contrarianism and hardcore fanboyism is hilarious. I can't believe there are people actually trying to say this game looks good and the ONLY reason people are complaining about it is because they're "an autistic Nintendrone"
It's a victim of bad timing. No mainline games in 9 years AND Nintendo happened to shut down Am2r. Prime Ppinball and Hunters were okay because the series was at its peak then.
Can you just get to the point where you admit that you were just pretending to be retarded instead of dragging it out?
In comparison to Samus they pretty much are though.
>fighting buzzwords with buzzwords
Comfy is a diminutive form of Comfortable.
Ii definitely carries meaning.
Think of it as a form of nostalgia.
If this triggers you, consider seeking professional help.
>It was only put in because people bitched about this not being a proper Metroid game, so the devs were like "OH HERE'S SAMUS, GUYS!"
Samus was confirmed to be in Federation Force before that massive backlash. The very first Federation Force interview right before E3, coyly mentions that Samus was in the game.
Then why does the game even exist? What is the point of having these people do anything when Samus can accomplish what takes them days in a half hour?
Sure, I'm sure everyone thought they're much weaker than Samus is but there isn't any reason to actually show it. To actually show everyone that this game has no actual meaning.
really makes you think....
What is there to be nostalgic about with regards to a sidegame that no one likes and has functionally nothing to do with anything
That's not Samus, that's her ship from Prime 3 which can be remotely controlled.
She's probably sipping a margarita on some beach and heard a monster was somewhere, pressed one button for her ship to go fuck off, and resumed relaxing.
>be Tanabe
>get two bucks to make a new Metroid
>out of respect, decide to make a handheld spin off
>fans hate it
>fans blame me
>Nintendo makes me apologize
>game bombs
The galactic federation are actually smart sending in more than one person, and they actually have a personality.
They're way better protagonists than Samus ever was.
How much console fanboyism does one person need to have to make a post like this?
Am2r is out though, decent and poetic ending to the series.
wow bait-kun stop you're reking everyone so hard
Is the Metroid fanbase the most cancerous fanbase on Sup Forums?
>They specifically said
So, it's absolutely nothing?
>that gunship
>this guy will NEVER get a reply because hes right
>don't complain your food is shit
>some kids in africa literally can't afford to eat shit
not an argument
Not when Souls, Sonic and Smash fanbases exist
it's the only place i have time to browse Sup Forums
after all, i spend my time at home playing vidya